Necromancers Guide to Magic

Chapter 361: Inferi 361 The nymph goddess of the hundred-armed giant


Regulus Black looked at his skill list. The icons of the two skills [Lava Beast: Clay Stone Demon] and [Demon Zac: Blood Familiar] dimmed, which meant that they could no longer be used. these two skills.

However, I lost [Lava Beast's Clay Stone Demon] and [Demon Zack's Blood Familiar] and got back a female titan Gaia. This account is worth it no matter how I calculate it, [Lava Monster's Clay Stone] [Demon] and [Demon Zack’s Blood Familiar] can be made again, but that’s just the Titan.

"Regulus! What...what's going on with this? Hogwarts can no longer be used."

Professor McGonagall had just experienced the death blow from Dumbledore, and the blow from Harry Potter's complete transformation of Voldemort. Now he was even more shocked by this huge Titan and was speechless.

"Don't worry! Professor McGonagall, first! You have to spit out the souls of Voldemort and Harry Potter."

What Regulus Black said was not only to Professor McGonagall, but also to this Titan.

At that time, what was spawned by the Sinking Curse was Voldemort's desire. Desire does not distinguish between men and women, so the transformation of the female Titan was due to Regulus Black's setting. Strictly speaking, the entire body of the female Titan was accumulated with desire. of.

Those who have watched the original movie must have an impression of the overwhelming dark magic that broke out after Voldemort's Horcrux was destroyed. It was not just Voldemort's soul, but a strong desire.

The body created by the Sinking Curse and filled with desire was integrated into the bodies of 12 giants, as well as Regulus Black's two golden finger skills.

No matter how you look at it, Regulus Black is more powerful in this Titan's body, even if such a large body is made of desire provided by Voldemort.

This is like investment. Regulus Black was the first to come up with the idea, and then 12 strong men joined in the work. Voldemort brought the funds, but all this ultimately relied on Regulus Black's two hands. Xiang Jinfinger has just been fixed, and now that the results have come out, it's time to take Voldemort out as the fund provider.

The female titan opens her mouth and spits out phlegm... No! An egg spat out.

This is a crystal clear phlegm... No! It's an egg.

The fused souls of Voldemort and Harry Potter are like insects wrapped in layers of thick phlegm, and then the thick phlegm condenses into the shape of an egg, but the overall shape is egg-shaped.

"Is Voldemort dead?"

"Is Harry Potter dead?"

People around asked Regulus Black.

"Of course they are dead without a body. This is just their soul. They no longer have spiritual things such as will and desire."

Regulus Black put his hand on it and felt it for a while, then his expression became relieved.

How to ultimately solve the fusion of Voldemort and Harry Potter has always been a serious problem. According to the original work, Harry Potter survived, but Voldemort completely failed and died.

But in this world, the two merge into one. In this world, let them live or let them die. This is a multiple-choice question that only God knows, and Regulus Black wants to give this question to God. choose.

If Dumbledore is left to deal with it, there will probably be a bloody scene where he sacrifices himself to save Harry Potter's soul.

Then it will be Regulus Black who has to do the multiple-choice question.

The Titans are an ancient race of gods that appeared after the original Greek gods. The Titans are also called the Titans.

The first generation of Titans were all born from the sky god Uranus and the earth god Gaia, with a total of six boys and six girls. The female Titans are called Female Titans

The earliest Titans were twelve, born to the earth mother Gaia and the sky god Uranus. The six male Titans are: Cronus, Oceanus, Hyperion, Cleos, and Column. Oos, Iapetus. The six female Titans are: Thesis, Theia, Mnemosyne, Phoebe, Rhea and Themis.

After them came the scheming Cronus, the youngest but most terrifying of all the children of the earth goddess Gaia, who hated his lusty father.

Regulus Black suddenly felt that there was no sense of violation in placing this myth here, because he had a strong sexual desire.

If he really wanted to die and named this piece of thick phlegm after Cronus, he would definitely be looking for trouble for himself.

You also have to think about the mythical stories about Titans and stones.

Regulus Black took back the Titan first. Strictly speaking, it was also a refined amulet.

Then he released another amulet [Black Lotus Holy Fire Three-legged Golden Toad] and swallowed the thick phlegm in one gulp.

According to legend, in Mecone, Greece, the gods met to discuss and determine the rights and obligations of mankind. Prometheus attended the meeting as the defender of mankind. At the meeting, he tried to persuade the gods not to impose harsh conditions for sacrifice because they promised to protect humans.

Zeus, the ruler of the gods, thought he had been deceived and decided to refuse to provide humans with the last thing necessary for life, "fire."

Prometheus immediately came up with an ingenious idea. He took a thick and long fennel stalk, carried it towards the approaching sun chariot, put the fennel stalk into its flame, ignited it, and then took it with him. The flickering fire returned to the ground and soon the first pile of wood was burning.

At this time, he had a girlfriend among the gods, Athena, the goddess of wisdom. She blew magical air into the fire, and the fire grew stronger and stronger, and the flames soared into the sky. When Zeus saw the fire rising in the world, he could only get angry, but he could no longer take the fire away from humans.

When fire spread into thousands of households, the fire was finally extinguished by Prometheus being tied to a hanging rock in the Caucasus Mountains, but the fire left behind a crystal that could bloom in seven colors, which are the seven colors of the sun.

[Black Lotus Sacred Fire Three-legged Golden Toad] After swallowing this soul crystal, go back and continue refining it into a sun crystal.

The threat of Voldemort ended, and so did Harry Potter's life. Dumbledore was dead, the Elder Wand remained in the female Titan's body, and Regulus Black had an intuition that he couldn't get it yet.

Hogwarts was also ruined a lot after this battle, but it was much better than the situation in the original book.

What's more, wizards can repair these damages by just waving their magic wands, and no one takes these losses seriously.

Regulus Black thought about everything, looking for the missing parts, but there was nothing except the thick phlegm.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he was surrounded by a circle of women who cared about him and many curious eyes. They were all waiting for Regulus Black to say something or explain what happened just now.

"Everyone! There will never be Voldemort or Death Eaters in the future. The dark forces have been completely eliminated. We have won!"

Regulus Black immediately declared victory, causing everyone around him to cheer.

"But, next we need to appease ourselves, appease others, and return to a peaceful and peaceful life. There are still studies, reviews, and exercises waiting for us. Hogwarts has to be repaired, and you also have to take exams. Don't think you have won. The school will graduate you directly.”

Regulus Black looked at the cheering students and immediately changed his tone, extinguishing all the students' enthusiasm with his words.

This time the defense battle of Hogwarts, under Regulus Black's advance planning, achieved an unprecedented victory. Although the students were very nervous, the result was not harmful to them. Hogg Woz was never in the position of letting house elves come out to fight.

"Professor McGonagall, there will be Dumbledore's funeral and the restoration of Hogwarts later. I will not participate in these things. I still need to appease those people. I have finally achieved this step, but I can't waste all my efforts and go back to the original state." look like."

Regulus Black was talking about those members of the [Hundred-Armed Giants], as well as those Death Eaters, fallen wizards, werewolves, vampires and the last few giants, all of which need to be dealt with secretly.

The best way is to let the nymph witches give birth to children for them, so that these problems can be completely solved without embarrassing the Ministry of Magic.

Regulus Black always did things with leeway.