Necromancers Guide to Magic

Chapter 339: Inferi 339 Eye of the Void divination crystal ball


Sirius Black's death was inevitable.

If he had not died in the Hall of Mysteries today, Regulus Black would definitely not put him in danger again in the future.

But the fact is that the death of some of the people mentioned in the original work, those who were clearly named, is almost unstoppable.

Sirius Black died, but in a different way than in the original book.

In the original work, he was killed directly in front of the stone door by his cousin Bellatrix Lestrange using a killing curse, and then his body was poured into the stone door. No matter what world is on the other side of this mysterious stone door. , he died before he entered.

It is impossible to even think about traveling through another world and living in another world.

But this time, Sirius Black was pushed into the stone door by his favorite godson, with Harry Potter's body and Voldemort's consciousness. But to those who can only see the surface, he is still Harry Potter. .

Similarly, Regulus Black will still not be Regulus. The appearance represents a person, not the soul.

Unless the soul is eternal and can change the body to suit the soul, that is already the domain of God.

The Hall of Mysteries was right next door. Regulus Black just rushed over, cut off Peter Pettigrew's arm, and then controlled his body, using a matching spell of 'split into pieces' and 'shattered to pieces'.

Of course, instigating the little lions in the prophecy hall before was just the effect of "confused whispers". My golden finger is much more convenient than using magic spells, and I will use it unconsciously in many places.

In the current prophecy hall, not many crystal balls are complete. The prophecies of prophets from all eras are being released in the smoke, and a special breath is flowing in the air.

Regule Black took out a crystal ball, which he had prepared in advance. It was wrapped in metal and made into the LoL game character, Vel'Koz, the Eye of the Void.

All the crystal ball fragments were sucked into the eyes by this figure-like thing, and it seemed to be devoured endlessly. All the crystal balls and prophecy smoke here, and then the figure of Vel'Koz, the Eye of the Void, began to become active. , and floated with three tentacles dancing.

A kind of hazy sound sounded inside the Eye of the Void, just like the character talking to himself in the game.

But Regulus Black could regulate the content of the language, and what it often said would become its mission.

I enter another world that flickers, flickers, flickers, and I adjust my eyes to assess the landscape ahead of me.

Something was directly in front of me. I looked down and saw a humanoid creature. He caught my attention.

Was it you who summoned me? Mammals, undead inferi, nocturnal habits, and magical prowess are impeccable. Only his reproductive ability is limited, but he is so powerful. I couldn't believe it, I was fascinated by this individual.

I need to collect all available information—to harvest more valuable resources.

here? It is a ruin, but the outer towers are still intact. My analysis pointed out that this area is a powerful magical country, and I am not surprised at all that it is so destructive.

There are some other creatures not far away, and they also have good magical power.

The fragments on the ground were scattered everywhere. I picked up a fragment. It was a crystal stone, which is very suitable for my physique. I can absorb it! These crystal stones are used to record information beyond time and space, and are tools used to distort cause and effect. Unusual, unprecedented, and fascinating to me. The information in these crystal stones impressed me deeply.

The longing within me deepened, I was hungry and insatiable, like never before, I had glimpsed the ultimate knowledge.

While the Eye of the Void was muttering to itself, Regulus Black gave it the properties of a talisman.

[Eye of the Void Divination Crystal Ball]

Staying in inventory has many additional benefits

+7 Divination skill

+7 Divination skill

+77 defense

+77 enhanced defense

+77 physical defense

+77 spell defense

+77 ranged missile defense

+77 splash effect damage

+77 fire effect damage

+77 cold effect damage

+77 lightning effect damage


Can't freeze

Toxin immunity

cannot be destroyed

Ignore target defense

+77% chance of dealing a crushing blow

+77% chance to release the Wailing Spirit

All the crystal balls in the prophecy hall were swept away, and finally turned into this amulet with good properties.

Regulus Black put away the [Eye of the Void Divination Crystal Ball]. After leaving the Ministry of Magic, it was time for Dumbledore to appear. Sandwiched between Dumbledore and Voldemort, there was absolutely no place to please.

Regulus Black quickly evacuated the scene, and in the Mystery Hall next door, Harry Potter broke away from Lupin's arms and ran out alone. At this time, Harry Potter was already insane. He didn't know Who exactly is he

"Should I call you Harry Potter? Or should I call you Voldemort?"

The flames of the fireplace flickered, and Dumbledore came to the atrium of the Ministry of Magic, where he directly saw the abnormal Harry Potter.

He is obviously still the same child, but the aura on his body is too chaotic. Sometimes it feels like the innocence of Harry Potter, and sometimes it feels like the darkness and violence of Voldemort.

"I am no one, and I can be anyone. Who do you like me to be? Mr. Principal."

Harry Potter turned around, his eyes were sinister and ferocious, and a bloodthirsty feeling of wanting to eat people came to his face.

"I can't just let you go, your current state is too strange."

Dumbledore pulled out the Elder Wand. If Voldemort was awake at this time, he would have recognized this wand immediately.

pity! The current Harry Potter is a monster that mixes the souls of two people and the consciousness of two people.

right! It is a monster. This monster takes shape in Harry Potter's body. Soon, it may be able to completely replace Harry Potter and Voldemort, become a new life, and become the new owner of this fused body.

That's what Dumbledore thought, and of course Regulus Black thought the same afterward.

But for now, Dumbledore still needs to face this monster's attack.

At their level, magic attacks do not require spells and are directly released in the form of energy.

A streak of blood-colored energy and a streak of white energy collided in the atrium like two giant pythons, rolling up and down and twisting, destroying many surrounding buildings.

This monster completely inherited Voldemort's strength, but his temperament was still greatly influenced by Harry Potter.

After the light snake ended, it was a battle between water and fire. The monster merged the two people's light snakes into one, and both turned into a huge fire snake. Dumbledore immediately drew the water from the atrium pool and turned it into a water prison to hold the fire. Snakes and monsters are wrapped together.

The monster was directly set on fire and seriously injured himself, but he immediately destroyed the water prison and roared loudly, shattering the nearby glass. Then with a flick of his wand, overwhelming glass fragments rushed towards Dumbledore. .

The water prison just now worked again, protecting Dumbledore until the nearby glass shards turned into glass sand.

"I have to say, this body is really easy to use. It's a pity that I don't have much time. Otherwise, I would definitely be able to defeat you, so let's crush this body while I'm away!"

The monster seemed to exist for a limited time. After talking to Dumbledore, it fell to the ground.

Dumbledore approached carefully, and waved the magic spell to bring up the breeze, blowing away the glass sand on the ground. Then he turned Harry Potter's body over and carefully blew away the glass sand on his body.

"Harry Potter? How are you feeling?"

"Headmaster Dumbledore! What happened to me? I killed my godfather with my own hands. Why did I do that?"

Harry Potter's memory seemed to still stay in the past, when he killed Sirius. At this time, he continued to be sad and entangled about what he had just done, and he started to cry.

"It's okay, Potter! It's okay, everything will be fine. Now you have to sleep for a while and you will be fine when you return to Hogwarts."