Necromancers Guide to Magic

Chapter 346: Inferi 346 A person who sees ghosts in his left eye at midnight


Vico Roland feels like he is going crazy recently, because every night at midnight, his right eye will hurt, so he will naturally press his right eye with his hand, and then he will not feel the pain anymore. The problem is not the pain in his right eye. But it lies in the open left eye.

At this time, when I open my left eye, I can see ghosts, and people wearing strange clothes are walking in front of me.

They spoke English and did some seemingly unbelievable things. For example, they tortured the father and son at No. 4 Privet Drive. In fact, the father and son named Dursley were very annoying. They were just two fat pigs. , Vico Roland once thought that such fat people might not need to excrete, because all the food they eat has been fully digested and absorbed.

That's why they can be so fat.

I don't know when it started. During the day, Vico Roland didn't remember the address of No. 4 Privet Drive at all. When he walked there, he only saw No. 3 on the left and No. 5 on the right, although he was very surprised why. There is no house number No. 4, but he has no intention of pursuing this matter. He still has a lot of things to do. Whenever he stands between two houses, Vico Roland will be particularly motivated. to do what you want to do.

But at midnight at night, Vico Roland could hear miserable wailing sounds coming from a house not far away. That was No. 4 Privet Drive that shouldn't be there. It was like a haunted house. At 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, it appeared in Vico Roland's sight, and something terrible must have happened there.

"You must not go there! You must not take risks. It is like this in many horror movies. You go to check out out of curiosity, but end up getting yourself into trouble or even danger. This is not a choice that a rational person should make."

Every time something like this happened, Vico Roland told himself this, and from the feeling, this kind of thing had happened several times before. He thought so every time, and never took the risk to check it out.

Vico Roland continued to live his small life like this. During the day, he would look at No. 3 and No. 5 more unconsciously during the day, and then he would work selflessly all day, and every night , as soon as midnight was passed, and as long as he heard the miserable wailing, Vico Roland would lie behind his window and carefully observe the direction of No. 4 Privet Drive.

From his own home, he could see the front and part of the side of No. 4 Privet Drive. In order to prove that he had indeed seen a haunted house, Vico Roland bought a camera and video camera in order to take pictures of the midnight scene. Photos, even if I didn't remember the existence of this haunted house during the day.

But in fact, neither a camera nor a video camera is effective for this haunted house. Even when I still remember this haunted house at night, Vico Roland used the camera to take timed shots. After the entire day of forgetfulness, night comes. The memory was restored, but there was still no sign of No. 4 Privet Drive on the camera.

However, by watching the video, Vico Roland was surprised to find that he actually went to the position between No. 3 and No. 5 every day. This had become a habit. If he didn't go there every day, he would feel uncomfortable. There is no passion for work, but after staying in that position, every day's work is a paradise of enjoyment.

And because of Vico Roland's outstanding and active performance, he has been praised several times by his boss and will be promoted and raised next month.

As for becoming a general manager, becoming a CEO, and marrying Bai Fumei, these are all future prospects.

For now, it's better to work down-to-earth.

In order to be able to record this haunted house, since I have never thought about going in, I will record it from the outside.

For this reason, Vico Rolland learned to paint, and the object was this haunted house. Every time after midnight, a strange and dark haunted house would appear on Vico Rolland's canvas. Painting from home could no longer meet his needs. Vico Roland parked his car at different locations nearby. Every night after midnight, he would wake up because of the pain in his eyes, and then he would start sketching attentively until he ran out of energy and fell into a deep sleep after 1 o'clock. .

From midnight to one o'clock in the morning, this is Vico Roland's prime time and only chance to observe the haunted house.

Tomorrow, if he hadn't seen the drawing paper and records around him, he wouldn't have remembered what he had done last night.

Then naturally, I will go back to the period between the 3rd and 5th, and I will observe it curiously. Then I will feel that there is a lot of work to do, and then I will spend a whole day working passionately.

Vico Roland's life was so regular that he regarded this strange ghostly phenomenon as his luck. He even vaguely looked forward to the existence of this haunted house forever, so that he could observe it for an hour every night. , and then after checking it out the next day, I worked hard all day.

Only when people do something they like, will they burst out with unimaginable enthusiasm. Although Vico Roland's work enthusiasm comes from a strange source, what he gets is an undoubted work enthusiasm, which makes him happy every day.

The appearance of this haunted house is rarely strange, and even the ghosts inside are rarely strange.

Vico Roland could often see a varying number of 'ghosts' coming out of it, and then they would disappear without a trace in an instant, or they would turn into a long black smoke snake and fly away. Such an action was very important to Vico. ·It was so magical to Roland that it almost made him give up his self-restriction of never entering the haunted house for adventure.

What reminded him not to get too close was a confrontation with a certain 'ghost'.

A short, fat 'ghost' in a shabby suit actually smiled in the direction of Vico Roland after he went out. This clearly meant that he had discovered what he meant, but because Vico Roland had never ventured in. It was a haunted house, so this 'ghost' just pointed in his direction with a small branch, which caused Vico Roland to suffer profound pain.

This was so terrifying that it gave Vico Roland nightmares for several days. The waving branch and the silver right hand became symbols in his nightmares.

It was not until a week later that Vico Roland resumed his observation of the haunted house.

But he never saw that short evil silver right hand appear again.

This terrifying ghost appears and disappears strangely.

In order to remember this peculiar silver right hand, Vico Roland planned to use it as an element in his writing to create a series of ghost stories, and even had some names in mind.

"The Silver Right Hand and the Magic Dog"

"The Silver Right Hand and the Secret Snake"

"Silver Right Hand and Three Legged Clam"

"Silver Right Hand and Bloody Goblet of Fire"

"Silver Right Hand and Phoenix Egg"

"The Silver Right Hand and the Blue-Blooded Girl"

"The Silver Right Hand and the Resurrection Stone"

Vico Roland had a sudden burst of inspiration and immediately wrote down the names of the seven books he had just thought of, which would become a series of novels.

God knows in what form the will of this world will be reflected and show its existence in another world.

Vico Roland feels that he will become a literary giant in the future and will be worth tens of billions... Oh! It is enough to have a net worth of 5 billion, and then marry a beautiful young woman. If she brings a beautiful daughter, it is also acceptable to marry her together.

Then, spending every day between various autograph sessions and female fans, this kind of life is simply a kind of counterattack, and I get more than what I have worked hard for.

Vico Roland is ready, taking the manuscript with him, and will go to No. 4 Privet Drive tomorrow to have a look. Then when he is full of enthusiasm for work, he will naturally have the enthusiasm for writing.

Now that I have an independent office, it is not a problem to write secretly. Once I become famous for my writing, my current job will not matter. Then I can order a cup of coffee in a cafe and sit in the air-conditioned room. Spend a whole day in the coffee shop and completely immerse yourself in writing.

Just thinking about it like this, Vico Roland spent the happiest night since he discovered the haunted house.

After dawn, Vico Roland walked out of his car, his body a little stiff after spending the night curled up.

The house at No. 4 Privet Drive not far away was waiting for his visit.