Necromancers Guide to Magic

Chapter 49: Inferi 049 is placed under the name of the Black family


"Miss Piddle! I need your professional help. First, are you a formal lawyer?"

Regulus Black did not want to waste time with a clerk, even if she was a very attractive beauty.

"Of course I'm an official lawyer, and I'm also the judge of this town, and I've been in office for half a year."

Lucy Piddle introduced herself confidently. Although there is no explanation for why a beautiful woman like her would appear in this remote town to serve as a local judge and lawyer. Such a very unreasonable thing is not explained, but as a The arrogance of professionals is clearly revealed.

"You haven't told me your name yet."

When Regulus Black was reminded by the other party, he realized that he had been a little arrogant just now, and it was rude not to declare his family status.

"I am Regulus Black. I have just taken over the mine and manor not far away."

Taking off his gloves, Regulus Black stretched out his hand to the other person, and the two shook hands. There was something different about the other person's body.

"Excuse me! Your family is..."

"I was born in a pure-blood wizard family, but unfortunately I am a squib. I have received an official document from the Ministry of Magic and have been waiting for your arrival. Please come with me."

Lucy Piddle didn't seem to care at all about her status as a Squib, which was not a popular term in the wizarding world.

Wizarding families are afraid of squibs, but if they really encounter them, it will be a tragic fate.

It seems that they have never thought that if a wizard becomes a squib, he can still live as a Muggle. This does not mean he becomes a disabled person.

The Lucy Piddle in front of her is different. She seems not to be affected by the general opinions of the wizarding world. She has the professional identity of a lawyer and judge in the Muggle world. To have these identities, you must study hard to obtain them. Lawyers and judges in the Muggle world can be considered half-nobles, and not everyone can enter this circle.

Fortunately, she was just a squib. If she were a wizard, Regulus Black would have to explain why he could ride a unicorn, which would probably become news.

"Sorry! I'm the only one here handling all the paperwork, so it's a little messy."

Lucy Piddle's office is not small, but it is also very messy. It seems that she is the kind of person who makes it look beautiful by herself but cannot tidy the room.

"If you let me enter your heart, I will help you sort it out."

Regulus Black didn't mean to tease. The wizard's 'clean up' spell to tidy up the room requires a sufficient understanding of the objects to be cleaned. If you accidentally clean up the things you need, it will be really bad. You won't be able to find it back.

"Oh? How about going into my heart? I only know that there is a magic spell called 'Clean Up'. I can tidy up the room by waving the magic wand."

Lucy Piddle stopped with a smile. It had been a long time since she had seen the wizard wave his wand.

Regulus Black was very sure that the other party was a bold guy.

All right! Since the other party doesn't mind, why should I waste this opportunity to show off

Pulling out the wand with one hand, he grabbed Lucy Piddle's waist with the other hand. The two of them were chest to chest, face to face. A spiritual force entered Lucy Piddle's consciousness through the contacting body, and entered the other person's body. Consciously, Regulus Black clearly knew which things were needed and which were expired in the messy room here.

"Clean up!"

Regulus Black waved his wand, and the documents were automatically sorted and returned to their original place. All the dust was swept away, and the redundant things were classified and placed in the corners.

"I'm not sure if that pile of debris is still useful, so I'll put it there for you first, and you can take the time to deal with it later!"

Regulus Black was a little nostalgic for the feeling of holding the other person, but he still had business to talk about. After letting go of the other person, he sat on the sofa nearby and poured himself a cup of black tea.

Lucy Piddle was also a little disappointed that the hug disappeared, but seeing the messy office take on a new look was an eye-opener. The last time she saw magic being used was when she was very young.

Lucy Piddle took out a document from a safe nearby and handed it to Regulus Black solemnly.

"This includes the recognition of land ownership by the Ministry of Magic and the British government, and there are relevant materials for mineral development and land cultivation. Whether you are developing minerals or agricultural cultivation, you can do it as long as you pay taxes in accordance with the law."

"These are not enough. I need you to help me put the entire mining area under the name of the Black family, and some more will be added to the land development."

Regulus Black thought about his words and then continued to add, "My plan is to rent out the castle first and shoot a movie before demolishing it, and then to be able to trade goods in the castle, mainly. Gem trade.”

"Documents related to gem trading are not a problem. If you are filming a movie, you need to provide registration to the government... "

Lucy Piddle was thinking about how to deal with these legal issues and explained them to the other party in detail.

"I hired you as my personal lawyer to be responsible for the legal issues of the mining areas and estates here."

Regulus Black still trusts Lucy Pinder. When he entered her inner consciousness just now, he didn't find her evil side, but her persistence and pursuit of her career.

However, Regulus Black also lost a concept called 'loyalty' in the other person's heart.

Loyalty to the Black family, loyalty to Regulus himself.

Therefore, Lucy Piddle also had a very conscious attitude. She would agree to any request made by Regulus Black first.

Regulus Black put down the saucer and prepared to leave, "I have something to do and leave first. The road to the manor has been opened by me. You can take people to count the finances and evaluate the value of the castle. If there is anything later, we will Contact me by letter.”

"Okay! Mr. Black, I will handle the matters you have given me as soon as possible."

Lucy Piddle came close to bowing.

"You can give the letter to my house elf and let you read it first to get acquainted with it. Kreacher!"

Regulus Black thought for a moment and realized that he might not be able to receive a letter from a Muggle. Using a wizard's owl, it was obvious that he could only send the letter unilaterally and then get a reply. He would not be able to deal with the matter in time. .

It seems that the owl needs to be stationed here for a long time, but before that, Kreacher will be responsible for delivering the message!

"My dear master, Kreacher has heard your call."

As soon as Kreacher arrived, he threw himself at the feet of Regulus Black and kissed his shoes.

"Kreacher! That's enough!" Regulus Black took a step away. "From now on, when you come here every night, the letters Lucy Piddle gave me will be placed on the windowsill behind the desk. Do you remember Just bring it to me."

Regulus Black pointed to the environment of the office to explain clearly to Kreacher, and also let him see Lucy Piddle.

"It is an honor to meet you, my lady! It is my pleasure to serve you and Master Black."

Kreacher tried his best to put on a smile on his face. How many women was this Master Regulus Black's? Who is Kreacher's future mistress? Kreacher is in chaos!

"I have to go back to Hogwarts to teach the children. Normally you only need to record the general situation in the letter."

Regulus Black was really leaving this time, waving for Kreacher to take the first step.

"If you want to be a wizard, maybe I can help you."

Regulus Black left, leaving behind his contact information and a promise that he didn't know whether it was true or false, but this was enough to cheer up Lucy Piddle, and she started to deal with the legal issues left behind by Regulus Black with great energy. Problems, in order to achieve the requirements of her employer and for her own goals, Lucy Piddle broke out.

Regulus Black returned to Scarlet Heights and returned to Hogwarts via [Site Station]. He had classes in the afternoon.

In the world of Harry Potter, nothing seems to have changed, and everything seems to have changed beyond recognition.