Necromancers Guide to Magic

Chapter 364: Inferi 364 The World Adventurer Organization is established


No matter how tight the blockade is, news will still leak out. Titan 1 ran all the way and was finally killed by the army and mercenaries. The entire process was filmed in short bursts.

[Hundred-Armed Giant Kotos] A giant ran away from the Hawaii branch. It is said that this giant named Titan 1 is a staff member who mutated after working on the seabed. Whether he now has human rights has become a TV entertainment Hot topics discussed on the show.

But for the government and [Hundred-Armed Giant Kotos], this is a quarrel of interests. Just from this mutation, how much biotechnology can be researched, and Atlantis is also involved. Sri Lanka's crystal civilization.

"Let's not talk about the Titan 1 issue for now. Where is the sarcophagus! Hand it over."

The person in charge just now was sitting in the conference room of [Hundred-Armed Giant Kotos]. Opposite him, two military personnel responsible for the operation and a so-called expert sent by the government were slapping the table and asking for the sarcophagus. This is the expert.

"Let's not talk about the existence of sarcophagi! Who do you represent? You ask for this and that. Do you think you are a refugee?"

While drinking Blue Mountain coffee, the person in charge directly taunted the other party and didn't even produce a single document. He was preparing to rob him by force.

Although the troops and mercenaries outside covered the body of Titan 1 with a large number of shields, the two sides were still in a stalemate. If they said they were going to open fire, just open fire!

The mercenaries even began to set up a large number of incendiary bombs and fuel around Titan 1 and on the corpse. They were prepared to burn the corpse directly if something went wrong. According to the employment contract, the corpse must not fall into the hands of others.

"Of course I represent the U.S. government!"

The other party said angrily that in fact he really did not represent the US government. Behind him were certain senators, that is to say certain financial groups, but [Hundred-Armed Giant Kotos] supported many senators and had already controlled gained one-third of the power in the House of Representatives and the Senate.

"The layout has been completed and the site can be cleaned at any time."

After receiving the news, a mercenary leader whispered a report next to the person supporting him, but the other person could also hear the sound.

At the same time, the army also transmitted the news through communication equipment.

"You don't represent the U.S. government. If your people don't evacuate, they can stay and watch the bonfire."

The person in charge said mockingly, and stood up and walked to the window, which was exactly the direction where the giant was shot.

That expert couldn't stop the mercenaries subordinate to [Hundred-Armed Giant Kotos]. If they didn't attack the army and just burned the giant's corpse, nothing would happen afterwards.

"Sir! It's a call from the company headquarters."

The mercenary just picked up the phone that just rang and handed it to the person in charge.

"Yes! It's me, I have the scene under control, yes! The other party refuses to leave, and is ready to clean up the scene, uh...? I understand, I will do it, don't worry."

The person in charge hung up the phone with some frustration. The bosses at the headquarters had already reached an agreement with the government bosses. In the exchange of interests, there was nothing that could not be bought and sold, let alone the corpse of a giant.

"What do you call that... forget it! Anyway, we won't see each other very much in the future. The pile of barbecue materials has not been moved yet and is given to you. You can decide for yourself whether you want to barbecue or take it back. We will not participate in this event."

In order to prevent the other party from recording, the person in charge has long learned to speak in such a suggestive way.

The expert on the other side was also very angry, and tremblingly took the leader of the army and left [Hundred-Armed Giant Kotos].

Regulus Black successfully handed over the body of a giant to the government. There are still more than ten living mutant giants waiting for suitable buyers, and the sarcophagus is still hidden in a secret place.

In fact, there is indeed a piece of crystal inside the sarcophagus, which is the part cut off from the sun crystal. Regulus Black used the soul crystals of Voldemort and Harry Potter to refine the sun crystal, and then made it into the sun crystal through false propaganda. The Dark Mark and magic power were input into it. After everyone worked together to refine it, this sun crystal has become extraordinary.

The crystals in the sarcophagus are just the scraps cut off when repairing the sun crystal.

According to the agreement, the box containing the sarcophagus is constantly being transported by different transportation companies. Only [Hundred-Armed Giant Kotos] knows where this treasure is now, whether it is on a transportation vehicle or in a certain warehouse. inside.

This is a dynamic protective measure that is very effective, but Regulus Black's purpose is not to hide it, but to allow the crystal to move in the city.

Everyone who comes closer than 10 meters will be affected by it, for better or worse, or develop super powers.

In less than a year, thousands of people with weak superpowers appeared.

On the Internet, an organization called Assassin appeared. A purple-haired, dark-skinned woman with big round hips and a skull mask appeared. She could always accurately find these people with weak superpowers, and then contact them through phone calls and videos. other side.

Soon an adventurer organization covering the United States was established, and some simple tasks were assigned, especially protecting other similar people, which became the core task of this organization, because no one wants to be sliced up by the government, right

"A Chinese distant-water fishing vessel caught a 23-meter-long tuna in the Pacific Ocean. This tuna became the longest shark in the world. In order to get a good price for the tuna, the fishermen held a celebration at the fishing port. Celebration event!”

On Chinese TV, a harvest report on an agricultural channel attracted the attention of many countries.

"It's just a pity that this tuna was so big that no buyer could afford to buy it. After parked at the fishing port for two days, the locals held a fish feast, and everyone participated. This 23-meter-long tuna was The long tuna has been made into various dishes. After hearing the news, nearby tourists came here in droves, and we also came to try it. The fish soup and fish balls taste really delicious!"

The reporter applauded the all-fish feast on TV. Afterwards, he drank a small bowl of fish soup and tasted fish balls, fish cakes and other foods. The TV was full of people, and the audience was filled with laughter and laughter.

Many insiders are exclaiming, what are the Chinese doing? Can such mutated tuna be eaten casually

After all, it is a big foodie empire, and nothing can stop these foodies’ desires.

The reason why the all-fish feast was held two days later was precisely because the government requested that the tuna be handed over to the government.

This is not bought by the government at market price, this is handed over! Who would be happy to hand it in without a penny, in name only to contribute to scientific research

Therefore, the owner of the tuna immediately decided to sell the whole fish separately. Based on the popularity attracted by the previous celebrations, holding a whole fish feast was the best choice. As a result, the locals immediately mobilized and directly The whole tuna is cut into slices on the same day, so that all tourists who come can buy a portion of the largest tuna in the world.

Although some officials knew about this situation, they were unable to stop such behavior. Could it be that the armed police were dispatched to arrest everyone? What's more, there are reporters reporting on the scene. If an official comes forward and shouts "this shit... Bah!" This fish is poisonous, so some people may hesitate before swallowing it.

"Don't say anything more. First mobilize the police to block traffic! Expand the area and don't leak people out."

The local military leaders looked at the documents in their hands and had a headache watching the whole fish feast on TV.

"Report to the chief! The reporter has returned to Beijing, and many tourists have also left the area."

The soldiers in charge of intelligence immediately reported the latest news.

"That is to check, check their names, check their home addresses, notify the police where they live, and ask them to cooperate."

The chief slapped the document on the table.

It was a report on mutated giant marine creatures in the Pacific. It explained in detail about the American super consortium, which archaeologically excavated the remains of prehistoric civilizations, and then caused nearby creatures to mutate, and even the staff to mutate.

This also includes secondary mutations after eating these mutated creatures.

Among these people on TV news, it is very likely that there will be people with super powers.