Necromancers Guide to Magic

Chapter 378: Inferi 378 Minerva Dumbledore enrolls


"I am Assassin! After half a year, I believe that there are only a very few people in this world who have not watched my live broadcast. My experience is painful and my sacrifice is worth it. I will end it This live broadcast is because there are many children outside who are being arrested and harmed. They are still too weak, that is, they are unable to resist the power of the government and cannot control their own power. I will find you, guide you, and teach you. , you are the hope of the future, the hope of all mankind, hide yourself, I will appear by your side, I am Assassin, and I will leave the place where the government detains me."

The live broadcast on the Internet has caused another riot. The government is desperately trying to delete the video, but in fact the entire Internet is full of this video. Where Assassin was being held, two entire squads of armed troops burst into the room, pointing their guns at the only hospital bed in the room. An iron cage was lowered from the roof, covering the entire hospital bed inside. Then a steel plate wall was raised around the floor, and the steel plates on the roof were added to form another layer of iron boxes.

The armed forces still did not relax, and weapons were set up in the firing holes on the steel wall. The iron cage inside began to sink slowly, and underneath was a cold pool of water. Along with the sinking was the iron box on the second floor. The people of the armed forces watched the entire set of equipment being sealed, and then they relaxed a little.

However, all this process was conveyed to the online live broadcast by Assassin's 'spiritual covenant'.

The whole iron box and the iron cage were not finished yet after they sank into the water. The pool here started to cool down, obviously preparing to freeze Assassin.

"If this is all it takes, then I'm ready to leave."

The cooling effect is very fast, but no matter how fast it is, it can't stop Assassin from turning into black mist. Black particles that are visible and intangible float out from the ice water and from the iron box. Assassin's body was originally mutilated by the experiment. Just disappear.

The online live broadcast is over, and with the disappearance of Assassin, the half-year-long live broadcast has ended. To the government, Assassin escaped, leaving the heavily guarded research facility in full public view.

For Regulus Black, it was just a matter of recycling his own equipment [Sextet of Soul Guardian Seals].

"I am Assassin. I still left the place where I have lived for half a year. This is really an unbearable memory. Next, I will continue to work on saving those people with supernatural powers who have been caught. Of course, children will be given priority, although I am not a People are not infinite people. So protect yourselves, you are more important than you think."

Mark stared blankly at the video on the Internet. Assassin, who had been captured by the government and subjected to cruel experiments, escaped again. However, during this period, his two daughters had been captured by the government's special forces. With the last glimmer of hope, Mark left a message on his computer, confessing his sins to Assassin, and then announced his daughter's condition.

"I hope you will stand by our side in the future. It is impossible to understand our cause without personal experience of pain."

Soon, Mark got a message. Although it didn't indicate who it was, Mark knew that it was probably Assassin.

A week later, Mark and his wife met their two daughters. Then Assassin took away the two children. Immediately afterwards, the government arrested Mark and his wife. After a detention review confirmed that they did not know the whereabouts of their daughters, they had no choice but to release them. .

Regulus Black established a huge academy system in the magical capital of the East. The entire Chongming Island was turned into a magic academy, and children with supernatural powers recruited from all over the world were also sent here.

Here, magic and metaphysics are integrated, and superpowers and magic are interconnected. Through a huge number of cases, Regulus Black completed the exploration of the essence of the wizarding world. This was originally the world of Harry Potter. There were not many secrets left for Regulus Black.

But in his daily life, Regulus Black still liked to hang around women, and his lover and children were the ones he cared about most.

However, the male-female ratio problem in the entire wizarding society has become serious enough to give old men a headache. The male-to-female ratio of the current population of new wizards is 1:9. Many wizarding families have begun to relax the choice of marriage partners for their children. After all, the future looks like Half-blood wizards will become mainstream.

Regulus Black not only harmed the population ratio of wizards as a whole, but also harmed the population ratio of the entire world. Unknowingly, the population of the entire world began to reverse. No matter what period in history, it was basically the same. There are more men than women, except in rare cases. This is an unchanging law of nature.

However, after 2000, the whole world began to see more women than men. This situation is particularly serious in Africa. It has become the norm to pay a lot of money to have a boy. However, the more families want a boy, they will only have more children. More girls to come.

The normal birth ratio of boys and girls is the result of an even lower ratio of boys, which creates a very bad situation.

[What happened to this world! Will women rule the world? ] Such headlines also began to appear in some non-mainstream news.

But for Regulus Black, this was just the result of some magic potion residue being dumped upstream.

It's the beginning of a new semester for another year, and dozens of little wizards who have just turned 11 have arrived at Hogwarts.

Regulus Black sat in the headmaster's seat and watched these children walk into the hall. He was attracted by the surrounding seniors and the night sky in the hall. There were only less than ten boys among them! Sin, sin, sin! Regulus Black couldn't help but laugh at himself.

Originally, Regulus Black did not want to be the principal. When Voldemort had just been completely eliminated, Professor McGonagall was serving as the principal. However, Regulus Black left Dumbledore's blood and a youth potion to McGonagall. Principal McGonagall, which directly led to Principal McGonagall resigning as principal and going home to have children.

Later, Snape took over the position of headmaster and held this position for several years. However, after becoming headmaster, he would have a lot of administrative matters to worry about, so he could no longer continue to serve as professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts. At the same time, Snape Pu couldn't stand the fact that Regulus Black was continuing to harm the students in the Potions class, so he directly gave up the position of principal to Regulus Black.

The Potions class has nothing to do with Regulus Black from now on, and the Defense Against the Dark Arts class will still recruit temporary replacements. Even without Voldemort's curse, this has become a habit. Everyone is waiting to see what happens every year. event.

Professor McGonagall, who is at least 30 years younger, returned to Hogwarts after giving birth to her child and continuing to serve as Professor of Transfiguration. A little blond loli can often be seen next to Professor McGonagall. .

"Minerva Dumbledore! Come here, sit on the stool, and we'll see which house you'll be in."

Professor McGonagall watched her daughter come to him like a lady. This was Dumbledore's biological child with her.

Dumbledore was born in Gryffindor, and Professor McGonagall was also born in Gryffindor, so their daughter was naturally...


The Sorting Hat suddenly announced the result with a loud shout, which directly made Professor McGonagall's face turn ugly.

Regulus Black now holds the position of principal, so he can naturally understand the children's thoughts through the Sorting Hat.

In addition to being brave, Gryffindors are sometimes stubborn and adventurous.

When her mother asked her to go to Gryffindor, she refused to go to Gryffindor. Instead, she went to Slytherin, which was hostile to Gryffindor.

This is what Minerva Dumbledore thinks. She is a very independent little lolita. I just don’t know who this character resembles

Professor McGonagall turned her head to look at Regulus Black inexplicably, as if asking whether this result was his arrangement.

What a joke! Of course this is not Regulus Black's arrangement! So I can only answer no with my eyes.

Minerva Dumbledore walked to the Slytherin table and received warm applause. Jupiter Black directly waved to the little blond lolita to sit next to him.

This is Dumbledore's child, and not everyone is qualified to take care of it.