Necromancers Guide to Magic

Chapter 382: Inferi 382 is about measuring friends with money


In the Room of Requirement in Hogwarts, the flames of the fireplace keep the room in a warm environment. Regulus Black doesn't like to stay in the Headmaster's room for a long time. If anyone wants to find him, he goes to the Headmaster's room. The room is now in the Room of Requirement. There is a secret tunnel connection.

Lying on an armchair and reading various magic books is Regulus Black's daily life. However, since he has more children, the Room of Requirement has also been opened to them. After school every day, children who have nothing to do often come here. There is fun and fun here, but as long as Regulus Black is around, it will be as quiet as a library.

"Father! A friend asked me for help. I hope I can serve by your side."

One of the daughters, Britney Parkinson, quietly came to Regulus Black. Unexpectedly, she had already started to matchmaking for her father at such a young age. This thought was really promising, but Regulus ·Blake doesn't want his daughter to be taken advantage of.

"You know, honey, there are many women around me now. Maybe you have heard of my previous deeds, but that was a long time ago. Now I am very satisfied with my current life. You have to understand that my energy is limited and I will be busy. Don’t come here.”

Regulus Black winked at his daughter and had to admit that his misbehavior had spoiled his child.

"But she's really cute and pretty. At least I think she's on par with me."

Britney Parkinson is the daughter of Pansy Parkinson, with the same black hair and delicate face. If she says that friend is comparable to herself, then Regulus Black can already determine who it is. .

"So, did this friend give you any benefits in order to let you speak for her?"

Since it was not suitable to refuse directly, Regulus Black planned to refuse this matter from the side.

"We are friends. If we talk about benefits like this, wouldn't it hurt our feelings?"

Britney Parkinson didn't expect to get such an answer, and her little face was full of confusion and confusion.

"Children, come here. There are some truths that you need to understand, because usually no one will tell you."

Regulus Black put down his magic book, clapped his hands, and asked his children to gather around.

"The relationship between all people is essentially value exchange. Without value exchange, there will be no relationship. Because human nature is selfish, to establish a good relationship between people, value exchange must be . In a good relationship, you must talk about money.”

Regulus Black's words stunned all the children, and this statement was really novel.

"In a good relationship, you can definitely talk about money. Regarding doing things: If you can solve things with money, you must not use favors. Really smart people understand two principles. The total number of favors will be reduced once you use them. The most difficult thing in life is to return it. Debts are debts of favor, so there is a money rule to keep in mind in interpersonal interactions! If things can be solved with money, never use favors."

Regulus Black did not expect these teenage children to understand, but he believed that with their intelligence, they would soon be able to verify these truths in daily life. Although these truths are too realistic, this will Let the children mature quickly.

"Of course, the money here can be replaced, but feelings and favors are difficult to replace."

When Regulus Black was preaching, he did not look at Brittney Parkinson during the whole process, in order to take care of her feelings.

"So if a friend doesn't make any contribution, but asks me to help move something, and I feel that I can handle it, what should I do? If the thing doesn't get done, does it make any difference whether the friend has made any contribution before? ?”

All the children actually knew that this was Britney Parkinson who came to their father for something, but was rejected. Britney had to find out the matter first. Under the education of Regulus Black, ordinary children There is no willful emotion, only rational analysis and conclusions.

"I have often said before that everything can be looked at from two aspects. If a friend asks for something and you are willing to help, then you have to look at the nature of the matter. You need to talk about money. If you negotiate the price, then you must ask for it, even if you ask for less, you must ask for it, so that the matter can be treated fairly. If the matter is completed, the other party does not need to owe you a favor, and you have also received a reward. If If things can't be done, you just need to return the reward without having to bear blame and responsibility."

Regulus Black's words made these children nod their heads. After all, many children can understand everything with just one click.

"You should remember two points. First, about doing things: Don't use favors to solve things that can be solved with money. This is also true for yourself. Second, about friendship: Friends who can talk to you about money are the friends you can really make friends with. There is no distinction between high and low, both parties have equal status."

The reason Regulus Black wanted to add this sentence was because he considered that his children might meet some poor friends when making friends, so how to tell whether these poor friends are real friends! Still look at money, look at the attitude towards money.

After all, the Black family is now rushing towards the super consortium.

"Everyone has two types of friends in their lives. One type of friend doesn't talk about money, but only talks about feelings: "Aren't you good at ancient magic writing? Please help me translate the ancient magic text. "Aren't you excellent at potions?" Help me make a potion. "Aren't you excellent at botany?" Help me take care of the potted plants. "If you refuse, he will say: "If you don't help at all, you are really not a friend. "This kind of person thinks that friends are just for taking advantage, and the person they are with is regardless of whether they are high or low, it just depends on whether you can be exploited mentally."

When Regulus Black gave an example, he pointed to three of his daughters. They were outstanding in ancient magic, potions, and botany, and were often exploited by their classmates.

"The other kind of friend always talks about money first, then relationships, rather than not talking about relationships. My friend Lucius is this kind of person. In his early years, he wanted to start a business and set up a film company, but he had no idea how to find someone to formulate it. Plan. Because I have been friends with him for many years, I made a plan for him and even helped him complete the start-up operation of the film company. On the premise that I did not ask for any money, he consciously gave me money. I originally Your help is free, but the more sincere a friend is, the more he or she will cherish your value."

The relationship between Regulus Black and Lucius Malfoy can be said to be one of mutual sympathy, especially after Voldemort disappeared. The two of them worked together to develop well in the Ministry of Magic and business, and now they have promoted him. The position of the Minister of Magic.

"Of course, this also includes the relationship that he doesn't want to owe me any favors. So, of these two kinds of friends, which one do you like? There is no doubt: the second kind. Because such friends understand how to handle the relationship between you. , and maintain it for a long time.”

After saying this, Regulus Black couldn't help but secretly calculate how many favors Lucius Malfoy still owed him. Although the old boy had paid off many of them with money, many of them could not be repaid with money. Clear.

"What about maternal love! Father, isn't it generally said that maternal love is great and does not ask for anything in return? Among all relationships, maternal love is the purest."

Among them, one child rolled his eyes and thought of refuting Regulus Black's question. Cultivating his children's ability to think independently will face such a result. These naughty children are very good at finding faults, even if they have accepted their own In theory, you also have to find some faults, and you won't let yourself go easily.

"Actually! Maternal love can also be discussed for money, or maternal love can also be asked for in return. If you ask a question: What is the greatest love in the world? It is estimated that 99% of people will answer: maternal love. Because maternal love is selfless. Because maternal love is not Asking for repayment. But in fact, is maternal love really selfless? Maternal love is just a packaging box. After opening, it contains desire for control, possessiveness and utilitarianism. Maternal love requires repayment from the day the child is born. This repayment is The process is the process of making children become the 'face' of the family. It is a process of striving to realize that 'the children I give birth to are better than other people's children'. So, don't think that maternal love does not ask for anything in return. In fact, maternal love always asks for something in return. It seems that maternal love does not ask for anything in return. Selfless maternal love is actually selfish.”

Regulus Black believed that his children would be able to discern the meaning of these words without misunderstanding.

"Father, how dare you say that? You are finished. I want to write a letter to mother."

These children actually thought of filing a complaint and ran out of the Room of Requirement laughing.

"I understand the truth, so father! What about my friend...?"

Britney Parkinson already understands this, but it's clear that the friend she's talking about deserves it.

"I can agree this time, but it won't be the same next time."

Regulus Black agreed, didn't he just have an extra woman by his side? Although they are still young now, they will be able to be included in the harem later. This kind of thing has never stopped, but it is less so if Regulus Black does not take the initiative.

"Thank you! Father, you will be satisfied."