Necromancers Guide to Magic

Chapter 333: Inferi 333 Occlumency Legilimency



The handsome Harry Potter was not prepared at all this time, and the result was naturally worse than the previous one. A bald figure appeared in his entire life memory. He stood in the room of the young Harry Potter. He Sitting in the Dursleys' living room, he was in Harry Potter's carriage on the Hogwarts Express.

"I'm Harry Potter! Nice to meet you sir."

"Nice to meet you too, Mr. Potter. I am Lord Voldemort."

There was no one else in the carriage, and all the original classmates were gone. The two of them, one big and one small, sat happily together.

"That's enough! You loser, you let the Dark Lord get into your heart, and you are still talking and laughing with the Dark Lord."

Snape stopped attacking. He couldn't stand the memory anymore. Thinking that the handsome Harry Potter had a fragment of the Dark Lord's soul in his body, this situation seemed to be normal.

"I wasn't ready just now! Can you give me some time to rest?"

Of course, the handsome Harry Potter could also feel what Snape saw in his memory. Even he couldn't accept such a scene, that he and Voldemort would become good friends who had known each other for years.

really! This is just like Snape said, disgusting!

It is indeed a disgusting scene, even the handsome Harry Potter would vomit.

"The Dark Lord will not give you time to rest. The Dark Lord will attack your consciousness at any time. He will pry everything out of your empty head, and then make full use of those memories to create fantasies to torture you. You go crazy, it makes you suffer, and eventually you will beg him to kill you, and then the Dark Lord will give you the fatal blow."

Snape really had a feeling of indignant anger. With Harry Potter's current level, he was already friends with Voldemort. This was not a level, this was an abyss, an absolute negative.

"You are as hopelessly stupid as your stupid father."

Snape grabbed Harry Potter and pulled him close to his face. He only wanted to see those Lily's eyes, not James Potter's face. Such a close face-to-face meeting could still make Snape It's generally better.

"You are not allowed to say this about my father! He is a great man, and it is unfair for you to say this."

Harry Potter was absolutely unhappy when Snape told him about his father, and his anger even rose.

"It's not fair! Of course, your father has caused a lot of unfairness himself."

Of course Snape was telling the truth, but to Harry Potter's ears, it was a slander, slandering a dead person.

Harry Potter absolutely couldn't stand such slander, and his anger reached its peak.

It was then that Snape waved his wand again.



Snape cast a spell on Harry Potter, and Harry Potter learned the spell through several personal experiences.

The two of them used Legilimency on each other almost at the same time. Unexpectedly, Harry Potter turned out to be slightly better.

In fact, this is not the spell Harry Potter learned, but the 'Legilimency' he learned based on Voldemort's memory.

But through Harry Potter's successful release of the spell, he finally learned it! Additionally, Occlumency is also learned.

"Lily isn't around! Let's tease that slug, Expelliarmus! The Golden Bell! Who of you wants to see Snape take off his pants, hahahahaha..."

The most disgusting contents of Snape's memory were exposed to Harry Potter.

In fact, if only Harry Potter had released this curse, it would never be so targeted. Only Voldemort could be so targeted and expose the part of people's hearts that they most want to forget.

Snape's memory was so complete that it was very different from the memory fragments he had just received from Harry Potter.


Snape shouted, and his strong mental power resisted Harry Potter's spell.

Only Voldemort could do this kind of Legilimency, and Snape knew it very well.

"You...! Get out of here."

He grabbed Harry Potter by the collar and just wanted to question him, but was defeated by those eyes that were the same as Lily's.

Lily! Your son has the Dark Lord in his body. What would you do in such a situation

Snape drove away the handsome Harry Potter, and the task assigned by Dumbledore was completed.

'Occlumency' and even 'Legilimency' have been learned, and no one can find the answer from Harry Potter's mind anymore. Just like Snape, they are a stubborn stone and can neither If you open yourself up, you won't accept others.

Snape was as numb as a zombie, and he began to adjust the potions in the laboratory accurately, with extremely precise movements, not missing a single point.

But mentally, Snape was empty. All he had in his mind was Lily's heroic appearance. Every meeting, every conversation, and every look between Lily and Snape played like a spliced video.

Deep in the heart of handsome Harry Potter, Voldemort was admiring Snape's embarrassing scene. It turned out that he and Lily had such a relationship at the beginning, and it was justifiable for him to be hostile to James Potter.

The reason why Voldemort dared to return to Hogwarts was because he had made a breakthrough in research on consciousness.

The original consciousness of Voldemort and Harry Potter was mostly blocked by Regulus Black's seal. Especially the main body's consciousness was divided into six parts and protected by layers of seals. Protection is protection against both the outside and the inside.

After the dementors seized these sealing gauntlets, Voldemort still only left the soul fragments in Harry Potter's body. These soul fragments were not strong enough, and the preserved consciousness was definitely not as powerful as the main body.

However, when in contact with the soul of the main image, the main body's memory has been shared, which is the only advantage.

In this way, Soul Shard has its own set of ideas about what to do with Harry Potter.

Although Harry Potter has learned two powerful spells, it does not mean that he can use them freely. During these few days at Hogwarts, a dream kept appearing.

Voldemort came to a room full of crystal balls. Smoke was rolling in the crystal balls here. If you get closer, you can hear voices coming from inside. The prophecies tell about the most mysterious aspects of the world. Here is Ravenclaw. Lao's territory, the Prophecy Hall!

"I think Voldemort is looking for something, something important to him and to me."

The new school year is about to begin, but Harry Potter's spirit is not very good. Several classmates who belong to the Salvation Army were summoned to Hogwarts in advance by Harry Potter. The school does not object to students arriving early, but they need to Come here yourself.

"Harry! This may be your hallucination. The Dark Lord has affected your consciousness. Only you may be able to find what he is looking for."

Ron Weasley started to make wild guesses, but he was actually right.

The prophecy about Harry Potter and the Dark Lord, made by Professor Sybill Trelawney, is contained in the crystal ball and is preserved in the Prophecy Hall of the Ministry of Magic.

There is a complete prophecy in it. Some Death Eaters heard half of the prophecy and reported it to Voldemort. This is what caused the family tragedy of Harry Potter. If you look at it this way, Sybill Trelawney was the one who killed The real murderer of Potter's parents surpassed Peter Pettigrew in the ranking of murderers.

It was precisely because of this prophecy that Dumbledore brought Sybill Trelawney back to Hogwarts and gave her the status of a professor. This was a disguised protection measure.

Otherwise, Voldemort will definitely find trouble with Sybill Trelawney first, and dare to predict her death. This is not a prophecy, it is simply a curse!

Although Ron Weasley guessed the content correctly, how could these children understand what he was discussing.

They were even excitedly planning how to find this mysterious item!

I don’t know why, but the activities of the Salvation Army during this period were ignored by the professors. No matter what information they were checking or what issues they were discussing, they were not disturbed in any way, and the activities went smoothly.