Necromancers Guide to Magic

Chapter 5: Inferi 005 A trip to Gringotts Wizarding Bank


[Dominate the Skeleton], [Dominate the Puppet], and [Dominate the Soul], the first two only passively improve the attributes of the summoned object and improve the control, while the latter one passively improves the various resistances of the summoned object. , and also improve the quality of their souls.

Therefore, the skeletons and skeleton mages summoned by Regulus Black are not low in intelligence and can understand the summoner's intentions, and can attack, defend and do things.

The current situation is [Summon Skeleton] 7/7, [Summon Undead] 7/7, these two skills are fully maxed out.

Regulus Black looked at the flesh and blood on the ground and thought, what to do with these leftovers

As a former game geek, Regulus Black quickly analyzed the game settings in his mind.

The most suitable one is naturally the three-armed, obese and disgusting Stitches Abomination.

Although I can accept skeletons dangling in front of me, but if it's a pile of rotten flesh... I'd better forget it!

However, judging from my own skill tree, the [Blood Familiar] quite meets the requirements. In terms of image, I use the Demon Zac from the LOL game. Originally, the ones in the game were green and purple Zac, but now they are just It was replaced by a blood-red Zach.

This skill originally shared life with the summoner, but was modified to use blood as a guide. Regulus Black took out a dagger and gently cut his finger open, and a few drops of blood fell into the pile of corpse flesh. inside.

"Come out! My blood familiar."

Those few drops of blood were like lava, merging all the pieces of flesh into one body and assimilating and decomposing them into the most basic form of blood.

The bloody pieces of meat melted like ice cream, and the white, red, and even hair melted into liquid and mixed together.

Just like the paint in the palette, all that is left after stirring is a transparent blood-red color.

"Hehehehe...Zak Zak! Hehehehe..."

The new [Blood Familiar] is more than 3 meters tall, but he can only call his own name and smiles all the time. You can tell at a glance that he is a brainless thing. But it doesn’t matter, among the skills is the skill [Soul Control] that improves the intelligence of the summoned object, which can improve the intelligence.

Zac was included in the skill tree, and the 1/1 display of [Blood Familiar] also appeared. Originally, I knew that the puppet series in the game could only summon 1, but now that I have traveled through time, Regulus... Black naturally hopes that the more the better, even if it is capped at 7! But it seems this is unlikely.

So tired! I feel so tired, both mentally and physically.

Only then did Regulus Black remember that he should take a good rest.

Tonight, the little wizards at Hogwarts also went through the opening ceremony and lay on their beds with excitement.

Late at night, a burly figure has been standing in front of the old house at No. 12 Grimmauld Place. His expression is very complicated, and a fake eyeball is turning uneasily. He is not sure who occupies this place, but since the other party has not done anything yet If something is out of the ordinary, then this matter needs to be handled in a low-key manner first.

Maybe we should discuss it with Dumbledore. Mad-Eye left on crutches, looking back from time to time along the way.

As soon as day broke, Regulus Black took Kreacher out after washing himself carefully.

On the second day of school, the streets of Diagon Alley were much deserted. The noisy little wizards were gone. No matter what store it was, there were only some adult wizards shopping.

"The Leaky Cauldron! I haven't been here for a long time."

Regulus Black sighed as he stood in front of the shop that the Muggles turned a blind eye to.

Pushing the door and entering, there are only a few scattered guests in the bar, some of whom are even long-term tenants living upstairs. Don't they know that the guest rooms in the bar are actually more hourly rooms? Regulus Black muttered Muggle thoughts as he walked towards the backyard patio.

Taking out a magic wand and tapping several fixed positions on the wall, Regulus Black arrived at Diagon Alley.

The magic wand in hand is the stock of the Black family, and I don't know which ancestor's relic it is. I am just borrowing it now.

Another purpose of coming to Diagon Alley is naturally to buy another wand. Although Regulus Black now does not need a wand to use the system's skills, general magic still requires a wand.

It seems that the training of wandless spellcasting needs to be put on the agenda.

You have to go to Ollivander's Wand Shop, but for now it's better to go to Gringotts to get some money.

Gringotts Wizarding Bank is a tall white building located at the interface of Diagon Alley and Knockturn Alley.

Gringotts is known as the second safest place in the world after Hogwarts, so wizards are willing to store their gold and silver treasures in Gringotts.

Gringotts is run by a group of goblins, and these goblins stipulate that they can only lead them to the mine car that rotates underground to reach the vault, and only goblins can open the vault and take out the stored property.

They always have their own way of keeping out intruders, and have their own rules that bind each other to prevent their peers from revealing bank secrets.

Regulus Black stepped through the gleaming bronze doors that opened outwards. Goblin guards in scarlet and gold uniforms stood at the door, bowing to him as he passed.

The second door, which opened inwards, was silver, with a goblin's warning to thieves engraved on it.

After passing through the second silver door and entering the spacious marble hall, about a hundred goblins sat behind the long counter and registered in the large ledger. Some used scales to weigh coins, and some used eyepieces to detect gems.

Regulus Black walked all the way to the end, where there was a counter specifically for VIPs to open the vault.

"I need to open my private vault."

Regulus Black handed over a metal key that was found in the old house. In fact, each family member had his own treasury.

In the past, the family's industry had been running, and family members would receive a large amount of adult gifts when they came of age.

But now, these properties have disappeared, either confiscated by the Ministry of Magic, or occupied by distant relatives.

"May I ask your name?"

"Regulus Black."

"This way please, sir."

The goblin who led the way quickly confirmed the key and the user, and then the group got on a rail car that was comparable to a roller coaster.

After a continuous rolling turn up and down, in fact not many people can still retain a sense of direction.

However, Regulus Black knew clearly that he was a hundred meters underground, and the vault here was obviously transformed from over-exploited mineral veins.

The door of each vault is specially made, and the opening method and locks are completely different. Without the goblin's magic and matching keys, even the goblin himself cannot open these vaults.

And Regulus Black knew that almost half of the treasury here was ownerless.

After all, the previous two generations of Dark Lords wiped out many wizard families and even entire families. This is a fact.

Therefore, this place is a real treasure house. Although many wizard families do not store all their wealth here, the total number is still huge.

As for how to get it, Regulus Black should wait for the opportunity.

It has to be said that the wizards in the wizarding world are really law-abiding citizens. It is rare for a Dark Lord to appear, and the wizarding world will be in trouble.