Necromancers Guide to Magic

Chapter 47: Inferi 047 Potion is a rigorous subject


After waking up naturally, Hermione and Regulus Black used the time turner to return to the morning before everyone got up.

The two said goodbye at the door of Ravenclaw. Hermione's face was red and she was about to kiss her goodbye.

However, there are portraits everywhere in the school. The characters in those portraits are not just decorations. Their ability to convey messages is better than that of Peeves.

So Regulus Black just gave some instructions and asked Hermione to go back to her dormitory to wash up.

Hermione walked into the common room with some regret. Fortunately, no Ravenclaw students would show up at this time, because everyone was sleeping in. It didn't matter even if they overslept. She turned on the time turner to return. Just a few hours.

Hermione immediately returned to her independent dormitory, soaked herself in the hot pool, and thought about everything that happened yesterday.

"I was so bold, just sleeping in the same bed with Mr. Black for the whole night, but the peaceful atmosphere was real. Thinking about it like this, I started to look forward to staying there again next time."

Hermione, who was talking to herself, quickly splashed water on her face to wake herself up.

"Hermione! Are you up?"

As a responsible sister, Zhang Qiu came to provide alarm clock service on time and ruffled Hermione's fluffy hair.

Hermione immediately changed her clothes in the bathroom and walked out. The two of them walked to the common room holding books, chatting and laughing. Naturally, Hermione would not reveal to Zhang Qiu everything that happened last night. This would only be between her and Lei. The secret of the two men, Gullus Black.

Ravenclaw students gathered in the common room one after another. On the table was coffee or black tea prepared by the house elves, but they were filled with potions to eliminate the adverse effects of the time controller.

After drinking morning tea, Professor Flitwick appeared in the common room on time. Being able to see a group of energetic students every day was really the beginning of a good mood. Flitwick liked this feeling very much, so he became a Charms class teacher. After teaching, he basically came to the common room all day long.

"Good morning, classmates! Today is another good day for studying."

"Good morning, Dean!"

"Are you going to give us a holiday, Mr. Dean?"

"Forget it's a holiday, let's study on our own in the library!"

The usual respectful greetings from the prefects to the dean, and the teasing from the younger girls.

Flitwick was very satisfied with such a lively atmosphere and felt much younger.

"Don't forget the afternoon tea party. The exchange of ideas is always something to look forward to."

Flitwick, who was cheerful, ignored those who asked not to go to class and have a holiday, and took the lead to the hall on the first floor. Everyone knew that those children had no ill intentions, they just liked to go against others, and Ravenclaw could be said to be his favorite. A group of people who study, even if they are really given a holiday, they will spend all their time on self-study, but that being said, they still have to attend class.

Originally, Ravenclaw students were very interested in any course, except for Snape's Potions class, because every Potions class would be criticized by the vicious Snape for several times, even if they were all dismissed. things have happened.

But now that Snape has an assistant, Mr. Black, the situation is completely different.

Although Mr. Regulus Black looked cold, he was always able to resolve the scary atmosphere in the classroom created by Snape.

Until now, Snape basically asked him to take lower-level courses in Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. In the words of Assistant Regulus Black, he would eventually become a professor. This is increasing the teaching experience.

As a result, the production rates of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff skyrocketed, and all the potions they made passed Snape's test.

This is definitely not cheating, but every time a student has an occasional problem during the production process, Regulus Black is able to detect it in time, stop it in time, and immediately propose adjustments, while also encouraging the students to develop their self-confidence.

Even if Hufflepuff students said they were stupid, they would be embarrassed to make a fool of themselves in Regulus Black's class.

teacher! Please push us hard. The female classmates secretly looked at Regulus Black with love in their eyes.

For such scenes, Snape always watched with a sneer, only spitting venom when he was testing the finished potion at the end.

The students got through it, yes! You will only be baptized with venom at the end. Isn’t it possible to survive this

There was only one situation where the two men disagreed, and it was a serious disagreement, and that was their attitude toward Potions.

"Potion is a rigorous subject, and you need to be precise, careful, highly sensitive, and patient enough. You don't need to wave your wand stupidly, nor do you need to use the wild imaginations in the troll's mind..."

These words are common words that Snape often talks about. If he is willing to sort them out, he can publish a "Vicious Sayings".

However, Professor Snape's original intention was to require students to be precise and free from external interference, such as his own poisonous tongue.

"Potion is a perceptual subject. We know that many potions can be made based on feelings. Some of the potions have resulted in the creation of magical animals. Yes! You heard it right, many magical animals. All come from the unexpected results of potion making. After you have completed the identification and character analysis of potion materials, you can make potions according to your own ideas and instincts. Of course, you are responsible for the consequences. You may be unlucky, or you may be unlucky. You will get an unexpected result!”

One time, when Snape was away, Regulus Black was solely in charge of the Potions class, and he actually asked each student to receive a basic potion with 25 different ingredients.

There are no requirements for the preparation of potions. Whether it is the formula of the potion, the cooking time, the control of the heat, or even the method of stirring the stick, there are no requirements for these most basic things. They just hang a sheet in front of each student. The parchment faithfully recorded the entire process of how they prepared the potion.

As a result, three cauldrons exploded and most of the potions had no effect.

But there are still miracles. Ruby-like particles appeared in a student's pot, although they were only the size of peas. One student's cauldron erupted from a large amount of silk thread, which had a chameleon-like effect. The last student successfully made a crucible of love bubbles, this person was Hermione.

As a result, both Snape and Regulus Black made a noise in the principal's office because of the process and results of this lesson.

Then the two deans, Professor Flitwick and Professor Sprout, came to smooth things over. The students in the two houses also promised that they would complete Professor Snape's homework seriously in the future, but they just hoped to retain the interest class of Assistant Professor Black. ', even if it's just one class per semester.

Finally, Dumbledore decided that Regulus Black would be free to give one Potions lesson every half term.

Regulus Black paid for three potion formulas. Although Snape disdained such behavior, he was still very interested in these three potion formulas, but he couldn't make him lose face.

Regulus Black generously shared these recipes with him. Although the students produced some results on the spot in class, this could only be regarded as an accident, even if all the potion production was recorded on the spot. process, but it is not clear how the student's own magic worked at that time. These subtle differences will make it impossible to achieve the same results again.

So, just experiment, experiment, experiment again.

Confirm all details, identify all problems, and develop all possibilities through repeated experiments.

After a week, Regulus Black and Snape were finally done. The three potion formulas could be sent to any wizard who could make potions. They only needed to make them according to the potion formula, and the success rate would reach nine. into nine.

"Professor Snape! Are you interested in opening a shop?"

Regulus Black extended the invitation. After all, Snape's help was involved. Opening a store and selling finished products after producing results is a long-term source of wealth.

"No need! You have done more here than me, and you bought the formula. No one can take it away from you."

Snape was unparalleled in his stubbornness and persistence in matters such as potions, and he made it clear that he would not participate in this commercial activity.