Necromancers Guide to Magic

Chapter 371: Inferi 371 Beelzebub Black, Lord of the Flies


Jennifer Connelly took care of her daughter. As soon as the child was born, she showed some special abilities. There were more insects in the room. Although she kept looking for a pest control company to deal with it, she even changed her residence. However, as my daughter moves, insects will gather wherever she goes.

"what on earth is it?"

Jennifer Connelly swung the electric mosquito swatter and swatted down a few more flying flies. She didn't even bother to clean up the insect corpses on the ground, which had accumulated quite a lot.

"My dear, I told you that these situations can be avoided by giving the child some magic potion."

Regulus Black looked at his still young wife. As time went by, Jennifer Connelly's face did not become too mature. This added a mature temperament to the original youthful girl.

"Don't tell me about your potions and magic... and your wizards."

Jennifer Connelly wields an electric mosquito swatter and looks miserable.

"Okay! It was my fault for hiding it from you in the first place, but you and I have been together all these years. Do you think I would harm my own child?"

Regulus Black finally told Jennifer Connelly his identity as a wizard when she was pregnant. He also told other pregnant Muggles, and of course imposed necessary restricting spells on them. They could not let this secret out, and at the same time began to use magic spells to protect their safety.

"Yes! You won't hurt the child, but I don't know what methods you will use on the child. Look at me, I have been with you for ten years, when are you going to let me know that you have used it on me? After taking the magic pill, I haven’t aged in the past ten years, although this is something that many actresses envy.”

Jennifer Connelly pointed at her face angrily, still as young and beautiful as she was ten years ago.

"Dear! Do you want to experience a complete life? Including illness and aging?"

Regulus Black knew that the reason why Jennifer Connelly was acting like this was purely due to depression, and once he figured it out, it would be fine.

"I don't know, I'm sorry! Regulus, I don't know, I just... I just feel a little weird thinking that my face will be like this until my death."

Jennifer Connelly also understood that she might have a mental problem and her mind was in a haze and couldn't extricate herself.

No one is willing to accept pain and aging, let alone women!

As a result, he said the exact opposite here, as if Regulus had deprived himself of the power of illness and aging.

This is so stupid, how could I have such strange thoughts.

"That's right! The reason why I'm so... abnormal is because my daughter made trouble for me."

Jennifer Connelly finally realized that this was the essence of the problem, because this daughter would cause strange phenomena from time to time. The most common ones were the emergence of various insects. As long as they were species related to insects, they would be affected by her daughter. Attracted.

"By the way! There's something I haven't settled with you yet! Why did you name your daughter Beelzebub! That's the name of the Lord of the Flies."

Jennifer Connelly starred in a movie that is now regarded as a bad movie, "The Myth". She played a girl in the movie who can control and attract insects. And then a girl with super powers like her was actually raped by a pervert. of freak attacks.

The so-called superpowers of Jennifer Connelly's character back then were so bad that they had no effect on the plot at all.

There is also something that people can’t complain about, the background comes with BGM, and the deafening rock music makes people speechless.

Jennifer Connelly researched a lot of information for this role, although in the end she didn't use it during the performance.

Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies, is a more powerful and primitive demon than Satan. Satan has asked for his help in myths.

Among the seven deadly sins, it can also correspond to the position of gluttony. That is, in European and American mythology, there are all disgusting images. It is a pile of indescribable accumulations that constitute the image of Beelzebub.

I really don’t know why Europeans and Americans like disgusting images so much, especially the devil who doesn’t even have a good image.

Regulus Black smiled and opened the curtain above his daughter Beelzebub's crib, and immediately insects swarmed around him.

Beelzebub Black was lying on the small bed when he saw the insects flying over. He immediately giggled and waved his little hands to catch the insects. All the insects flew around the small bed, forming an obvious ring. .

"This is simply... I have never seen anything like this. I try my best to keep these bugs away."

Jennifer Connelly felt that the insects seemed to be showing obedience to her infant daughter.

"Because our daughter is Beelzebub! She inherited this talent from you, and it is also thanks to your mythology back then."

Regulus Black reached out and held his daughter to sit up, and immediately the rings around the crib turned into rings around the head.

It's like an angel halo, but a ring of insects. Beelzebub Black wanted to look up at the insect ring, but the entire insect ring changed positions as her head moved, but it always remained above Beelzebub's head, like a crown.

"Regulus! Do you think your daughter is like this because of the movie I made?"

Jennifer Connelly couldn't tell at this time whether she regretted making that movie or whether she should be grateful that she made that bad movie.

"This is not entirely your fault, my wizard blood also plays a role in it."

Regulus Black took out a bottle of potion and put it aside. His daughter Beelzebub immediately made an expression begging for mercy, her small face looked aggrieved and ready to cry at any time.


In the end, he couldn't hold it back anymore, and Beelzebub Black finally cried under Regulus's teasing eyes.

"Afraid! Who told me to be your father! This magic potion can stabilize and enhance your magic power! But the price is that you can't use magic power! But the use of mental power is not impressive at all, so you still You can play with the kids.”

Regulus Black said as he handed the potion bottle in his hand to his daughter Beelzebub.

Beelzebub Black, who was only half a year old, looked at his father blankly, and then reluctantly picked up the medicine bottle with both hands and drank the potion in one gulp.

"Take a nap after drinking the medicine. Children have always been there. Once these leave, new children will come over. Go to sleep!"

After Regulus Black drank the potion in Beelzebub, he waved his hand and a black flame burned away all the insects.

He comforted his daughter and put her to sleep, covering her with a small blanket.

"This potion can stabilize and enhance the child's magic power, and at the same time, it can also make the child temporarily lose access to magic power. This is to protect the child, because young wizards cannot control their own magic power, which will cause unimaginable catastrophes. .”

Regulus Black confirmed that his daughter Beelzebub Black was asleep and pulled Jennifer Connelly out of the nursery.

"Then the child will need to drink potions more often in the future, right? Will this hurt her?"

Jennifer Connelly asked a little worriedly, but what she wanted to ask more was about the movie she shot. Why does it have anything to do with her daughter's current state? How did the connection come about

"You can record the time. The effect of this potion is about half a year. Or tell me if you find insects gathering, or tell me if you need me."

Regulus Black caressed the plump breasts in front of him. Jennifer Connelly, who was still in the nursing stage, had a special fragrance.

"Tell me why my daughter has such a specific magical state, otherwise you can't think of anything else tonight."

Jennifer Connelly stretched out her hand, grabbed Regulus's handle, and then threatened to know the truth.

"Okay! I surrender! It's up to you. Regarding my daughter's situation, this is what I think. First of all, I am a wizard, and the child born with a Muggle is a mixed race. Secondly, the 'experience' generated by the movies you have filmed, During that period, both you and the audience recognized and paid attention to your role, which turned the illusion into some kind of reality, which is equivalent to admitting that you have magic qualifications. Therefore, our daughter Beelzebub is completely I inherited this talent from you."

While explaining, Regulus Black patted Jennifer Connelly's head and received a vague answer from the other party.