Necromancers Guide to Magic

Chapter 70: Infernal Corpse 070 Black Lotus Holy Fire Three-legged Golden Toad


The reason why Dumbledore was willing to hand over the Philosopher's Stone to Regulus Black was also intentional.

Let’s start with the properties of the Philosopher’s Stone. To put it simply, after Nico Flamel created the Philosopher’s Stone, as the owner of the Philosopher’s Stone, he was also shackled by the power of the Philosopher’s Stone. He could only feel joy, Although he knows that he should feel pain or sadness at certain times, he cannot really feel positive emotions such as happiness. At the same time, he can only do things that will bring joy to others, or actions that generally have no impact, but cannot Doing bad things or even thinking bad things.

The benefit of paying these prices is that he can use the magic stone to use the joy of all the people whose fate he has changed, including those poor people he has rescued, patients he has treated, students he has taught, and people who have been alchemized by him. Inventions help people.

Perhaps, if the Sorcerer's Stone fell into the hands of Voldemort, such shackles might be able to be eliminated. Even Dumbledore himself could eliminate this. However, as for Regulus Black, although Dumbledore could not see through him , but I think he should not have such an ability. Because Nico Flamel is the creator, he naturally has this shackles that he cannot escape.

To put it simply, having fun alone is not as good as having fun together. Nico Flamel can bring joy to the people around him, so Dumbledore also hopes that Regulus Black can do the same and be turned into a happy good man by the Sorcerer's Stone. .

[Magic stone]

Produced by Master Nicholas Flamel

Staying in inventory has many additional benefits

100% chance of obtaining elixir of life by soaking in liquid

100% chance of obtaining gold through direct contact with metal

PS: Anyone who has used these elixirs and gold will always be in joy

Regulus Black placed the magic stone in his own system space and saw the properties like this. If he did not want to be affected by the shackles of the magic stone, he had to adjust the properties or refine it into another thing. Edit new properties from scratch.

After Regulus Black swept through the entire customs clearance process, what he directly refined was Professor Flitwick's flying key. At most, including using Trevor to swallow the Calendar Fire set by Snape, this is still a semi-finished product. .

[Clam of Calendar Fire]

Staying in inventory has many additional benefits

100% swallow any kind of fire

100% of the substances swallowed will be refined and excreted from the body

PS: The refining substances can be set and changed according to the user's requirements.

Regulus immediately thought of combining the Philosopher's Stone with Trevor to refine an immortal toad.

"Come on! Trevor, swallow the magic stone obediently."

Although the Sorcerer's Stone and Trevor were both in the system space, Regulus Black still said to himself excitedly.

Trevor swallowed the Philosopher's Stone. Driven by Regulus Black's magic, it grew larger and larger. When Regulus Black released it, Trevor was already pregnant. It’s about the size of a circular desktop with a diameter of 2 meters.

[Black Lotus Holy Fire Three-legged Golden Toad]

Staying in inventory has many additional benefits

+77% alchemical success rate

77% chance of fire immunity

77% chance of swallowing fire

There is a 77% chance that swallowed liquid will be excreted in the form of eggs.

There is a 77% chance that edible metals will be excreted in the form of gold.

PS: Any items and creatures can be refined through alchemy

PS: Swallowing the eggs of the three-legged golden toad can lead to immortality. Each egg can provide one year of life.

Trevor now had a black lotus pattern on his head, seven-star red gems on his back, and black low-temperature holy fire all over his body. His hind legs had also merged into one. Regulus Black casually gave it a copper Nat swallowed it, and after a while a gold coin was squeezed out of a pustule behind it. Although the pattern was still that of Copper Nat, the material had completely turned into gold. Even the magic the goblin had cast on the currency was gone. Unable to resist Trevor's refining.

After experimenting with refining metal, it was time to experiment with swallowing water. Many of the potions that the students had been allowed to mix at will were scrapped, but Regulus Black had reservations. There was no need to wait any longer at this time.

Vats of scrapped potion were poured down, and Trevor was doubled in size.

But after a while, the body shape returned to its original shape, and then a three-legged golden toad egg was born from under the abdomen.

The egg was alive under magical scrutiny, but Regulus Black knew that it would never hatch.

But this is a lifespan of one year. I believe it can be sold at a good price on the black market in Diagon Alley.

The House Cup was eventually awarded to Gryffindor. Dumbledore made Slytherin lose this championship by unreasonably giving extra points to Harry Potter, Ron and the brave Neville. For Hermione, Bonus points, after Regulus Black discussed with Dumbledore and Professor Flitwick, Hermione was not mentioned, which made the little girl a little disappointed.

In the school, since all the students have left at the end of the semester, only faculty and staff like Regulus Black will stay in the school. This is also a good experience for Regulus Black. After all, there is no bear. Your child’s school is a quiet sanctuary for learning.

Except for sometimes going out to run his family business, Regulus Black basically stayed in the library, and occasionally went to the Ravenclaw common room to read.

Today, Regulus Black is looking at the Five Exceptions to Gamp's Basic Law of Transfiguration, which is part of the seventh grade curriculum.

The 'Five Exceptions to Gamp's Basic Law of Transformation' is a major argument put forward by the famous wizard Circe Gamp three hundred years ago after a long experimental career. It mentioned that there are five major exceptions to Transfiguration, which are cases where it is impossible to achieve it.

First, due to the limit of food deformation, a wizard cannot conjure delicacies out of thin air, nor can he turn other things into food. Even if you eat it, you will not be able to absorb the nutrients and will instead suffer from indigestion. However, if you already have some food present, then you can transform it and make it larger.

The food that appears on the dinner plates in Hogwarts is not conjured, but cooked by the house elves and then transferred to the containers on the dining table through a 'relocation spell'.

The second point is that there is no permanent transformation between living things and dead things. We can turn a button into a beetle, but it cannot move forever. As long as the attached magic power dissipates, it will still return to a button. In addition, even though the transformed scarab beetle has the breath of life, its essence is still a button. If you feed it to a bird, it will not fill its stomach, but will choke to death.

The third point is that transfiguration cannot produce magic items, such as automatic quills, variable-temperature crucibles, etc., even gold galleons. The currency circulated among wizards has been cast by goblins. It will not oxidize and is not easy to Destroyed, it also has the ability to automatically identify and count.

The fourth point is that deformation cannot change the quantity, that is, you cannot turn a table into two deer, or turn three quills into a shovel, but there is an exception. If connected objects become a whole ', then you can use the 'Total Transformation Technique' to change it, and even if it is turned back, it will not affect the arrangement and attachment of the original object.

In other words, if you turn a man wearing clothes into a wild deer, and then change him back again, his clothes will not stick to his body like fur.

Finally, the fifth and most important point is, 'Transfiguration cannot create something out of nothing'. Maybe you have seen a wizard use a wand to conjure a flock of birds or a bouquet of flowers, etc., but these are definitely not conjured by transfiguration. Those things may just be The 'limited time entity projection' summoned by a magic spell may have been changed into a shape and hidden in the palm of your hand.

Thinking about it carefully, Regulus Black was very sure that he had never exceeded these five exceptions before, but alchemical products sometimes exceeded these five exceptions.

For example, giving magic power to certain items creates elves, just like the Japanese necromancers. This will lead to a fallacy: whether the item itself is alive, and whether the effect will continue if it transforms into other living creatures or non-living things.

Or for alchemical products such as the [Black Lotus Holy Fire Three-legged Golden Toad], the magic stone is swallowed and fused into it, and the eggs laid are alive but unable to hatch. All this will become unexplainable.

So everything in the wizarding world is more of an idealistic thing. When you think it can't be done, it really can't be done.

Immersed in the ocean of knowledge, Regulus Black had forgotten the troubles Harry Potter would encounter.