Necromancers Guide to Magic

Chapter 63: Inferi 063 Promise me never to leave me


Hermione was already very familiar with Regulus Black, having been to the Room of Requirement many times and was familiar with him.

As soon as he separated from Harry Potter and the others, he came directly to the Room of Requirement to express his gratitude to Regulus Black.

Regulus Black and [Zero] were sitting on both sides of a chess set, and the Chinese chess set on the coffee table was moving under the command of the wand.

"I'm really troubling you this time Hermione, that is, you can talk to them. I can't entrust anyone else to handle this matter."

[Zero] opposite Regulus Black stood up, picked up the silver tea pot and poured out a cup of black tea, then handed it to Hermione to quench her thirst.

"Thank you [Zero]! But the taste of Regulus's tea is a little special."

The little Loli tasted other flavors, but she didn't care and continued to drink the whole cup of black tea.

"Black tea has demulcents added to it, which can relax people's nervousness."

Regulus Black himself poured a glass and drank it slowly, and asked [Zero] to top up Hermione's glass.

"After the exam today, I went to Hagrid's place as you asked. Everything was as you guessed. Harry Potter really came to Hagrid to ask about 'Lu Wei'..."

Hermione began to tell the story, but she didn't know how much Regulus Black knew, but this couldn't stop Hermione from thinking that Regulus Black should know everything. Only Mr. Assistant was worthy of sharing the secret. that person.

"... I simply didn't expect that as soon as I came out of Professor McGonagall's place, I would meet Professor Snape, and the most amazing thing is that he didn't scold us, but just left after giving us a warning. This is so un-Snape ”

Hermione smiled sheepishly. It seemed inappropriate to say this to a professor. Although she learned this from Regulus Black, as a lady, it was not elegant to say it.

Regulus Black just smiled and then took out a ring.

"Hermione! Promise me...never leave me!"

Kneeling on one knee in front of Hermione's chair, Regulus Black took out a ring, took Hermione's right hand and put it on her finger.

Is this a proposal? Little Hermione blushed immediately. Although she liked Mr. Teaching Assistant very much, although she also thought about marrying him when she grew up, even though she dreamed about him being nice to her every night, or doing indescribable things in her dreams. .

However, in reality, when the teaching assistant proposed to me, I was only 11 years old... No! She's 12 years old, but it's still too early, isn't it? I am too young and my body has not grown up yet, so I won't be able to bear it.

Hermione, with confused eyes and flushed face, fell into a state of random thoughts.

Regulus Black sat back in his seat and continued to play chess with [Zero].

"Master! If you tease Miss Hermione like this, you may be hated for the rest of your life."

[Zero] jumped the horse in his hand across the river, and was immediately eaten by Regulus Black's elephant.

"But I am telling the truth from the bottom of my heart! There is no reason to hold a grudge against this matter!"

Regulus Black explained that although teasing Hermione is a very interesting thing, the scale of it has always been well grasped. You must know that as deep as love is, hate can be as deep. Therefore, there must be no opportunity for love and hate to change.

After Hermione was confused for a while, she finally woke up and saw that the teaching assistant who had proposed to him was playing chess quietly. She couldn't help but think that maybe she had made a mistake. Hermione, who had just calmed down, blushed again. So ashamed!

"Regulus! This is...?"

Hermione raised her right hand. The silver ring on her middle finger was of a very old style, but a closer look revealed that it was newly made.

There are two runes engraved on the silver ring, and faint magic flashes across the characters from time to time.

These two runes come from the runes of Diablo. Regulus Black has the most experience and familiarity with the game he played before, so he has been trying to create everything related to the game content. , and this can also strengthen your own golden fingers, and make up the golden fingers that only have part of the system to be as perfect as possible, and runes are just one of them.

02# Ed: +75% damage against undead creatures, +50 accuracy against undead creatures, 15% slow down physical consumption, 7% increased chance of blocking (shield).

14# Dole: Hitting makes the monster escape by 25%, and the life is replenished by +7.

These attributes originally depended on the part of the equipment inlaid to reflect the corresponding attributes. However, the runes reappeared in the hands of Regulus Black now have the relevant attributes unchanged, but there are no restrictions on the inlay parts, and after inlaying Due to different parts, only some attributes can be provided.

"The effects of the runes on this ring are to cause damage to undead creatures, improve accuracy against undead creatures, slow down one's own physical consumption, increase the chance of blocking, drive away the opponent after hitting, and give life to oneself or others. Refill.”

Regulus Black briefly talked about the attributes, and little Hermione's jaw dropped. This is a magic item!

This is different from flying broomsticks, Quidditch balls, or anything else. Many of those props are single-attribute props, but this one only has two runes, but it has six more attributes.

"Wear this ring and speak the runes on the ring directly to exert their effects. Remember! Ed Dole!"

"Ed Dole!"

Hermione repeated it seriously, and was about to wave her wand as if to feel something.

"The effect of this rune does not require a specific wave of the wand, it only needs to be pointed at the opponent."

Regulus Black quickly stopped the little Lolita. God knows the effect of these two runes on his Inferi body. As a producer, he was killed by his own work. If he told it, the Black family would be embarrassed. No more.

Little Loli is very excited. She received an engagement ring from the teaching assistant today... No! It was a magic item. If Regulus didn't want to go back, wouldn't it be equivalent to giving it to him? Hermione thought of this and was secretly happy in her heart.

"How to do it specifically, I believe you can adapt accordingly, remember to encourage Harry Potter more."

Hermione sat with Regulus Black for quite some time, and when the curfew came, Hermione was asked to go to Gryffindor to meet them first.

"Regulus! Will you come?"

Hermione asked before going out. After all, it was no longer the Gryffindor Triangle in the original book that voluntarily organized adventures, but Regulus Black asked Hermione to help take care of Harry Potter as a little lolita. Naturally, I hope to get more help, so I asked this question.

"Of course! I promise to be there soon, but the stage before that is yours."

Regulus Black, of course, also wanted to pass through the barrier. He had already made an agreement with Dumbledore. Any losses at any barrier would have nothing to do with him. How could he let such a good opportunity pass

Hermione arrived at Gryffindor and opened the door with a password. As soon as she entered, she saw a toad lying on the sofa.


Hermione immediately recognized this as Neville's pet and saw a little fat man sitting in the common room. He heard Hermione's voice and stood up.

"You want to sneak out again, don't you! I won't allow you to do this. Hermione, you are no longer a member of Gryffindor, why are you still looking for Harry Potter!"

As a Gryffindor, Neville naturally puts the honor of the academy above all else. Although Harry Potter is known as the savior, he caused Gryffindor to lose too many points. Today I saw Harry Potter and When Ron and the two came back with abnormal expressions, they knew that they must be planning a night outing adventure again. The semester was about to end, and they had to stop them at all costs. They could not let the college be deducted points anymore, even if the current points were already over. Can't get the Academy Cup.

"I won't let you go, Gryffindor House will suffer miserably from you."

As Neville was talking, Harry Potter and Ron who were upstairs just walked downstairs.

"Neville! I'm so sorry!" Hermione took out her wand directly, "Everyone is petrified!"

Neville immediately became stiff and fell straight to the ground.

"Sometimes I feel you are scarier than Snape." Ron looked at Neville who fell to the ground and swallowed his own saliva.

"Stop talking, let's go!" Harry Potter held the invisibility cloak and a small music box in his hand.