Necromancers Guide to Magic

Chapter 335: Inferi 335 A realm where wizards play an important role


"Actually! I don't know much about prophecies, because I don't know how to predict. When you came to class, I believe many of you have heard from your seniors that Professor Sybill Trelawney is a weirdo. Her class All you need to do is make up random stories about your own death, and the credits will naturally be easily obtained. Following what Professor Sybill Trelawney meant, it is a good choice for both the college and yourself. Right!"

Regulus Black's prophecy classroom is still in the original classroom, and all the decorations have not been changed. However, for the first time today, Regulus Black used the 'Invisible Stretch' spell to extend the classroom. It grew bigger, big enough to accommodate all the students who had taken the prophecy course, everyone from the third grade to the graduating class.

The students below burst into laughter when they heard Regulus Black's words.

"Let's talk about what prophecy is, the classification of prophecies, how to predict and how to avoid prophecies that are not good for you."

The students who had been laughing just now suddenly became quiet. Didn't you agree that you know a lot about prophecies? Didn't you say that you can't predict it yourself? Why did you suddenly start teaching prophecy so seriously!

"First of all, let's talk about what prophecy is. Because you all have different opinions on prophecy, I won't ask you to get up and answer questions. First of all, prophecy is to tell something that has not happened yet. It's as simple as that."

Regulus Black turned around and took a teacup from the desk. This was a prop used by many people. He poured a cup of tea, drank the tea, and looked at each other's tea leaves as a prophecy. according to.

"I said this teacup will shatter on the ground after I let go. This is a prophecy."

Regulus Black said this, causing a burst of whispers from the students.

"I said that before entering the classroom, the cup had already fallen to the ground and shattered. This was a prophecy."

"I said that when there was no class in this classroom, someone came in and knocked the cup, causing it to fall to the ground and shatter. This was a prophecy."

"I said that this broken cup was done by a certain classmate. This is a prophecy."

Regulus Black put down the cup in his hand.

"The four consecutive statements just now are all consistent with the idea that prophecies are things that have not happened yet, and things that have happened but have not been observed can be considered prophecies. Please write this down. You can use it during homework."

The students lowered their heads and wrote down all the sentences they just said.

"Prophecy can also be a kind of guess and statistics. We guess what happened, and then it happened. This is a prophecy. After we make statistics, we find that something is going to happen, and then it does happen. This is also a prophecy, but these The prophecy is really too simple, so simple that no one can believe the real prophecy.”

Regulus Black's words were tantamount to directly denying what he had just said. What was going on? The students were stunned.

"Let's talk about the classification of prophecies. In fact, they are only divided into two categories."

Regulus Black made a V sign.

"First, speak a prophecy that will inevitably happen. Once such a prophecy is spoken, no matter what you do or what you want to change, you will not succeed. There will always be various things and accidents waiting for you. You, and it may be that you yourself have misunderstood the content of the prophecy and made yourself make wrong judgments. Until the content of the prophecy comes true, you will find that you have missed a lot of clues, and the final result is what you expected. Don’t like the conclusion of the prophecy.”

This kind of content is not found in books, which is refreshing for all students.

"Second, make predictions that can be changed. Such predictions are unstable. They can only predict part of the facts at a time. After the prediction, the results can be changed according to the given conditions, and as the results change Changes lead to the emergence of new prophecies. Such prophecies are scorned by many people because the contents of the prophecies have changed. What kind of prophecy is this?”

Regulus Black made a gesture that I felt helpless.

“We don’t know which prediction is better, which prediction we need, whether we want a future that cannot be changed, or another prediction that can be changed but we don’t know what it will become.”

Regulus Black seemed to be holding two crystal balls in his hands, gesturing how to choose.

"Actually, there is a third type of prophecy, which is a prophecy that will produce results only after the prophecy is spoken. Since we don't know how to distinguish this type of prophecy from the first type, we generally do not mention this type of prophecy."

He gestured his left hand in front of himself and regarded the invisible thing in his hand as the third prophecy.


Regulus Black suddenly put his hands together and slapped his hands together, causing all the students to wake up.

"How will we predict next! If you want to be able to predict, you must first have a talent. This talent can be inherited by blood, just like Professor Sybill Trelawney, she is a blood descendant of the orthodox prophet family, she said Any word could be a prophecy.”

Such a statement makes people’s eyes light up. It turns out that the eccentric Professor Sybill Trelawney still has such blood!

"Can't those of us who don't have the blood of prophets be able to predict? No, whether you can predict depends on whether you have the gift of prediction. We call this talent intuition, induction, inspiration, or any other similar words, Ma Gua likes to use the sixth sense, which is a feeling other than the five human senses, to explain this aspect of things in general."

Regulus Black was one of the few teachers who liked to speak of Muggles in class.

"Many times when children are studying, parents will not interfere. However, when the children have finished their homework and want to play for a while, parents will feel that the children have not studied. Then they go to check and it turns out that they have not studied. There are many At that time, the children didn't understand why my parents didn't come over when I was studying. Why did my parents come over by coincidence just when I was playing for a while? This is the sixth sense, which is how parents feel about their children's status."

The more Regulus Black continued to speak, the more surprised the students became.

"No wonder I get caught every time I play a prank."

A frustrated voice wailed from behind, which made all the students laugh. There were many students who had the same experience.

"If you want to see if you have talent, you need to constantly train this feeling. Professor Sybill Trelawney used to ask you to look at tea leaves, look at the crystal ball, and make up random attempts to predict. Those are all It is a training method, and none of you have seriously studied and trained yourself. This is your own choice, and you have given up the opportunity to enter the field of prophecy. A great and important field in the wizarding world, in Lost in your laughter."

Regulus Black suddenly said such words in an extremely serious tone, which stunned the students who had been laughing softly just now.

"Professor Sybill Trelawney has been at Hogwarts for more than ten years. The vast majority of students have chosen her course, but you all only use this course as a source of mixed credits. For more than ten years, Professor Sybill Trelawney has not taught any seers in that time, does that mean she doesn’t know how to teach students?”

Regulus Black's question directly silenced half of the Hogwarts students here.

"I have seen all of Professor Sybill Trelawney's teaching plans and methods and I can tell you there are no mistakes. It is similar to the new version of Defense Against the Dark Arts from the Ministry of Magic brought by Dolores Umbridge. The difference between textbooks and ordinary textbooks.”

When it comes to Dolores Umbridge, a clown-like loser, it is rare that there is no laughter in the classroom.

"Professor Sybill Trelawney's teaching method is just like the new version of the textbook. It is boring after all, but if you follow it in a simple and profound way, you will definitely get results. And your approach is just like being hostile to the new version of the textbook. If you don’t like it, don’t study hard. As a result, even though you get a lot of credits, no one can learn prophecy.”

Suddenly, the time bird started chirping, and it was time for get out of class to end.

"Since none of you can make predictions, there is no need to learn how to avoid predictions that are unfavorable to you. get out of class is over."