Necromancers Guide to Magic

Chapter 360: Inferi 360 The female Titan of the giant family


All the injured and dead were dealt with quickly. The Aurors of the Ministry of Magic were all restrained by Judy Fox, and those who worked were all Death Eaters in their eyes.

"Send these guys to the islands and imprison them. I will deal with them later."

Regulus Black quietly gave an order to a member of the Hundred-Armed Giant.

Those prisoners, whether they were Death Eaters, werewolves, vampires, or even giants, Regulus Black would not hand them over to the Ministry of Magic. This would save a lot of official documents, as long as the Ministry of Magic ignored them.

Will the Ministry of Magic ignore it? certainly! Connery Fudge has never been willing to admit Voldemort's resurrection. Even after seeing it with his own eyes in the Goblet of Fire, he could ignore this fact.

Therefore, if an Auror reported to him that Death Eaters, werewolves, vampires and giants were attacking Hogwarts, he would not pay attention to it, because they were all shameless lies.

"Regulus! What are you going to do with them?"

Judy Fox grabbed Regulus Black. She had already put a lot of effort into controlling her Aurors. At this time, she just wanted to get an acceptable message or answer.

"How should we deal with it? Why should we deal with it? Today is just a defense exercise at Hogwarts. Half of our participants here see it this way. As for the injured people, it was all accidents. Didn't you see that there were no deaths in the whole process? "

Regulus Black was always talking nonsense. A battle in which Hogwarts was attacked by an armed force turned into a defensive exercise for him. Yes, maybe no one died at Hogwarts, but in fact the attack was A lot of people died among the Dead Apostles.

"No! I saw..."

Judy Fox was so stunned by the conclusion of this exercise that she even hiccupped when she spoke.

"No! You didn't see anything. You won't find a corpse here. There is no battle, no enemies. There are just teachers and students who are fully engaged in the exercises, and external helpers."

Regulus Black hugged Judy and covered up the other person's question with a kiss.

"I'm at your service, sir! It's over! We're done! Hurry up."

A [Hundred-Armed Giant] member not far away laughed and cooperated with Regulus Black's words. The traces of the scene were not cleaned up. Except for the damaged parts, there were no injured or dead.

But just as he said this, God seemed to have deliberately made Regulus Black forget one thing.

Dumbledore's body fell from the sky and landed heavily on the school gate.

There's a body!

"You're just hopeless."

Regulus Black stared at Dumbledore's body blankly, and then looked up at the observatory at the top, where the handsome Harry Potter was looking at him.

"I am the final winner, I am Voldemort! Hogwarts belongs to me today, and you all must surrender at my feet."

The handsome Harry Potter raised the Elder Wand he had captured and immediately shot a spell into the sky.

"The bones reappear!"

A huge green skeleton, swallowing green venomous snakes, rose in the sky over Hogwarts like fireworks and clouds.

Although he knew that this would be the result, it was another thing to actually see it. Regulus Black asked for Dumbledore's blood and Phoenix Fox's contract because he didn't want to waste it.

"I'll give you a chance Regulus! Return to my service and become a Death Eater."

The handsome Harry Potter felt the power brought by the Elder Wand, and the expression on his face became more rippling.

"Summon the Gemini Demon! Summon the Libra Demon!"

Two tall figures appeared behind Regulus Black, and the demons released the four giants they had just detained and captured, but it seemed that the giants had suffered some unknown injury.

"You want to catch me?"

Voldemort is not stupid! Everyone was wary of Regulus Black's demon, but Voldemort thought about the opponent's purpose first. The abilities of Gemini and Libra were to imprison and capture respectively, and they also released the giant who had just been imprisoned and captured.

What are you going to do after you free up the space? Of course, we need to detain and capture new subjects!

"I can let you run 39 meters first."

Voldemort was stunned by Regulus Black's words. What is 39 meters

The Gemini Demon stepped on the ground and jumped in front of the handsome Harry Potter.

The distance from the observatory to the ground is definitely more than 39 meters, and it only takes an instant for the Gemini Devil to jump like this.

Facing Voldemort, the hands and feet of the Gemini demon are about to hug him.

Voldemort immediately left the place with a flash, allowing the Gemini Demon to jump into the air.

As soon as the flash appeared, a large iron cage flew towards him. Libra's capture ability has the effect of capturing the target. Unless Voldemort ran to a distance that could not be sensed, he would definitely be entertained by the iron cage.

It flashed again, and it turned out that Gemini, who had adjusted well, was waiting for him to appear. As soon as he appeared, he jumped on all fours and ran over to hug him.

In this way, Voldemort and the two constellation palace demons fought together. Voldemort could only guarantee that he would not be caught by the other party, and the constellation palace demons could only try their best to capture each other.

"Regulus! Do you have any other options?"

Judy Fox feels that such arrests will eventually stop, and that's when everyone will be unlucky.

"Dear Nymphadora, become me and let Judy cover you."

After Regulus Black finished speaking, he teleported away, and Nymphadora Tonks turned into Regulus Black in an instant.

"Summon the Sagittarius Demon!"

Regulus Black summoned another Constellation Palace Demon in a corner close to Voldemort.

This demon raised the bow and arrow in his hand. It is the only zodiac demon that uses weapons. The iron cage of Libra and the vat of Aquarius are not weapons in the traditional sense.

The attribute of the Sagittarius Demon is precision. How precise is it? That is definitely as accurate as turning on the plug-in.

Not far outside, Voldemort kept flashing, while the Gemini Demon and the Libra Demon were constantly chasing each other. The three kept exchanging positions without pausing for a second.

After the Sagittarius Devil came out, he chose a position with only a small angle to draw the bow and arrow. His entire body remained motionless, looking like a sculpture from a distance.

And Regulus Black attached a magic spell to the arrow, the 'Sinking Charm' that accelerated the deterioration effect.

Sinking Curse:

It allows a person to completely sink from mind to body and transform into a demonic creature with lawful evil attributes that can obey the original order.

"call out!"

There was a soft sound, and the arrow flew out like a meteor. Voldemort had chosen that position for several flash flashes. This time, he also chose this position, just in time to avoid the joint attacks of the two constellation demons.

But just as the flash ended, Voldemort felt like an arrow had been inserted into his heart, and the tail of the arrow was still shaking in his eyes.

"Perish! Voldemort! Reveal your true form from the abyss."

Regulus Black said to himself that this was not part of the curse, but it could trigger some chain reactions through the induction of magic power, speeding up the process of sinking.

There is no doubt how evil Voldemort is, so once he becomes a demon, he will definitely become a powerful demon, but can his body withstand it

In just the blink of an eye, Voldemort's figure became as tall as the observatory, as tall as Attack on Titan.

But the image did not turn into that kind of skinned giant. Instead, it transformed into a lot of demonic armor.

The wizards here had already run far away. Regulus Black waved his wand continuously, and the 12 giants were immediately hit by Voldemort's body, but they were merged into it.

"That's it! It depends on who is more professional."

Regulus Black directly released his golden finger skill.

[Lava Beast's Clay Stone Demon] and [Demon Zac's Blood Familiar].

The black sand and the scarlet sea of blood continued to merge into Voldemort's body, constantly using their own power to occupy the opponent's body, energy and soul. This is exactly the area where these two skills are good at.

After a long time, the image of a female Titan was solidified. Black sand appeared on the surface of her body, and blood was obviously flowing from her lower body. The Titan was Gaia, the Mother of the Earth.