Necromancers Guide to Magic

Chapter 370: Inferi 370 Harem, I come to see you


After all, Ron was no match for Regulus Black's teasing. Of course, he would never be willing to cut off one of his own balls. He agreed to go to St. Mungo's for a physical examination. He did not tell anyone the results of the examination, but It seems that his attitude towards his wife has improved a lot.

Regulus Black has also started a new round of busyness. Women are giving birth one after another, sometimes in two places at the same time. This makes Regulus Black 'Phantom Move' all over the world, Silver. flames flickering around the world.

There were many mistakes in the place, and many witnesses saw the silver flames, but Regulus Black himself did not show his face.

"It's the Flash, that must be the Flash!"

A fat man was holding up a cell phone to take pictures of his girlfriend, but he was shooting from behind her.

"What Flash? You must have seen it wrong."

My girlfriend took the phone and looked through the previous videos.

"Oh! Oh my gosh! It's really The Flash! I'm in the same frame as The Flash, and I'm going to die immediately."

The fat man's girlfriend screamed with excitement.

"Look! The Flash has been spotted all over the world!"

Lying on the hospital bed, with a whole nursing team preparing, Charlize Theron, who was about to give birth, was still reading the newspaper.

"Actually, this Flash is me!"

Regulus Black glanced at the information in the newspaper and found that no one had ever seen the Flash himself. There was no red suit in the comics, only a figure under a silver thread.

However, various analyzes in newspapers said that these silver threads are the timeline driven by The Flash, which seems to make sense.

Hearing Regulus Black admit that he was the Flash so generously, everyone in the room chuckled.

"Then, my dear, take me for a run!"

Charlize Theron put down the newspaper and put her hand on Regulus Black's shoulder.

"I think this won't work, because I can't even control myself when I run, and ordinary people can't bear the pressure caused by that kind of speed."

Regulus Black gave a serious explanation and refused the request.

Everyone thinks that this is the boss coaxing his woman. As a big star, Charlize Theron is with such a low-key and wealthy boss. In the hearts of ordinary people, it is a very wronged relationship, but it seems that The two get along happily, and the boss loves her very much.

"You can't even fulfill such a request. Don't expect me to admit that you are the father of the child."

Charlize Theron held Regulus Black's hand and said angry words, her brows slightly wrinkled due to the pain of childbirth.

"This is not okay! I also have a share in the child, how can I let you take over it all? If you want to fly, I will buy you a business jet! This way you can travel around the world with your child."

Regulus Black's words made all the nursing staff look up to him. They bought this plane right away!

Carefully controlling the magic power, the slightest bit of magic power was put into Charlize Theron's body to help her give birth to the child smoothly.

Despite the pain, Charlize Theron successfully gave birth to a boy in less than an hour.

"How about we name our kids Airplane? Or Boeing? Airbus?"

Because of Regulus Black's magical support, Charlize Theron's delivery was very smooth, and she was in good spirits. But when she heard her lover acting so nonsense, Charlize Theron also acted cooperatively. Angry expression.

"If you say one more thing, I will change the child's last name to White."

Black is black and White is white. The two are completely different and opposite, so the problem is very serious.

Regulus Black pretended to admit his mistake, then looked at Charlize Theron and the child with a smile.

Regulus Black will definitely be present at the birth of every child, because when a child of a wizard family is born, it is easy for various magic confusion problems to occur. This is of course not a problem for wizard families. Some wizards themselves There are much more serious messes than this, and the little things the baby caused can be easily solved.

But if the same thing is put into Muggle society, it is a completely different problem. A newborn has superpowers and is directly taken away by the government. Such things have already happened. The wizarding world naturally provides help to wizards, but For Muggles to suddenly give birth to a little wizard, they can only deal with it through post-mortem remedies.

However, the current government has greatly improved the relevant organizational capabilities for the emergence of superpowers. If there is no care, problems will easily occur, although they can definitely be recovered afterwards.

What Regulus Black did was to turn the entire delivery room into a closed environment, and everyone inside was controlled.

Under the effect of the spell, no information will be leaked. Even if something does happen, the problem can be solved within the delivery room.

The child had only been in the hands of Regulus Black, and the magical effects such as blessing, defense, and demon sealing had been exerted on it, so that nothing would happen to the child no matter what.

Because there are so many children nowadays, Regulus Black doesn't stay in any place for long, and of course his women understand.

He would often stay here for a few hours and then change places for a few hours. As an Inferi, Regulus didn't need to sleep anyway.

However, in the process of accompanying his woman and children, Regulus Black set the properties of several of his amulets.

[Gatling Cannon Light Wheel Firebolt]

Keeping it in the inventory has more additional benefits [Flying Broomstick]


+77 damage

+77 spell damage

+77% critical attack

+77% enhanced damage

+77 maximum damage

+77 minimum damage

+77 accuracy

+77% increased attack speed

+77% additional attack accuracy bonus

+7% mana stolen on hit

+7% life stolen on hit

+7% increased attack speed

+7% high-speed casting speed

+7% to attack again quickly

+77 damage to souls

+77 damage to demons

+77 damage to undead

+77% chance of dealing a crushing blow

+77 spell damage

+77 lightning damage

+77 fire damage

+77 cold damage

+77 poison damage

+77 poison's continuous effect, poison damage lasts 77 seconds

+77 Agility

+77 Strength

+77 Stamina

+77 illuminates range

+77 high speed movement


cannot be destroyed

Ignore target defense

Damaged health moved to mana

The attack method works with any spell

[Hathaway's Feather Oolong Flying Carpet]

Staying in inventory has many additional benefits

+7 fluoresce

+7 loud voice

+7 whisper

+7 incisor plug stick

+7 Fire grilled hot and spicy

+7 tarantella


+7 flocks of birds

+7 own goal

+7 Shen Feng Wu Ying

+7 blazing fire

+7 Safeguarding

+7 to Polymorph skill

+7 Animagus skills

+7 to the Poisoned Dagger skill

+7 to corpse explosion skill

+7 to Venom Spray skill

+7 to Poison Nova skill

It has two forms: owl and flying carpet, which can be freely transformed.

The above magic can be used independently when in owl form.

The corpse explodes and the venom sprays the poisonous nova, which requires the cooperation of an own goal.

[Eris Meditation Bat Mirror]

Staying in inventory has many additional benefits

+7 Divination skill

+7 Divination skill

+7 Evocation magic skill level

+7 Muggle Expelling Charms: banish non-wizards away

+7 Bat Spirit Charm: The person under the spell will be knocked down by a large number of bats.

+7 Alajo Cave Open: Open somewhere

+7 Clean Up: Clean up a place

+7 Petrify Everything: Petrify something

+7 Silence: Make a certain existence silent

+7 Vanish without a Trace: Make yourself invisible

+7 Lisongjinju: Let the opponent lose his strength

+7 Stunned: Make the opponent faint

+7 Fast Imprisonment: Lock the door immediately and mute the sound to prevent eavesdropping

+7 Pre-flashback spell: observe something in the past

+7 Obfuscation: Confusing what someone sees and hears

+7 Forgotten: Erase the memory of a certain period of time

+7 Soul Seduction: Control the opponent's thoughts

+7 Heartbreaking: Torturing the opponent physically and mentally

+7 Legilimency: Search the opponent's memory

+7 Occlumency: Defense against having your memory searched by others

77% increase in magic casting success rate

77% chance to defend against magic above

All the above magic can be performed by the summoned bat spirit

The properties of these three amulets basically include all the commonly used spells in the wizarding world, and no wand is required when using them.

Although, this is dispensable to Regulus Black.