Necromancers Guide to Magic

Chapter 68: Inferi 068 Hermione hit Voldemort three times


02# Ed: +75% damage against undead creatures, +50 accuracy against undead creatures, 15% slow down physical consumption, 7% increased chance of blocking (shield).

14# Dole: Hitting makes the monster escape by 25%, and the life is replenished by +7.

Among them, +75% damage to undead creatures, +50 accuracy against undead creatures, 25% chance of monsters escaping on hit, and +7 health replenishment all play a role, and it also adds a layer of ' 7% Increases chance of blocking'.

A ball of gray substance was forced out of Quirrell's body. This all happened when Quirrell strangled Harry Potter's neck.

A little later, it would be Harry Potter who would use his injured and bleeding hands to destroy Quirrell's body just by touch.

The gray substance was Voldemort, and he tried to possess Quirrell's body again, but was blocked by the '7% increased chance of blocking'.

As soon as Quirrell got rid of Voldemort's control, he immediately let go of Harry Potter and turned over to hide aside. Although he had the intention to resist Voldemort and sacrifice himself to destroy Voldemort, it did not mean that he was not afraid of Voldemort.

Quirrell stayed away from Voldemort, not caring about Harry Potter's safety.

"Ed Dole!"

Hermione once again accurately hit the gray substance from outside the fire wall. Voldemort, who was hit twice in a row, chose to escape under the effect of 'Hit causes monsters to escape by 25%'.

Voldemort was not willing to fail at this time. Without a physical body, he could not obtain the Philosopher's Stone, even if the stone was just a few steps away. Out of revenge, Voldemort rushed directly to Harry Potter. Voldemort, composed of the entire gray matter, penetrated his body. Then, Harry Potter let out a scream and fell to the ground, and then Voldemort rushed towards Hermione again.

"Ed Dole!"

Hermione hit Voldemort for the third time, and the three accumulated '+75% damage to undead creatures' caused Voldemort to be hurt, not to mention the three accumulated 'hits that caused monsters to escape by 25%'. Voldemort could only I thought about just running away without any hesitation.

Facing Voldemort directly, such a thing was not as fatal as Harry Potter's. No matter who it was, it was uncomfortable. Hermione simply sat down against the wall.

Regulus Black came out of the corner. Just when Voldemort rushed towards Hermione, Regulus Black was about to help, but Hermione did not let him down. She hit Voldemort for the third time, directly Defeat the opponent.

"[Zero] Take care of Hermione."

Regulus Black directly summoned [Zero] from the Room of Requirement, and [Zero] held the slumped Hermione in his arms.

The wall of fire, which was not controlled by Quirrell, was easily eliminated by Regulus Black, and he walked into the room with [Zero].

A comatose Harry Potter, a frightened and trembling Professor Quirrell, the Philosopher's Stone and the Mirror of Erised.

"It seems like a happy ending! What do you think? Professor Quirrell!"

Regulus Black put away the Philosopher's Stone, put the Mirror of Erised into the system space, and looked at Professor Quirrell who was trembling with fear.

"It's you! Regulus, I didn't expect you to be the last person to show up."

Quirrell collapsed to the ground with a relaxed look on his face. He hadn't felt so relaxed for a long time. Quirrell had been nervous since Voldemort possessed him, and now he could finally end it all.

"Show me your arms."

Regulus Black looked at Quirrell condescendingly, pointed the wand in his hand at him and ordered.

Although he knew what the other party was talking about, Quirrell rolled up the sleeves of both hands indifferently.

The man's arms are nothing interesting, not even a nice skull tattoo.

"Very good!" Regulus Black put away his wand, "You must have had a hard time during this period, right? Have you thought about the future?"

"In a situation like mine, I'm afraid I'm not suitable to be a professor in the school anymore!"

Quirrell said nonchalantly. In fact, he also knew that a person who had been possessed by Voldemort could not escape the questioning gaze no matter how he explained it. It was simply worse than the situation of a Death Eater.

"If you have nowhere to go, I can offer you a job."

Regulus Black had already thought about it. His property was growing more and more, and he couldn't handle it all by himself. For the rise of the Black family, it would be useful to summon every force.

"Did you know? I used to be a professor of Muggle Studies. If there is no place for me to live in the wizarding world, I can still go to the Muggle world. There are things completely different from the wizarding world there, which are very attractive."

Quirrell was not worried at all that he would be ostracized by the wizarding world. He could not hang out in the wizarding world, but he could live in the Muggle world!

In this regard, he is much more open-minded than the later werewolf professor Remus Lupine, and he can definitely get along much better than him.

In fact, the real aristocratic wizard family, as long as they are not die-hards in the old city who are not enterprising, they will be speculators who maintain the old ways on the surface but absorb new things secretly.

Quirrell is certainly not a speculator, but his experience as a professor of Muggle Studies allowed him to learn more about Muggle society.

Could a job be something that could stump a wizard like Quirrell

"I know your situation, and precisely because you were once a Muggle Studies professor, I believe this job is more suitable for you."

Regulus Black said confidently that Quirrell seemed to have the job.

Saying this also made Quirrell interested.

"If that's what you said, Regulus! Please be more specific."

Quirrell finally sat up, no longer lying lazily on the ground.

"We can come to your office to discuss it in detail. If you don't mind sending Harry to the medical service first!"

Regulus Black pointed at Harry Potter lying on the ground, and then took the lead with his steel golem [Zero].

Quirrell picked up Harry Potter and followed him. The game of breaking through the Sorcerer's Stone came to an end, and the scene was cleaned up.

Hermione was ordered to [Zero] by Regulus Black and was sent to the Room of Requirement to rest first.

Regulus Black and Quirrell sent Harry Potter to the medical ward, and then left for Quirrell's office.

"Mrs. Pomfrey, Harry Potter, please take care of this."

"What harm did this child suffer?"

Madam Pomfrey used a magic spell to examine Harry Potter, but found no external injuries on his body and no problems with his internal organs, so she asked this question.

"I guess it's soul damage or loss of vitality."

Regulus Black knew that when Voldemort escaped from Quirrell's body, although he took away some of Quirrell's vitality, in order to get more vitality, he hit Harry Potter and passed through his body at the same time. , it’s hard to say how much vitality was taken away.

"I see!"

Madam Pomfrey took out a bottle of potion from the medicine cabinet, pried open Harry Potter's mouth, connected it with something like a pipe, and poured it directly into Harry Potter.

Regulus Black and Quirrell looked at each other. Madam Pomfrey's way of doing things was still so rough and efficient, so the students who came here were healed quickly, and they were injured quickly, and again! Could it be more painful than being given a magic potion in a medical service

Thinking back to those days, who didn’t serve in the medical service? Talking about the experience in the medical service is simply too painful to look back on.

"Why are you still standing here! Let's go! Let's go!"

Madam Pomfrey looked up and saw the two people still standing there, and immediately began to drive people away. Apart from the patients, she was the only one here. The medical service was her holy territory and no outsiders were allowed to infringe.

The two returned to Quirrell's office, and while writing letters for the owl to send to Dumbledore, they began to communicate about Quirrell's work.

"Since you said this job involves the Muggle world, then I require that the salary should always be above the British average, the working hours should not exceed 8 hours, there should be two days off per week, and working lunches and transportation subsidies should be provided, and organized once a year I only pay 30% of the expenses for travel activities, by the way! I also have to pay five insurances and one housing fund."

Regulus Black watched Quirrell rattling off requests. These were very common standards in the Muggle world and would be made by anyone looking for a job, but everyone's requirements were different.

"None of the above benefits are available! You only get dividends, so work hard for me!"