Necromancers Guide to Magic

Chapter 7: Inferi 007 I was resurrected just yesterday


If [Silver Jade Bone] is suitable for the summoning system, [Divine Corpse Talisman] is suitable for the poison system, and [Bacchus Ice Muscle] is suitable for the curse system, then the first [Blazing Blood Crystal] bought is more similar to The Ring of Sauron has the same effect as the Ring of Ruler.

All four wands have been stored in their own system space, and the wand in hand was something Ollivander had just asked about.

This wand is very old and slightly damaged and needs careful maintenance.

"Welcome to the century-old store, do you need anything?" Ollivander had lost the memory of the previous transaction and instinctively greeted the sudden appearance of the customers.

"Twelve inches long, with poison ivy and poisonous snake nerves, you are worthy of a family that has a special liking for black magic!"

Ollivander touched the wand repeatedly like a fetish pervert, completing the maintenance process amidst Regulus Black's contempt.

Just after leaving Ollivander's Wand Shop, before deciding where to go next, four Aurors fell from the sky.

"Expelliarmus!" The old wand was confiscated by the Auror.

The reason why he did not use the new wand he bought but still held this old wand in his hand was because Regulus Black was surrounded.

Regulus Black could hear that the shop door behind him was locked, and Ollivander was peeking behind the door.

"Gentlemen, on whose behalf do you come?"

Regulus Black stopped Chelik's attack next to him and asked with a calm expression.

"Tell me your identity, are you...?"

The female Auror captain did not dare to relax at all. The moment she got the information, she thought she was dazzled.

A Death Eater who was supposed to have disappeared for more than ten years suddenly appeared and was still visiting Diagon Alley.

I think that after the unspeakable man fell and disappeared, all the exposed Death Eaters were arrested one after another, and were either sent to Azkaban for permanent detention, or were freed through various under-the-table deals. Even those who escaped from being trapped now The imprisoned Death Eaters are still the targets of surveillance, but with the passage of time and their own operations, the world has gradually forgotten their identities.

However, when a Death Eater who has been recorded in the past but has disappeared for more than ten years without knowing his life or death appears, if the Auror has not acted, it will definitely make the headlines of the Daily Prophet again.

"I'm Regulus Black, I think you've got the right person."

Regulus Black's still stern expression on the surface concealed the intense thoughts in his heart.

"Follow us and don't make any small moves, otherwise I won't mind giving you a killing curse."

The Auror captain was very excited, excited and even a little scared. As a student back then, he had been protected by his family. He had never met a real Death Eater. I heard that they were cruel, killing people and eating corpses, okay! These are all rumors.

Regulus Black nodded slightly and acknowledged the other party's words, and was escorted by four Aurors to the Ministry of Magic.

"With all due respect, you are not scary at all when you threaten people, but rather cute!"

The Auror team sent Regulus Black to the dungeon on the tenth floor underground of the Ministry of Magic for temporary detention. Kreacher was sent to the Department of Management and Control of Magical Creatures on the fourth floor underground. As a result, the Auror captain was treated like this by him. Her words became messy, and while the other Aurors sneered softly, she stamped her feet and turned around to leave the dungeon.

Back in the office, Judy Fox was in a state of confusion. It was all because of that damn Death Eater, who dared to tease her after being caught.

A pure-blood family is amazing! I also come from a pure-blood family.

He looks so handsome and amazing! I'm pretty too.

Seeing her colleague passing by with a snicker, Judy Fox grabbed a piece of paper, crumpled it into a ball and threw it over.

I wonder how this Death Eater who cooperated so well with the arrest will be sentenced? Judy Fox was inexplicably worried.

In the headmaster's office at Hogwarts, Dumbledore summoned Professor Minerva McGonagall.

"I received an invitation from the Ministry of Magic to attend a trial in the Wizengamot."

Dumbledore's expression was hesitant and confused. It seemed to Professor McGonagall that he did not want to attend the trial.

"Dumbledore, you seem to be worried. Is there anything wrong with this trial?"

"Yes Minerva, the Ministry of Magic has captured a Death Eater who has been missing for a long time."

"Didn't the Death Eaters all be tried more than ten years ago? Some were imprisoned in Azkaban, while others escaped trial."

Professor Minerva McGonagall was angry when she said this. Those aristocratic pure-blood wizards with status, wealth and power, in the end, cleared their suspicions and escaped trial, and are still at large in the wizarding world, and Others betrayed other Death Eaters through dog-eat-dog methods and were pardoned.

"I'm also very confused about this. A person who was thought to have died more than ten years ago suddenly appears at this time..."

There are things Dumbledore needs to say that don't need to be said, and Professor McGonagall will understand. Harry Potter is a new student this year.

"Dumbledore, don't think too much. I trust your judgment. Don't worry, I will pay attention when you go to school."

Professor Minerva McGonagall tried to reassure Dumbledore.

Dumbledore immediately went on his way and grabbed a handful of Floo powder from the box next to the fireplace.

"Ministry of Magic!"

The Wizengamot was packed again today. Since the fall of the Unspeakable Man more than ten years ago, all Death Eaters have been liquidated.

Those with the means have escaped trial, while those without background, support, or meritorious deeds cannot escape the fate of being imprisoned.

In the past ten years or so, those Death Eaters who escaped trial have tempered their tempers, and many of them have left the UK directly.

Therefore, from more than ten years ago to the present, the trials of the Wizengamot have been small and dispensable cases. All qualified judges have never been present. The Wizengamot usually only has the most basic number of judges on duty.

When Dumbledore arrived, he realized that he would be the last one to arrive. After a brief greeting to everyone he knew, Dumbledore sat in his seat.

Minister Fudge felt relieved when he saw Dumbledore arriving. You must know that when he learned that a Death Eater had been captured, he felt ready to strangle the team of Aurors to death. He came to power just after the war. The past ten years have been smooth sailing, and he does not want to die in office.

He treated almost all Death Eaters as the Unspeakable Person himself.

"Now that everyone is here, we can bring up the prisoner." As the Minister of Magic, Fudge will preside over this trial.

Under the supervision of a group of four Aurors, Regulus Black walked onto the trial bench.

"Why wasn't the prisoner handcuffed?" Fudge suddenly fell into panic when he saw Regulus Black moving freely.

This panic even affected other wizards, and several of them pulled out their wands.

Regulus Black didn't say anything or move, he just looked at Minister Fudge, whose legs were weak, with an indifferent look.

After an embarrassing silence, Minister Fudge finally had the courage to face the judgment seat. He really didn't know who was being judged.

Regulus Black glanced at the entire audience and only nodded after seeing Dumbledore as a greeting.

This made Dumbledore even more confused. Is the person in front of him really the Regulus Black he knew

"Anyone in the dock, please state your name."

"Regulus Black was once a Death Eater before his death. I was resurrected just yesterday."