Necromancers Guide to Magic

Chapter 377: Inferi 377 The daughters are those with awakened powers


"Regulus! Don't you feel guilty for sacrificing such a useful subordinate like this?"

Hermione Granger raised her head and asked with some dissatisfaction. Regulus Black had heard the same question from his own women many times, but he would still answer them calmly, who asked them They are all mothers of their own children!

"First of all! Assassin is just a name. This poor woman is just an object to be possessed. And this Assassin is not the only one. I have 6 such Assassins, and the objects they possess are all with serious physical defects. People, like the captured martyr Assassin, were originally a mental patient with serious self-destructive tendencies. After I told her what she might go through, she accepted the task very happily. I just gave her She imposed a psychic pact that allowed her to livestream her situation wherever she was."

Regulus Black actually couldn't guarantee that the government would torture Assassin for experiments after capturing her, but the fact is that the government did so. It can be seen that any peaceful coexistence is a lie, and now this Assassin is being tortured like this And if it is broadcast live, the confrontation between government power and superpowers cannot be resolved.

I just don’t know how the government will deal with Assassin. If Assassin is executed, the next step of planning can begin again.

In the government, after Assassin resumed live broadcasts, the entire upper-level lies were exposed. At first, the government wanted to cover up the facts and block speech, but as the matter progressed, more and more ordinary people stood by the superpowers. On the other hand, because it turns out that the probability of diaosi mutation is very high, an ordinary person will suddenly have his own powers triggered at any time because of something he has come into contact with or eaten. , turned around and was arrested by the government for experimentation after gaining superpowers. No one wants to experience such a twist. The butt decides the position, and the people at the bottom soon know where they should stand.

"We all know that people with superpowers are dangerous. Some people compare them with holding guns. But in fact, these are two completely different things. Even if guns are rampant, they can be controlled during the sale and purchase. Traces are found after a case occurs, but what can be done to control and trace traces of supernatural beings? If a person with supernatural powers commits a crime, how to determine their crime? The government's arrest of persons with supernatural powers is just a way of targeting ordinary citizens. Protection, only by keeping these dangerous superpowers away from the crowd can we truly be safe."

On a local TV station in the United States, Mark, a program host, was endorsing the government's actions. This was not even a request from the government, but something he did on his own initiative. He just believed that people with special abilities were dangerous. However, there is a visiting guest on today's program, a university biology professor. The original intention is that this professor can provide some opinions as a reference.

"I can't completely agree with you. Not all abilities are dangerous. If there are abilities that are not dangerous at all, how will the government deal with them? I don't think the government will let them go, even if they are confirmed to be in fact There is no danger, and he will definitely be arrested. As for the result, we have all seen the results of martyrs, but I also believe that martyrs must have their own methods."

This 50-year-old professor adheres to a relatively neutral attitude. After all, superpowers may be harmless.

"The so-called martyrs are all lies. The government has publicly explained that it was a fake video deliberately shot by some people."

However, such an answer obviously cannot satisfy the host. He hopes to hear opinions that are more favorable to him.

"Fake video? The live broadcasts for several months were fake videos! Those people who appeared on the original video were all confirmed to be some top professors, scientists and military leaders. Of course, not long after the live broadcast, they all Appeared wearing a mask. What kind of fake video can find so many top elites to shoot. In fact, one of them is my mentor. After the live video started, he exposed himself, and then we could not contact him. I and The mentor’s family members are worried that the government will let these participants disappear in order to cover up the facts.”

This upright professor was very angry. No one should lie about this matter, neither the government nor the media.

"But in fact, it is not difficult to find some special actors. Those who appear in the video can also find their own photos if they are deliberately looking for them. So to make a very real fake video, you only need to find some special actors according to the list. Just someone similar can act. And the reason why I say this video is fake is precisely because of the way it was filmed... "

The host started to make excuses again. Assassin's shooting method is indeed very special. The whole process is from a first-person perspective, as if a person's soul is out of body, and even himself is filmed. This is also a question that has been questioned. How did Assassin, who was tortured into that state by the experiment, upload everything he saw to the Internet

"You have been saying that supernatural powers are harmful and dangerous. Are you ready to ignore the martyr's ability to live broadcast the situation around him? Or do you just blindly think that this is someone else filming, for several months? Shooting? I hope your child will not have any supernatural powers. According to current research, the probability of 0.7% of supernatural powers is still very high."

The program was still in production, but the professor no longer wanted to stay here and stood up to leave.

"Thank you very much Professor Hogg for clarifying our doubts. Your objection is also what we need. This is the end of the lunchtime communication. Thank you for watching."

The host shamelessly sent the angry professor away, and the lunchtime exchange program was completed anyway.

"Hi! Honey, I just finished work. Is there anything you can do about calling me at this time?"

When Mark thinks about his wife, who is more than ten years younger, he always feels a little younger. A few years ago, the two of them had a pair of beautiful daughters, and now they are at the age where they can run around.

"Mark, please go home quickly, something happened! Something happened to Ellie and Mary. They were just hit by a car."

The woman on the other end of the phone cried and told the sad news that her two young daughters had been in a car accident. This is a huge tragedy for any family. The two children will have their 7th birthday in one month. .

"How are they? I'll be back now!"

Mark was on the phone and preparing to go home.

"They are fine now, but we will definitely lose them. After they were hit by a car, Allen was knocked into a tree on the side of the road. The tree and the car were damaged, but Allen was fine. He was just stuck in the tree and In the middle of the car. Mary was run over by the vehicle, but I watched the flesh and blood in that area return to Mary, as if the scene I just saw was like a dream. Oh my God! The government car has already arrived, Mark. go home quickly!"

Mark's wife hung up the phone and hugged her two daughters at a loss. The two children developed supernatural powers due to the car accident. This was absolutely beyond her imagination. Moreover, the car accident just now was seen by many neighbors. Apparently someone called the police, but what came was not a police car, but a special force vehicle that can often be seen on TV.

Mark was also shocked. He had always been opposed to people with superpowers, but his daughters turned out to be superpowers. Ellie was hit by a car but was fine. Mary was seriously injured and could recover. Are these superpowers dangerous? ? Of course not, is this retribution for oneself? Yes.

Mark drove frantically back to his home, taking with him several police cars that came to catch him for speeding.

When I got home, I saw my wife frantically tearing at a special operations team member, trying to snatch the child back from the other party's hand, but was kicked to the ground by the other party. The two children were like small animals, being beaten by these burly The special operations team members were stuffed into the cage and then loaded into two armored vehicles.

Mark was desperate, looking at his wife who fell to the ground crying and his children who were treated like animals.

He hoped it was all fake and he had never seen this scene.

He wished he had never said anything bad about the superhumans.

He hoped that Assassin would fall from the sky and save his daughter.

Thinking of Assassin sacrificing himself as a martyr just to let the world see the face of the government clearly.

Mark hopes that his daughter, even if she is taken away by Assassin, will not be taken away by the government.