Necromancers Guide to Magic

Chapter 363: Inferi 363 The fake relics of this world


The Dark Mark is the mark of a Death Eater, but two years after Voldemort's death, the mark still remains like a tattoo.

The Daily Prophet suddenly reported a study on the Dark Mark. Regulus Black, Director of the Department for the Management and Control of Magical Creatures, found a way to completely eliminate the Dark Mark through research.

The headline of the newspaper was that Regulus Black removed the Dark Mark from his arm on the spot under the observation of senior people from the Ministry of Magic. A huge crystal stone was placed in the magic circle. Regulus Black Blake used the magic spell 'Reappearance of Bones' on the crystal stone. After spending a lot of magic power, the dark mark on his arm was transferred into the crystal stone along with the magic power.

The results were recognized by the Ministry of Magic, with Minister Connery Fudge expressing high praise.

The Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic confirmed the results and hoped that Death Eaters with the Dark Mark could participate in the research.

The Auror Department stated that it would send notices directly to all Death Eaters who had been controlled by the Dark Lord, asking them to remove the mark.

A new round of operations to clean up Death Eaters is underway. This is just like the witch pregnancy incident. Leaving a child to die can eliminate the stigma, leaving only the die-hards.

It's the same this time. Are you willing to keep the Dark Mark in memory of the Dark Lord, or are you willing to completely clear your suspicions? If not... Haha! The Wizengamot Tribunal will re-examine the testimony of that year. You said that you were controlled by the Bewitching Curse at the time. Why are you unwilling to remove the Dark Mark now? Could it be that the effect of the mind-bending spell can continue to this day

Being able to eliminate the Dark Mark made Regulus Black the center of attention again, because he once told Lucius Malfoy that he could completely eliminate the Dark Mark, and those who had eaten Death The disciples all hope to remove the marks on their arms.

In fact, what Regulus Black said to Lucius Malfoy in the past was completely different from the way he uses it now.

In the past, I just planned to use magic props to transfer the Dark Mark, but now I have this crystal stone, which is a mixture of the souls of Voldemort and Harry Potter. It has the same magical properties and is very suitable for doing this.

Lucius Malfoy was the first person to respond publicly. He is now the Director of the Department for the Prohibition of the Misuse of Muggle Items. His initiative served as a good example. Under the supervision of the Ministry of Magic, he paid After using more than half of his magic power, Lucius Malfoy also successfully eliminated his Dark Mark, and his wife Narcissa Malfoy also eliminated the mark together.

The Daily Prophet was once again blaring, and it was all words of praise.

"Okay! There won't be anything going on with the Ministry of Magic from now on. People who are marked as Death Eaters in the future will probably be less likely to appear in public. They should contact me privately."

Regulus Black practically pushed Connery Fudge and another representative of the Department of Magical Things out of the chamber.

"Mr. Black, the Department of Mysteries still needs to study this crystal stone."

The old man was very reluctant to leave this secret room. Adhering to the spirit of learning, he wanted to stay here.

"Please make it clear to me. This is a secret inherited by the Black family. It has been disclosed to you for research three times. It is not impossible to open it to you for research again. In exchange for all the research materials of the Department of Mysteries."

Regulus Black pretended that everything could be discussed, and their research would not produce results beyond their own anyway.

And being able to obtain the research results of the Department of Mysterious Things is definitely a profitable business.

The research results of the Department of Mysteries are the work of many generations. It seems like a loss just to exchange for such a crystal stone research opportunity.

But in Regulus Black's view, technology that cannot be converted into productivity is a huge waste.

Death Eaters came to visit secretly one after another. Regulus Black received them alone. No one knew what they talked about or what deals they made. But from Regulus's perspective, ·With Black's growing influence in the Ministry of Magic and the wizarding world, it can be seen that these are things that are beneficial to Regulus Black.

[The Hundred-Armed Giant Kotos] suddenly set up a branch in Hawaii, USA, and purchased a lot of islands. Such behavior naturally attracted the attention of the government. However, after the end of World War II, Hawaii was still an important military center in the United States. , no matter what a company does, it is impossible to influence the government, unless it discovers prehistoric remains.

Across the entire Atlantic Ocean, one prehistoric site after another was discovered by the archaeological team of [Hundred-Armed Giant Kotos], and one paper after another confirmed the legend of Atlantis. The entire world It's boiling!

According to legend, the technology of the Atlanteans has reached the level of crystal civilization, which is a completely different technological trend from modern technology. It is another branch of the technology tree. [The Hundred-Armed Giant Kotos] even Kongkai said that if such technology is found, it will not be handed over to the government, and it will only be benefited by other consortiums. Whoever wants to invest in it will get it.

Capitalists will ignore the law for 100% profit, let alone the legendary prehistoric ruins of the Crystal Stone Civilization!

The government is very secretive about such matters, as if it is indifferent to such open-minded statements that defy the law.

Also, [Hundred-Armed Giant Kotos]’s power in the United States is simply too fitting for his name. He is involved in so many industries and has so much wealth. There are only two other [Hundred-Armed Giants] in Europe and China. [Giant] is comparable.

What’s more, these prehistoric remains have not yet been excavated! Even if something is really found, it is nothing more than an antique. It may cause a sensation in the academic and archaeological circles, but it is really not worth mentioning in the political circles.

Just after such a consensus emerged within the government, a surprising news emerged.

Due to the archaeological excavation of [Hundred-Armed Giant Kotos], the fish began to mutate somewhere off the coast of Hawaii, and then the archaeologists mutated, showing a phenomenon of irreversible enlargement.

Then a sarcophagus was fished out of the water and immediately sealed up by the personnel of [Hundred-Armed Giant Kotos].

The sarcophagus was hidden, but the abnormal phenomenon caused before could not be hidden. Giant marine life began to flow in the ocean, and more than a dozen staff members turned into giants.

With such facts in front of us, the government cannot remain indifferent.

"We are the U.S. military and we are ordered to take over everything here. All relevant personnel must evacuate, and no documents or materials are allowed to be taken away."

The Hawaiian military took action, and military vehicles surrounded the branch of [Hundred-Armed Giant Kotos] in Hawaii.

"Get out of here! This is private property. We have the right to shoot anyone who enters without permission and provide relevant documents. Otherwise, don't even think about breaking in!"

[Hundred-Armed Giant Kotos] A person in charge in a suit walked out, picked up the walkie-talkie and started broadcasting.

"This is the front door. We are surrounded by heavy weapons and need support."

At the front door, the doormen of [Hundred-Armed Giant Kotos] were all mercenaries. They immediately sealed the entire front door and replaced them with heavy weapons.

The two sides began to confront each other. After all, this was not a war, and no one wanted anyone killed. This was obviously a military operation to invade someone else's company. Did the president issue a document? Or did a certain MP sign the document? Or is it a certain consortium that mobilizes military operations through connections

People in the army know it very well, and so do the mercenaries in the company.

Soon, groups of mercenaries ran out from inside the company, and their number even exceeded the number of troops.

"This is not a company, this is simply an armed group!"

"Don't be impulsive. This is what a super consortium is like. Kotos donates to the government every year to help tide over the financial crisis!"

The two military leaders were hiding in their cars and talking on the phone. They were waiting for news from the government. As soldiers, they could only obey orders.


An inhuman shout came from behind the [Hundred-Armed Giant Kotos] branch, and an alarm went off for a moment.

A huge giant, more than 10 meters tall, broke through the wall of a building and rushed out, running wildly outside.

"Titan 1 has escaped, everyone will capture Titan 1, life or death."

As soon as the person in charge gave the order, all the mercenaries abandoned the troops at the front door, turned around and drove to chase the Titan 1.

"what should we do?"

"What are you doing standing still? Let's chase him too."