Necromancers Guide to Magic

Chapter 329: Inferi 329 Department of Prohibition of Misuse of Muggle Items


The Ministry of Magic is off work, but there are always people in this world who work overtime, even if they don't get a single overtime pay.

Because someone sent a complaint letter to the Department for the Prohibition of Misuse of Muggle Items. It stated that vehicles in a certain area had been magically modified. Muggles could not detect these modifications, and their vehicles would suddenly disappear at any time. Without control, Muggles have been harmed. I hope the Ministry of Magic will undo these modifications as soon as possible.

The complaint letter also included several Muggle injury reports, as well as inspection reports of the vehicles involved in the accident.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the subject of this complaint letter is to accuse these vehicles of being illegally modified by wizards. However, in Arthur Weasley's view, this is a detailed design of magical modifications of vehicles. Several vehicles that were involved in the accident, We can see signs of partial transformation. It is obvious that the wizard is conducting various transformation experiments. Those vehicles that have had accidents can only be regarded as test items in the transformation process, and those vehicles that have not yet had accidents, the transformation technology used on them is this. The wealth behind a complaint letter.

Arthur Weasley was going to visit the complained area after get off work. It was his job to come into contact with those magical Muggle items, and in the process of undoing those magical transformations, Arthur Weasley was able to Learned lots of useful remodeling tips.

Arthur Weasley even wanted to find this wizard. Instead of asking the Auror Department to arrest him, he would find this person himself and discuss with him the technical issues of modifying Muggle vehicles. I believe that people with common interests can , there will be many topics to talk about.

Arthur Weasley came to a very messy community, which can be described as a slum. If he had not used the 'Muggle Expulsion' spell on himself, Arthur Weasley would have bumped into several gangs of gangsters. .

When they arrived at their destination, the surrounding environment was very dirty, and the parked vehicles were also very dilapidated. After Arthur Weasley checked, he found that all the vehicles here had been modified. It is no wonder that these vehicles were modified for experiments. , because if something really happened to these vehicles, no one would suspect it unless they were seen by other wizards.

Just when Arthur Weasley was checking the vehicle, he didn't notice at all that the surroundings became quiet and a protective shield enveloped the parking lot.

"Hey! Old man, what are you doing? Are you planning to steal our car?"

Several Death Eaters suddenly appeared like gangsters and surrounded Arthur Weasley.

Arthur Weasley was stunned by them and didn't react at all. He had already cast the 'Muggle Expelling' spell. No Muggle should be able to see him. Even if he was about to hit him, he would be Avoided for various reasons.

The Ministry of Magic even recorded that a certain wizard cast a 'Muggle Expelling' spell on himself and then wandered around on the road. As a result, vehicles and pedestrians on the entire road had abnormal accidents, but the wizard was unscathed. slipped away.

Arthur Weasley was confused. He didn't realize why this was happening. He was surrounded by a group of hooligans. He was going to secretly use his wand to cast a 'Muggle Expelling' spell on himself.

"Hey! What is this? Is this your weapon? Do you want to poke me with this stick? Or are you going to use the wand to cast a spell?"

A Death Eater who had been assigned the task just grabbed the wand when Arthur Weasley took it out.

"You are not Muggles! You are wizards! Who are you?"

Arthur Weasley finally understood that the people surrounding him were not Muggles, and he had indeed used the 'Muggle Expelling' spell before. What were the wizards doing surrounding him

"Oh! The Director of the Department for the Prohibition of Misuse of Muggle Items doesn't know us. Should we let him have a longer memory?"

"I'm coming! I'm coming first! I will let Mr. Secretary remember this moment until his death."

One of the Death Eaters snatched Arthur's wand from his companion's hand, then held both ends with both hands, pretending to have a sacred and serious expression.

"Arthur Weasley, since you, as the Director of the Department for the Prohibition of the Misuse of Muggle Articles at the Ministry of Magic, have abused the power given to you by the Ministry of Magic and wantonly modified your Muggle car, the Wizengamot Court is here to Verdict: Arthur Weasley will live in Azkaban for the rest of his life and have your wand broken in court."

As the Death Eater finished speaking, Arthur Weasley's wand was broken with force, and then pulled to both sides, and the core inside fell out.

This is indeed something that a wizard will never forget. A broken wand is a very serious punishment in the wizarding world.

This Death Eater was obviously very worried about what happened back then, so when he was sure that he could kill Arthur Weasley, he made such a crazy move just to let the other party experience such a scene, even if he Arthur Weasley had nothing to do with his imprisonment, he just wanted others to suffer as well.

"You are Death Eaters who escaped from prison, right! What is your purpose?"

Arthur Weasley had never felt that death was so close to him, and he wanted to die clearly.

These Death Eaters still imprisoned Arthur Weasley's body, but the person in front of them made room. A platinum-haired wizard stood there, Lucius Malfoy. He was always beside him, but It's just blocked.

"It's you! Lucius, you are still the Dark Lord's lackey, and you will eventually pay the price for your actions."

Arthur Weasley was very unwilling. If he had known it was this guy, he should have confiscated his house before.

"I know you are very reluctant, but Arthur, you have to know that the Dark Lord is resurrected and no one can resist him."

Lucius Malfoy took a few steps closer and told Arthur Weasley the facts.

"Impossible! That Harry Potter child will not become the Dark Lord. You must have other motives."

Arthur Weasley was immediately frightened by his own thoughts, but no matter how much he denied it, he could not change the reality.

"Actually, you have already approved the resurrection of the Dark Lord, but you just don't want to admit it. So be it! I will give you another reason, which will make your death easier. After you die, I will get your position. You know I've always wanted to serve in the Ministry of Magic, it suits my status, doesn't it?"

Lucius Malfoy smiled at Arthur, as if he was embarrassed to take the other man's position.

"So that's it! So that's it..."

Arthur Weasley was shocked. Whether it was the Dark Lord's resurrection or Lucius's attempt, he would not survive tonight.

"Everyone, you can start, have some fun."

Lucius Malfoy pushed back. This was the revenge of the Death Eaters. More than ten years of living in Azkaban had left them with too much resentment. They needed a place to explode, and today was the day for them to When the explosion is complete.

"Crack crack crack! crack crack crack!"

They stepped on his vitals and punched to the flesh. The Death Eaters did not use wands or the Cruciatus Curse, but beat Arthur Weasley with their fists and feet. This was just like a Muggle decompression chamber. Through massive consumption, People will completely relax from destructive activities of their own physical strength, and can improve their ability to withstand stress for those things that make them painful and uncomfortable.

In this way, a tragedy was staged in this parking lot. There was only one person in the audience, there was also only one victim, and there were six murderers. They kept beating until these six people had no energy left, and then they started to fight on their own. stop.

"He is already dead, let's leave quickly! The time here has been delayed for too long."

Lucius Malfoy urged from the side. They had been fighting here for more than two hours, and Arthur Weasley had no stress reaction to the beating. He saw several Muggles coming to pick up the car. I left several times.

"Bah! Bah! Bah!"

After being spat on Arthur Weasley several times in a row, these Death Eaters took out their wands and left here together with Lucius in a puff of black smoke.

The protective shield and Muggle expulsion spell that were about to dissipate were restored to their normal state immediately with a tap of a wand.

Regulus Black arrived at the scene. The beaten body of Arthur Weasley was in horrible condition, especially the facial bones on his face were shattered. How could the Ministry of Magic claim the body

A crystal ball was taken out and placed on Arthur Weasley's temple, and all his memories were extracted.

Regulus Black repaired Arthur's face slightly and left here immediately.