Necromancers Guide to Magic

Chapter 349: Inferi 349 Spear witch and bookstore writer


Regulus Black eliminated the surveillance points around No. 4 Privet Drive. Those who were cursed with the "Left Eye Seeing Ghost" have lost their "superpowers", but they are still happy to be able to recover. thing, and Regulus Black also modified a little bit of their memory, allowing them to draw their own conclusions. This was an accidental event.

Voldemort's Death Eaters have moved to Gaunt's old house, and they still need to make some arrangements. They will not be running around in the past few days, which also makes it easier for Regulus Black to also arrange new surveillance methods.

In the Forbidden Forest, the young centaur was pressing the strong woman to the ground, rubbing her, and fucking her until she wanted nothing more.

"This kid is serious. I told him that centaurs and humans will not give birth to mixed-race children. Why don't you listen!"

An old centaur passed by, but he had no intention of stopping him. How could this woman be a wizard? So what if he is a senior official in the Ministry of Magic? I haven't seen anyone come here for this high-ranking witch official. Even if they come to visit him, it's just an exchange of interests.

In that small patch of woodland, high-pitched screams kept coming, until the voices became hoarse and then became quiet.

"You beasts, I won't let you go."

Dolores Umbridge leaned against the tree trunk, panting, her lower body in a mess, and she couldn't close her legs.

"Fighting is just like mating. It requires full devotion to experience the ultimate feeling. With me practicing with you wholeheartedly, I believe that when you return to the human world, you will be able to become the best warrior in the world. "

What the young centaur said sounded very reasonable. If Dolores Umbridge hadn't just been pressed to the ground and rubbed, maybe she would still reluctantly believe it.

"One more thing you have to understand is that the other centaurs only want to keep you in a cage. That's why I am willing to be your sparring partner. Don't confuse me with their trash."

The young centaur raised his head proudly, as if he felt that he had done a good thing.

Dolores Umbridge feels more disgusting than eating Dumbledore's pile of cockroaches at this moment. She has to thank the other person for training herself emotionally. Can you wipe your dick clean before saying this? Thinking of the second child, Dolores Umbridge, glancing under the centaur, the long black straight line had just brought her to the top. This seemed irrefutable, but it was forced!

"If I had my wand back, I'd want you to look good."

Dolores Umbridge's voice was originally very sharp, but during her time in the centaur tribe in the Forbidden Forest, her voice became much rougher.

"Your wand! You mean this little branch?"

The young centaur shook out a wand from the quiver on his back. This was the wand that Dolores Umbridge had dropped when he was captured. Then the young centaur returned to the scene to find it.

"Please! Give it back to me."

Dolores Umbridge stood up immediately, and threw herself at the centaur regardless of her own embarrassment.

"No! Unless you can defeat me, but I believe you won't need the wand by then. The reason why I didn't hide the wand, throw it away or break it is that I hope it can promote you, so, in order to Get a wand and chase me!”

The young centaur kicked off his legs and jumped several meters away with a wicked smile on his face.

"Stop, I will definitely catch you, don't run away if you dare!"

Dolores Umbridge immediately picked up her wooden spear and ran after her with her legs. The sound of a cheerful chase came from the Forbidden Forest again.

Naturally, after chasing for an hour, Dolores Umbridge fell to the ground from exhaustion without even touching the opponent's ponytail.

A pair of horse hooves came before her eyes. The young centaur turned back and looked down at her from above.

"There happens to be water nearby. We can go and wash up. By the way, it's time to have a happy rest again."

The young centaur picked up Dolores Umbridge and ran towards the nearby small pool.

"No! Let me go, I don't want to rest, just let me die!"

Already too tired to move, Dolores Umbridge could only resist verbally.

Seeing her resisting but not moving, the young centaur laughed.

"You said no, but your body is still very honest!"

The other party's inability to resist turned out to be a sign of his speaking out against his integrity.

Not to mention Dolores Umbridge's current life in the centaurs tribe, Regulus Black is now hesitant.

Eliminating the 24 surveillance points set up was the purpose of his coming here today. At the same time, he must check and eliminate the relevant memories.

But Vico Roland's situation was a bit special. In addition to his duties, he learned to paint and prepared to write.

But all this is based on the fact that he has these things in his memory. The memory of these things will become the inspiration for his creation and promote his writing ideas.

Moreover, Regulus Black was very interested in the names of the seven novels he had planned in the early stage.

The problem now is that a well-known writer may be born here, but his own approach will obliterate this future writer at the beginning.

It’s about letting him remember these things and watching him grow as a writer despite the possibility of future leaks.

Or use the simplest method to clean up his relevant memories and let him return to his original life path!

Regulus Black was thinking, and in front of him was the dull-looking Vico Roland. The two of them were at Roland's home.

As a Scoia'tael and a perfectionist, Regulus Black would naturally not choose the above two ideas. These two extreme ideas were the first to be eliminated. Now he needs a brand new idea that can perfectly All purposes achieved.

Regulus Black waved his wand and began to extract Vico Roland's memories, while adding some memories, modifying and weaving the other person's memories, making everything completely different, and then letting him complete it in his own mind.

Yes, only if he has a complete mind, will he believe it all.

Regulus Black woke him up with a snap of his fingers.

"Mr. Roland, I think your description of the haunted house is not very reasonable in terms of setting. In fact, there is no haunted house. It was all your imagination. You did this to deny that you fell in love with Ms. Paige. A widowed woman older than myself.”

Regulus Black's words made Vico Roland a little at a loss. It seemed that this was what happened. He was denied by himself and that's why he came up with the idea of a haunted house. Moreover, his behavior of peeping nearby every night really felt like this. I am very perverted.

"But your idea about the silver right hand is very interesting. I mean it! When you wanted to go to the haunted house to explore, you could only see your own right hand, and it was still a silver right hand. It seemed to be someone's right hand. It’s a subconscious excuse that all bad things are done by this right hand, and you are just an innocent bystander. If you are not really a pervert, it is a very good idea to write from this perspective.”

Regulus Black smiled and praised the other party. Of course, as a bookseller, the author must write before he can see the finished product.

Vico Roland also understood this, and he happily found this bookseller today. The other party did not laugh at him at all, because he could not hand over any page of the manuscript.

On the contrary, Mr. Black also communicated with himself to see what merits he had in his ideas.

And he is willing to sign a contract to become a bookstore writer, which is a kind of writer supported by publishers who specializes in customizing novels for publishers. This way he will have a part-time job, and if the novel sells well, he will also get some royalties. , of course, the publishers of the bookstore agreement should occupy the majority.

"Perhaps you can also write that this silver right hand who does evil things outside just likes this widowed woman who is older than him. This element can be interspersed in the series of stories, which can make people feel like this devilish guy. Deep down in my heart, there is still a little bit of innocence, even though this love seems unreliable."

Regulus Black casually took out a bookstore agreement and asked the other party to sign it. From then on, Vico Roland became a full-time writer at Black Bookstore.