Necromancers Guide to Magic

Chapter 66: Inferi 066 Trevor is a fire-eating toad


Danger is ahead, safety is behind, and there are two of us who can lend a helping hand to you.

But you have to drink them first. Among the seven, one will lead you forward, and the other will send you back behind the door.

We had two bottles of regular nettle wine inside. The three are killers, hiding in the team and waiting quietly.

Choose! Unless you want to stay here forever, here are four clues to help you drink your head back:

First of all, no matter how cleverly the poison hides, it is always waiting quietly on the left side of the nettle wine;

Secondly, the contents of the bottles at the left and right ends are different. If you want to move forward, neither of them will be your friend;

Third, as you can see, each of the seven bottles is different, but in neither the giant nor the dwarf, death is waiting;

Fourth, the second one on the left and the second one on the right are completely different at first glance. After tasting it, you will find that they have the same taste.

The puzzle on this parchment is a very difficult problem for many wizards who lack logical thinking.

But for smart people like Voldemort and Hermione, it's not a problem at all.

"Hermione! Come and see what this means?"

At this time, the studious Harry Potter directly exposed his lack of training in logic. At the same time, Harry Potter was also glad that Hermione followed him.

If Hermione went to rescue Ron and report to the professor as Harry Potter said before, then Harry Potter would be trapped here.

'Maybe I can figure it out if I spend more time! ' Harry Potter thought as he made room for Hermione to see.

Hermione read the contents on the parchment carefully, and then looked at the potion bottle.

"Obviously! This is the barrier set by Professor Snape, so Professor Snape will not be the person you said was going to steal the Philosopher's Stone."

Hermione did not rush to find the potion, but first expressed her judgment. Just like what Regulus Black told her, the four gates this time were set by the four deans. Of course, the road Intimidation is just an added bonus, used to intimidate timid students.

"Hermione! Snape is inside stealing the Sorcerer's Stone, and here you are saying it wasn't him."

Harry Potter was still stubborn in his own judgment and completely unacceptable to Hermione's judgment.

"Okay! I won't argue with you, this is the potion that goes through the flames in front."

Hermione entered Ravenclaw and received the guidance of Regulus Black. Now she was different from before. She spoke and acted more maturely. Even for naughty kids like Harry Potter, Hermione was not afraid of it. argue.

"Hmm! Why is there only half a bottle?"

Harry Potter looked at the other potion bottles that were full, but this one was half full.

"Of course Snape drank his own potion and passed!"

Hermione said in a slightly exaggerated tone. Apparently Harry Potter still didn't understand. If Snape had set this barrier, would he still need to drink the potion he left in the barrier? You've already prepared your own magic potion! . But now that half of the potion is missing, it means that an outsider drank it, and this half is just enough for one person to pass through the wall of flames in front.

"I went over, what should you do?"

Harry Potter didn't hear Hermione's teasing at all, but he thought it was true. Who else could it be if it weren't Snape? However, he still thought about the safety of his companions. After all, no one would like to be in this passage full of flames.

"I'll drink another bottle and go back, and I'll pick you up with the professor as soon as possible."

Hermione took out the potion for the return trip, shook the potion bottle and said.

"Okay! Then I'll go there first."

Harry Potter drank half a bottle of potion in one gulp and almost froze to death due to the potion's effectiveness. While swinging, he passed the wall of flames in front of him. However, the effectiveness of this potion was limited. The cold after passing through the wall of flames The effect disappears immediately.

Glancing at Hermione behind him, Harry Potter opened the door and moved towards the final hurdle.

Not long after Harry Potter left, Regulus Black had collected the entire wizard chess and came here as well.

When the door was opened, the flame walls on both sides were immediately extinguished. This setting was to let people in, but it could also be a loophole.

"Regulus! You're here!"

Hermione jumped on Regulus' body like a koala hanging on a tree.

Regulus Black hugged the little Loli and kissed her deeply. Although Hermione had been very active in helping Harry Potter, there were times when she was worried. She didn’t know when the teaching assistant would show up and what she would do. There will be times of danger.

At this moment, as soon as Regulus Black appeared, all worries disappeared and Hermione felt very relaxed.

"Ah! Why is Trevor here?"

After Hermione threw herself on Regulus Black, Neville's pet Trevor jumped on her shoulders.


"Trevor was the one I asked for help."

Regulus Black held the little Loli in one hand and rubbed her fluffy hair with the other.

"I don't believe it! You must have snatched Neville's, by the way! You've been to Gryffindor after we left."

Hermione thought about it and immediately exposed Regulus Black's lie, but she smiled and didn't seem to care at all.

"Okay! You are so smart. In fact, I thought Trevor was still useful, so I brought him here."

Regulus Black planned to borrow it without repaying it, and even if it was returned to Neville, he probably wouldn't dare to take it.

"What can Trevor be used for?"

Hermione was a little surprised, what a little wizard's pet could be used for! The little Loli, who had not yet opened her mind, was caught in doubt.

"Actually, Trevor has many uses. In fact, Trevor is a fire-eating toad!"

Regulus Black carried Hermione towards the small table in the room, and the flames at both ends suddenly burned brightly again.

"Hey! Hey! We could have gone out."

It was only then that Hermione remembered that the flames that had come from it were extinguished, and she could leave just in time! How could you forget this

It's all my fault, the teaching assistant. I forgot about it as soon as I saw him. It's all his fault... Humph!

Putting Hermione down, Regulus Black took a look at the contents of the parchment, and then poured several bottles of potions into Trevor.

Hermione was stunned and couldn't express her feelings at the moment. Does asking Trevor for help mean to make him drink all the potions

You must know that although there is one bottle of antidote and two bottles of nettle wine, there are three bottles of poison!

Regulus Black certainly knew what Hermione was thinking, but now was not the time to explain.

On the small table, Trevor, who was one part fire resistance, two parts alcoholic and three parts cold, was undergoing drastic changes. A layer of frost covered his body, followed by a second layer of cold air, and finally another layer of frost. It's a layer of cold air surrounding you.

Trevor is just about to hibernate right now! However, the effect of alcohol in its body prevented it from falling asleep.

Regulus Black's wand touched, and Trevor immediately puffed up his belly like breathing. An inexplicable suction force came from its mouth. The flame walls on both sides of the room rolled into two fire dragons under this suction force. Drilling into Trevor's big mouth.

The two thick fire snakes looked like they were endless. It seemed that it would take a while to swallow them all. The flame walls set up here could regenerate themselves. Basically, it would be no problem to burn them for several days and nights, but in Lei Under the control of Gulus Black, the wall of flames burned dozens of times faster.

"Hermione! Do you think Professor Snape would leave the real potion here?"

"As a professor at the school, I don't think he would intentionally endanger students who came in."

"Smart! Next question, what do you think the so-called poison here will be?"

"Freezing potion! It's just like the layer of frost I saw on Trevor just now."

"Actually, these 'poisons' are by-products of making fire-resistant potions, and these 'poisons' also have antidotes."

"Nettle wine! It's nettle wine."

Regulus Black's live lessons were extremely effective, and Hermione quickly understood how this barrier was set up.

Professor Snape should not only stop intruders, but also give people a glimmer of hope that they can get through without actually harming the intruders.

Based on the above requirements, the 7 bottles of magic potion left at the scene form a cycle of their own. Two bottles of magic potion can pass through the flame walls on both sides. The so-called poison can freeze people without being affected by the long-term flame barbecue here, even if it is lifted. This frozen-effect nettle wine also stays in place for immediate use.