Necromancers Guide to Magic

Chapter 372: Inferi 372 The spirit behind Red Black


Charlize Theron also experienced a manifestation of her magical powers shortly after the birth of her daughter.

"Regulus! I don't care what method you use, just resolve this situation for me immediately."

In the baby's room, black and red mist filled the air. Although the mist of the two colors mixed from time to time, they were clearly independent. From time to time, a skull-like shape would emerge from the mist, and then be captured by Charlize. ·Theron kicked him away.

"Wow! It seems that our daughter has a very good talent."

After receiving the summons from Charlize Theron, Regulus Black rushed over quickly, but the problem was simpler than expected.

"My daughter is sleeping and every time she goes to sleep, this fog comes out and now I'm going crazy."

Charlize Theron kicked away another skeleton that was laughing at her.

"Actually, this is your daughter smiling at you! If you kick her away like this, it will leave a bad impression on your daughter. If Rhett reacts, he will be sad for his mother's behavior."

Rhett Black is the first daughter of Regulus Black and Charlize Theron.

Looking at his daughter who was sleeping soundly, Regulus Black carefully picked up his daughter. Rhett Black felt someone touching her, and the red and black mist around her immediately surged, and then a skeleton rushed to Regulus. In front of Les Black, he then disappeared. It was obvious that the daughter recognized her father.

"Charlize! You see, my daughter can still control herself."

Regulus Black stretched out a hand and gave the other party a thumbs up gesture. A real man! Cute big tits!

"Come on! Let's see what Red can do!"

As Regulus Black spoke, he pressed the back of his daughter's head with one hand. The weak magic power created a hypnotic effect, and a grand dream appeared in the baby's room.

The ground is a blood-red land, and an ancient Gothic villa stands on this red land. The black villa is like the dark clouds in the sky, gloomy and quiet, noble and abject.

The top of the villa has long been damaged, and you can see what is happening inside the villa at a glance from the top.

Suddenly, the perspective of Regulus and Charlize changed. The two of them were in the Villa. The entire movie story of Scarlet Villa was being played out before their eyes. It originally took more than half a year for the plot characters. At this time, the two of them were just like the audience. Same thing, it can be finished in less than two hours.

Soon, the plot reached the final easter egg part.

In the red pool, Allen sank for a long time. Even if he didn't die from his injuries, he would definitely drown.

Seven red ghosts suddenly appeared in the other seven pools, and they rushed to the pool where Allen was.

When Allen's left hand stretched out of the pool, 7 left hands stretched out at the same time.

On Allen's face, the faces of the seven previous deceased people kept flashing before finally settling on his own face.

As the perspective changes, Allen's image becomes taller and more real, and all the red mist in the room is filled into this image, making this character more substantial and plump.

But this is not over yet, the black mist has not been removed yet.

Regulus Black mediates the dreams of his daughter Rhett. The heroine Edith Cushing has always had a black ghost in her dreams. She is frightened and thinks it is her deceased mother.

Black mist also began to condense into this image, and Allen also transformed part of his power into the black part.

A total of three souls of Mrs. Sharp and the Sharp siblings are in Allen's body, and the other four dead wives of Thomas Sharp are concentrated in the black ghost. Now both sides have the same strength.

And because his daughter Rhett Black could not understand the image of the skeleton, Regulus channeled it into the image of Charlize.

"That's great. Mom and dad will always be with you."

The red Ellen and the black Edith had become vivid at this time. Under the urging of Regulus Black, two streams of mist penetrated into Rhett Black's back, leaving a trace on her back. Two signature patterns were printed.

Ellen McMichael and Edith Cushing, two sets of signatures in red and black are in a line.

"Okay! It's been completely done, so that my daughter won't use her abilities randomly in the future. Thank you for not saying anything just now."

Regulus Black looked at Charlize Theron with a smile. She was too surprised just now. She didn't expect that her daughter's abilities came from the previously filmed movie "Scarlet Heights".

"And what about the kids after us? I mean they're going to inherit every movie I make and become their abilities!"

Charlize Theron was not so easy to fool. She immediately thought of her experience in the past few years. Regulus Black was very opposed to her filming an art film in order to win an Oscar, or a film with a major image change. Black Star Company blindly shoots movies with magical themes. Even if it is not magical, it must be a superhero. Even if it does not have super powers, it must have some strange situations. Even if there are not even strange situations, then the whole plot must have a magical meaning, or It's a science fiction film.

"I should say yes. It was just my guess at the beginning. You see, the wizarding world values ancestry. Marrying a Muggle and giving birth to a half-blood is already very difficult for them to accept, let alone finding a female star to marry!"

Regulus Black put his sleeping daughter Red into the crib, then turned around and picked up Charlize.

"You know, I am the only one who can find a female star to give birth to a half-blood wizard."

Carrying Charlize Theron into the big bed in the couple's room, Regulus Black showed off his uniqueness in a high-profile manner.

"This is the reason why you didn't let me do "Thelma and Louise", you didn't let me do "Mad Max", and there were other offers!"

Charlize Theron pushed left and blocked right, just to prevent Regulus Black from taking off his clothes.

"Yes! That's what I planned. Everything is for the sake of the children, for our children."

Regulus Black tore open Charlize's clothes, and a pair of plump breasts popped out, licking them with the slightest taste of fresh milk.

"Yes! For the sake of the child, what does the statuette mean?"

Charlize Theron likes her man to be so crazy. Even if there is no reason, she will create a reason to let Regulus start so roughly. After that, she will of course try her best to cater to his needs.

"Do you want the Little Golden Figure so much? How about my Little Golden Figure for you? Feel it! The head of the Little Golden Figure has already been pushed in."

Regulus Black was not in a hurry, and slowly pushed forward until he pushed his entire statuette in.

"All I want is your little golden man. Can you let the little golden man move now? I've been pushed so hard that I can't breathe."

Feeling the statuette slowly receding, Charlize Theron was finally able to resume her breathing frequency.

Then the statuette pushed in again, and then slowly withdrew, and Charlize Theron's breathing rate fluctuated accordingly.

"Remember what movie you did after Scarlet Heights?"

Regulus Black let Charlize enjoy the statuette enough, and lay next to her with his arms around Charlize who was savoring the aftertaste.

"I remember it was a bad movie called "Warrior" in which I played a character with super physical strength but who needed to be rescued by a black companion at a critical moment."

Charlize Theron changed into a more comfortable position, and then hugged Regulus tightly.

"I remember this was a movie invested by Black Star Company. I wasn't planning to act in it originally, but you came to persuade me, what's so good about this role?"

If she had not given birth to a child, Charlize Theron would not have had such doubts, but judging from the situation after the birth of her daughter Rhett Black, and the fact that Regulus Black has just admitted that the movies shot over the years They all have a purpose, so questions like this will naturally arise.

What is it about a science fiction movie that attracts you

"Do you still remember that you completely controlled that spaceship in the plot? The Pope airship has a supercomputer that controls the entire city. Some details in the movie were modified after Black Star Company intervened. .”

When Regulus Black said this, Charlize Theron had the urge to turn on the computer and watch it again.