Necromancers Guide to Magic

Chapter 381: Inferi 381 The identities of the six sisters are announced


Assassin, who had always refrained from killing people, actually killed someone! Although it was said that he was a fighter pilot, he flew the fighter with full firepower and attacked Assassin and the black jellyfish-like monster. But the scene where the black jellyfish melted the fighter jet was pushed up by Assassin. Who told her to be there at that time, and it was still a black jellyfish? The core of it!

However, this was just the government's argument. A detailed analysis of the battle soon appeared on the Internet. The monster was created by the government. Can Assassin be blamed for this? Under the fire attack of the fighter jet, the black jellyfish did not make any attack response. The fighter jet crashed into the black jellyfish. Is this also to blame Assassin for not avoiding it

Some people also say that Assassin was present at the time, and the location should be in the core part. Couldn't the fighter be pushed out

But the fact is, no matter whether the fighter jet stays in the body of the black jellyfish, or is pushed out and falls from a height of 100 meters, the fighter jet and the pilot are dead. What's more, although Assassin is at the core, he can really control the black jellyfish. Jellyfish

People in the world believe that they are not fools and will not be deceived by the government at will, so they do not believe the government's explanation at all.

In fact, this is also true. As soon as Assassin entered the black matter, he was shocked by the spiritual power inside. After all, in order to study these black substances, the government sacrificed too many experimental subjects. Everyone has a soul and spiritual power. , although as Muggles, these souls and mental powers are weak and pitiful, but under the influence of the black matter, they have been gathered together to form a huge chaotic soul aggregate.

For such a chaotic and evil soul, any wizard can actually eliminate it with just the 'Avatar'. This is where wizards are powerful, but it does not mean that every wizard can release the killing curse at will.

Assassin in the center of the black jellyfish is falling into a deep sleep at this time. Although she is essentially one of Regulus Black's amulets and a member of the sextet, their sextet has been Gained spirituality and wisdom.

They are willing to make any sacrifice for Regulus Black, no matter how terrible or dangerous the task is, they are willing to do it.

It is actually very dangerous for Assassin to fall into this black substance. Although the source of these black substances is also Assassin, they are no longer in their original state. The new state has new attributes. If you don't understand it, you should contact it. Gotta take risks.

However, Regulus Black can remotely sense Assassin. Under his analysis, he can still understand part of the essence of this black substance entangled with limbs. After all, many magical animals come from wizards' soup pots.

Now that the pot was available, the Muggle scientists used a giant clear tank to hold the mixture.

Now that the materials are available, the contents are all remains of human or animal corpses, and the black substance comes from Assassin.

So the last step is almost to make soup on fire. Assassin's action of destroying the sink also has the effect of making soup on fire.

As Assassin ripens these black substances, they begin an evolutionary process that will not stop, and the Assassin wrapped in black substances plays the role of a brain core.

As for turning into a jellyfish, this was of course Regulus Black's idea and it was left to Assassin to realize it.

Countless magical animals appear in the wizard's soup pot, and it's normal to have a flying jellyfish.

From then on, the black jellyfish floated in the sky of this world with a predictable trajectory. Many countries wanted to knock it down, but there was still no way. Of course, the plane collision will never happen again. .

People on the Internet are more concerned about the status of Assassin in jellyfish, but every time a country fights black jellyfish, Assassin is photographed in a dormant state, and the movement trajectory of black jellyfish is completely autonomous and random.

Black jellyfish are sometimes attacked by lightning, and for a long time afterwards, you can see the flash of lightning inside the black jellyfish.

Black jellyfish often appear in the eye of typhoons. I don’t know why, but this time the typhoon stopped moving until it disappeared.

Black jellyfish will land on the sea or lake with water, just like a black mist covering the entire area. When it rises, it can approach the atmosphere. While being restrained by gravity, it will be illuminated by sunlight and become a new star on the ground.

"I am Assassin. In fact, we have six sisters. One of the sisters has escaped from detention for half a year, but her injuries have not healed yet. The other sister sacrificed herself while investigating the government's secret research and became the controller. The core of black jellyfish can only guarantee that black jellyfish will not harm the world, but it cannot completely eliminate black jellyfish. The cause of saving superpowers will continue. We still have four sisters here, and we Assassin will continue to act. , we are Assassin! Protect yourselves and we will come to your side."

At the same time, live broadcasts of Assassin speaking English, French, Russian, and Chinese appeared on the Internet. Then they each took action and rescued some children from 4 different regions in the world to prove that they were indeed 4 people. .

In fact, there are 6 of them, including the two Assassins who were detained before and are now floating in the sky.

"Go and check! Look at the birth records of the sextuplets. They are obviously sextuplets with the same appearance. There is no reason why they can't be checked."

Intelligence agencies in various countries are having a headache over this. Regulus Black created them. How could they be found in the birth population data

These things were not worth mentioning to Regulus Black, and they could not even bother him.

Because people with superpowers have appeared now, but the government's attitude is very bad. People who want to get ahead with their superpowers must first face suppression from the government, and secondly, how to use their talents. There are problems everywhere in society. There are rumors about superpowers, so comics and movies related to superheroes are very prosperous.

If it were now, it would be absolutely impossible for Regulus Black to buy two comic book giants and annex two movie giants. Fortunately, everything was prepared before this, and he single-handedly promoted the emergence of superpowers. , although the wizarding world also had the problem of Aurors detecting people with superpowers, they gave up aid to people with superpowers after discovering that people with superpowers and wizards were two different categories.

However, the new Minister of Magic, Lucius Malfoy, expressed support for such things as intermarriage between wizards and supernatural beings.

Instead of pushing this obviously powerful ability outside, it is better to bring this power into your own circle, just pay attention to safety, and the little wizards born will be more powerful than the older generation.

Today's Black family has also changed from the original pure-blood mentality to one that only values appearance, but now there seems to be signs of regression. This comes from the overall population ratio of wizards. There are too many witches. .

"Mauren! Don't be afraid, don't you like him very much?"

The young mother comforted her 15-year-old daughter, the daughter of Regulus Black and Jodie Fox, while holding her arms.

As the first woman to follow, Regulus Black also had the first daughter with her.

"But mom! He is my father, isn't it wrong to do this?"

Maureen Fox asked with some confusion. Today is her 16th birthday. She didn't expect her mother to make such a request.

"Mom is a squib, but you are not, Maureen, so if you look at the role of blood in it, it can be said to be very huge! Instead of falling in love with those little kids and then breaking up, it's better to hold on to a stable person tightly Backer, unless you are determined to leave us when you grow up, otherwise this is the best way, your future children will only be better and their bloodline will be more pure."

Maureen was very familiar with the enthusiastic expression on Jodie Fox's face when she mentioned her bloodline.

When Maureen Fox thought about it carefully, these words made sense, and she seemed to have some expectations for such taboo behavior.

"I know, Mom! I will serve him well. After all, I have peeked at you not once or twice."

Maureen Fox smiled and agreed to Judy, even telling her about the peeping. It was obvious that she no longer had any worries.