Necromancers Guide to Magic

Chapter 380: Inferi 380 Call of Cthulhu Black Jellyfish


This is a club where only senior members can enter. Generally, only congressmen or government figures are entertained here.

"Since Assassin escaped, the government has been left with a lot of mess. The government has lost all credibility in treating people with special abilities. Even Hollywood has ridiculed the government's practices in superhero movies. Any hero will be criticized by the country. Persecution, this view has become a kind of political correctness. Even super soldiers like Captain America, who were developed by the government, still cannot escape the distrust and persecution of the government in the later period."

A fat old congressman was chatting with other congressmen in a club, complaining about the current government's predicament.

"At least there is no Assassin superhero in the movie, but there are already many characters similar to her. Hollywood is frantically rubbing against this bottom line. I have already had lobbyists here asking what the government thinks about putting Assassin on the screen. ”

The other congressman holding a cigar had obviously been persuaded, otherwise he would not have revealed this on such an occasion.

"Haha! I really shoot whatever is hot, and I'm not afraid that the hot spot is a volcano crater. In fact, as long as it doesn't completely fit the image of the escaped Assassin, Hollywood will not be afraid of lawsuits. By the way! You take it this time. There are many benefits to having guests, right? When playing cards at night, be sure to remember to put some water in!"

A certain congressman slapped the cigar-smoking congressman until he coughed. Do you have to give up when you get the benefits of being a lobbyist? Don't even think about it.

"It's that company called Black Star, right! With Xiaobo Dalian swallowing up two film companies, there are only seven first-tier companies in Hollywood now, and I heard that this game company, which is a subsidiary of Black Star, is already producing As for the Assassin-themed game, it has already received hundreds of millions of yuan in reservations before it has been sold, and the production costs are covered directly, so it will not lose money."

Only the congressman with the black tea put down the newspaper in his hand. Even these economic newspapers regarded Black Star Company as a research object.

"Do you know about Project Frankenstein?"

The fat old congressman suddenly lowered his voice and asked his three good poker friends with a mysterious expression.

For a moment, the atmosphere in this small area became quiet, and four people began to get closer and whisper to each other.

There are many people like them who have received the news, but most people only know this name.

In a vast jungle in India, a security level 5 secret base is operating. Some experiments are too dangerous, so rather than putting them in the country where they may cause harm, it is better to put them in a secret base abroad. Even if If something goes wrong, it will also harm others, and you can also use various methods and relationships to get rid of the relationship between these experiments and yourself.

Of course, scientists are still assets of the United States, and scientific achievements are also assets of the United States.

"The substance we extracted from Assassin's body resulted in the creation of this thing. If it weren't for the fact that it could also extract research materials, I really want to burn this pile of monsters with a fire right now."

The main person in charge of the Frankenstein Project, Dr. Eugene, has the urge to press the self-destruct button every time he sees the pile of human polymers, because the results they produced are so disgusting.

The team led by Professor Eugene extracted species from Assassin's body and developed a black adhesive that moves on its own like a slime and has a binding effect on any flesh and blood limbs. It was originally a kind of A very good self-healing medicine for the body.

It's just that this function is random, which means that it will move the placed limbs on its own, and then firmly fix them together. If a bracket is used to fix the two sections of a broken arm, these black adhesives will Will remain fluid.

This is really crazy. Professor Eugene's team racked their brains for this but couldn't understand it. The result is that the effect of this adhesive is not as good as a surgery. At least people will not turn into monsters.

Upon realizing this, the entire project was renamed Frankenstein to reflect the effectiveness of this adhesive.

The monster that Dr. Eugene looked at was originally a garbage dump for discarded body parts, but now it is all sealed up using Level 5 standards. It is filled with various human and animal body tissues, which are all cut open and then used. The glue connects the team, but the glue keeps letting the team down, and it never achieves good results.

Professor Eugene has a copy of "Call of Cthulhu" in his hand. Now he looks at the monsters inside the glass cover and can only call them Cthulhu. Due to the increase in experimental waste, these accumulated monsters Already weighing thousands of tons.

"Damn it! Just don't blow up like the cesspools in Indian ports."

Professor Eugene complained that recently, a huge explosion occurred on an Indian naval capital ship because methane gas was generated due to failure to clean up the feces in time, which was unprecedented in military history.


Suddenly, all the heads in this black monster burst into joyful laughter. This scared Professor Eugene so much that all the staff went crazy. What was going on

A woman with purple hair, dark skin, plump and sexy figure walked into the laboratory, came to the surface of the glass cover, and stretched out her hand to press on it.

"Mom, mom... mom, mom... mom, mom... mom, mom...!"

There was a loud roar inside the glass cover, and calls to my mother echoed in the laboratory.

This monster who never speaks actually calls Assassin, who just came in, his mother. This is really unbelievable.

"Sound the alarm, evacuate everyone and let the military handle it."

Professor Eugene shouted loudly, pressed the self-destruct and alarm devices, then turned around and ran outside.

Assassin didn't react much to his escaping behavior. After all, Assassin never killed people indiscriminately.

Inside the glass cover, the flamethrower was destroying the monster inside. The monster that was laughing and calling mother just now was sizzling by the flames. The entire monster weighing hundreds of tons began to dissolve. It seemed that it was completely gone. The appearance of combat effectiveness.

"Looks like they responded quickly!"

Regulus Black watched the entire process remotely through Assassin. Although the monster was burned and melted, this was exactly the result he wanted. The other party had processed it for him, so there was no reason not to make good use of it.

The fused monster can no longer see any limbs or trunk, it is just a mass of black matter, thousands of tons of black matter.

"Dakala Pudo-Popolua-Publido Balo!"

Suddenly, Assassin, who had been silent all this time, loudly shouted a spell to speak alive. In fact, this spell was the Namekian language in the cartoon. Translated into Earth dialect, it means "Appear, Shenlong!" ], of course, this was something that was only figured out by government officials long after the fact.

A giant black dragon... No! A group of black bubbles spurted out, just like boiled milk heated beyond the limit. The entire black substance inside the glass cover turned into black bubbles and spurted out, completely escaping from the restraints of the glass cover.

Black bubbles the size of tennis balls pushed Assassin away from the base, and then merged together again outside.

Finally, a jellyfish-like creature was formed, and then it floated into the sky.

This is a huge jellyfish-like existence with an absolutely indescribable shape.

It floated slowly, only a few kilometers above the ground. People on the ground looked up to watch, which soon attracted military intervention. No matter how weak India's military power was, it could still take off. Several fighter jets were ordered to fly into the sky. Attack this unknown and indescribable thing.

The bullets from the fighter jets whizzed past and got stuck into the inside of the black jellyfish, but did not harm it at all. Then the missiles rushed towards the black jellyfish with blazing flames, but did not explode and became trapped in the body of the black jellyfish.

"What on earth is this made of?"

While everyone was exclaiming about the black jellyfish's super defense, the plane flying past the black jellyfish was captured by the jellyfish's tentacles, and was also stuffed into the body of the black jellyfish. Inside the captured plane, the pilot also Able to communicate externally.

"I see Assassin, she's at the core of this thing, and I'm trapped, the canopy can't open, oh!... Oh my God! The plane is dissolving, I'm dying..."

Before the pilot finished speaking, the entire plane was corroded, and then naturally, it was digested together with the people inside.