Necromancers Guide to Magic

Chapter 350: Inferi 350 uses the pensieve to wash its face every day


Regulus Black was very satisfied with his schedule today. He had done everything he needed to do, and he also had an extra coder.

Vico Rolland's first novel "The Silver Right Hand and the Magic Dog" will be completed in no more than 2 months. After that, it will basically be a two-month period to publish a novel, the seven-part series of "The Silver Right Hand". It can be completed within one and a half years at most.

These are novels with no more than one million words. If the content is good, they are likely to be made into movies and games.

But just because Regulus Black is going well, that doesn't mean Harry Potter will be going well.

The Death Eaters had just moved to Gaunt's old house, and the 'Muggle Expelling' Curse and the 'Faithful Secrecy' Curse had just been placed.

People from the Order of the Phoenix came to Gunter's old house for a routine inspection. The natural result was that the inspector found that he could not find where Gunter's old house was. He almost walked around the entire community, and then When he realized it, the address he was going to had been covered up.

Who would cover up Gaunt's old house? It's not surprising that the address of a general magical family has a 'Muggle expulsion' spell, but it is abnormal to use the 'Loyal Secrecy' spell. Only during the period of the Dark Lord, can There will be many wizarding families doing this, but why does Gaunt's old house do this

Could it be said that the descendants of the Gunter family came back to live? The only descendant of the Gaunt family is the resurrected Voldemort.

In other words, this place was probably occupied by Death Eaters, and the members of the Order of the Phoenix fled the place immediately after reacting.

"Master! Do you want to catch up and deal with him?"

Although Lucius Malfoy felt a little awkward calling him master in front of Harry Potter's face, he got used to it.

"No! If you catch him and kill him, will you ensure that the other party does not spread the news? And once someone from the Order of the Phoenix dies at this time, then it will be determined that this is me, and you will not be able to run away, and you will have to move somewhere. "

The handsome Harry Potter waved his hand and expressed his thoughts.

"Let's find the next transfer place first. The layout here will continue to be maintained. I have to learn about Hogwarts now."

The handsome Harry Potter, every time he leaves Hogwarts, he is like a thief. He needs to avoid being noticed, and he also needs to calculate the time to go back. Any small mistakes will expose himself. Every time he goes back, he must reveal himself. His consciousness sneaked into Harry Potter's soul, just like the silver slime in Principal Dumbledore's office, and became the soul behind Harry Potter.

Harry Potter can naturally feel the difference in himself, but he does not have the memory of the time when he became Voldemort, so even if Dumbledore were to extract his memory, he would only know that there was a memory gap. During Voldemort's time at Hogwarts But he had never done anything, which made it impossible for Dumbledore to connect the memory gap to any period.

"I will arrange the transfer again. If the master needs it, Malfoy Manor will open its door to you."

Lucius Malfoy was willing to donate his residence, which gave Voldemort some thought.

"It's rare that you are serious! Just use it as a backup option!"

The handsome Harry Potter waved his wand and 'Apparated' directly to Dolores Umbridge's home, and then returned to Hogwarts through the fireplace. No one knew about this passage. Maybe Regulus Black knew, but he had not used the fireplace here since the last time he used it. After carefully checking, the handsome Harry Potter left the teaching assistant's office and walked away. Arriving outside Professor McGonagall's classroom, Harry Potter's consciousness returned to him.

"Professor McGonagall! Oh no, I can't remember where I've been just now!"

Harry Potter once reported his situation to the professor in panic.


The students sitting in the classroom burst into laughter.

"Potter! Come here, you're almost late."

Professor McGonagall glared at Harry Potter, then pointed to the seat next to Ron and told him to sit down.

"I brought your books. I couldn't find you just now, but you can come to class in time."

Ron Weasley has long been accustomed to the constant memory fragments of his friend recently. If Professor Regulus Black hadn't reminded him to ask Ron Weasley to take more care of Harry Potter, he would have I won’t bring him a book!

"Thanks! Ron."

Harry Potter was desperately trying to recall what he had done before, but he couldn't remember anything. His memory was cut off after the previous class ended. Now that the memory has been restored, it took more than 2 hours at noon. This is too much.

Feeling his stomach, he obviously wasn't hungry. He must have had lunch.

"Did I show up at lunch?"

Harry Potter asked Ron in a low voice, and Professor McGonagall's eyes immediately glanced over.

"No! But I thought you might have eaten it elsewhere, so I didn't bring you some back to the dormitory."

Ron Weasley's equally quiet reply once again attracted Professor McGonagall's glance.

The two of them didn't dare to talk anymore and focused their attention on the textbooks.

Dumbledore continued to think of a solution, but it was now very different from the original work. In the original work, Dumbledore had to spend all his energy to guess and think about the Horcruxes. He washed his face with a pensieve every day and reviewed his past memories. , looking for missing parts.

Just like that, this year's Defense Against the Dark Arts professor...ah! wrong! This year's Defense Against the Dark Arts professor finally fell to Snape.

The person who replaced Snape as the Potions professor was Professor Horace Slughorn, who held the Slug Club in the original book.

It was in the original book that Harry Potter drank the Elixir of Fortune and got the real memory from Professor Horace Slughorn.

Back then, Tom Riddle learned how to make Horcruxes from Professor Horace Slughorn.

Just this news scared Dumbledore, really scared him.

However, Regulus Black looked down upon Dumbledore's performance.

Isn't it just killing someone, splitting one's soul, and finally using it to make a Horcrux? No big deal.

If it weren't for the stupidity of splitting souls, Regulus Black might have considered doing it for fun.

Think about it, what if all 7 Horcruxes found opportunities to be reshaped!

With a total of eight Voldemorts in the main body, this scene must be very awkward.

Who is the subject? Who is the clone

Copies that do not kill the main body are good copies. Otherwise, just wait for the clone to kill you!

Regulus Black thought that the little amulet he made was much better than the Horcrux.

If Horcruxes had not occupied a very important position in the world of the original work, and these black magic props would not have become his equipment, Regulus Black could have made some new equipment by himself.

But now Dumbledore doesn't have to worry about the Horcruxes, because all the Horcruxes have been made into Regulus Black's exclusive equipment, and the only Horcrux outside is Harry Potter, and Harry Potter has become one with Voldemort, and as long as he is eliminated, Voldemort can be eliminated.

Now Dumbledore spends more time every day staring at the silver slime left by Regulus Black and checking the current soul state of Harry Potter, which also greatly restricts Voldemort's actions.

I don’t know how Voldemort dealt with this problem. He could reversely sense whether the silver slime was being watched.

Whenever Dumbledore had something to do, it was when Harry Potter left Hogwarts to command the Death Eaters in battle.

I have to say that Dumbledore had a hard time watching, and Voldemort had a hard time waiting.

Only Regulus Black was not miserable at all. He could go out whenever he wanted and come back whenever he wanted.

He didn't even need to keep an eye on Harry Potter's situation, because Silver Slime was his creation.

Now he only needs to take action from time to time to strangle some signs, and the rest will depend on its own development.

There are recent rumors in the wizarding world that Voldemort's Death Eaters are recruiting a large number of corrupt believers.