Necromancers Guide to Magic

Chapter 72: Inferi 072 Visit the Weasley family's Burrow


"I have a nephew who is not very smart and gets very excited when he sees strangers."

Although the Dursleys saw the cake disappear, Harry Potter had already walked behind the guest at this time, especially the action of opening his hands. It may have been to control the cake before, but now it may be to grab the guest's hair, in order to prevent the guest from Frightened by the sudden appearance of Harry Potter, Uncle Vernon had to immediately lay the groundwork.

Fortunately, once Harry Potter saw that the cake crisis was over, he stood up straight and looked back at Dobby.

I saw Dobby shaking like a sieve. Why would an adult wizard appear in Harry Potter's house? This is so scary. Dobby is very afraid of adult wizards. After screaming, this rebellious house elf Disappeared without a trace.

Hearing such a loud scream, the guest Regulus Black naturally could no longer pretend to be stupid, and turned around to meet Harry Potter who turned around.


"This young gentleman is...?"

Regulus Black seemed to not recognize Harry Potter and asked Uncle Vernon with an unhappy expression.

"He is the nephew I just mentioned. Because he is mentally ill, every time he sees guests coming to the house, he will cause a lot of things."

Uncle Vernon felt like he was about to cry when he explained. This was so embarrassing. Such a big deal could be over just like that.

Uncle Vernon moved his fat body, nimbly walked around the tables and chairs in the living room, came to Harry Potter's side, grabbed his clothes, and forcibly dragged Harry Potter out of the living room.

"Listen carefully to me. No matter if you destroy the cake or make noise upstairs, I will remember this for you! If the business deal tonight is not concluded, I swear that I will never let you go... Also There’s that dead bird of yours.”

The cake disappeared so quickly and suddenly that the Dursleys didn't understand what happened. Although the crisis of hitting the guests with cakes on the heads was eliminated, the disappearance of the cake was definitely Harry Potter's responsibility, because they saw No black toad was seen.

Uncle Vernon locked Harry Potter's room, knowing that it might not be useful to a wizard, but he locked it anyway.

"Why did Assistant Black come to my, the Dursley's house?"

Harry Potter wasn't sure if this was a coincidence or something Regulus Black had done on purpose.

Of course this is intentional! Regulus Black happened to be re-building Scarlet Heights and needed to purchase a lot of building materials and tools. This matter could have been left to his personal legal advisor to resolve, but now this matter was specifically left to Vernon. ·Dursley, although his products are only average quality, maybe a little on the low side.

However, Regulus Black was able to build the manor in Sleepy Hollow on his own. He did not need help from outsiders. He just considered that the Muggles in the town near Crimson Peak needed to show off when building the manor. It was not like Sleepy Hollow. The valley is a very closed area.

Like the treatment of Sleepy Hollow, Regulus Black completely closed off Sleepy Hollow's contact with the outside world. The Muggles inside could be killed or kept according to their mood, and he had no intention of letting the people in Sleepy Hollow leave, or Open the estate to entertain guests.

There is a mining town near the Scarlet Peak. Although it has a small population and is located in a remote area, it is still crowded with people.

The mountain peak itself is a very open terrain. Even the Black family's Muggle expulsion spell is only set along the road, and there is no condition to close this area.

After the movie is filmed in Sleepy Hollow, the entire manor will be demolished. Then, by constantly replacing the construction team and continuously revising the architectural drawings, the construction progress will be accelerated and the construction of Scarlet Hill will be completed while concealing it from others.

So the purchase of building materials and tools was real, but it was just the Dursleys who were specifically chosen to do business.

Regulus Black had a good chat with the Dursleys and initially confirmed a multi-million pound business.

Uncle Vernon saw Regulus Black out the door with a smile on his face.

Before Regulus Black got into the car, he glanced back at Harry Potter's room and waved goodbye to the boy with glasses behind the window. This also made Uncle Vernon's eyes turn, although this business did not include Harry. However, Vernon was very angry with this nephew who always caused trouble.

As soon as the day broke, Vernon started busy adding security nets to Harry Potter's windows. This was really a special gift.

This day happens to be Harry Potter's birthday.

"You are not allowed to go there without my permission!" Uncle Vernon's roar was heard by several neighbors.

And Regulus Black came to the Burrow, a strange house hidden in a large field of farmland.

Arthur Weasley is the great-grandson of Sirius Black's great-uncle, and Molly Weasley and he are cousins by marriage, so it can be said that Regulus Black comes to visit relatives. There is no flaw in the reason.

A carriage slowly arrived at the Burrow in the countryside. Under the influence of the Muggle expulsion spell, none of the nearby farmers had ever looked directly at this place.

"Mom! A carriage is coming. Is there a professor coming today?"

Percy Weasley, with his messy hair on his head, was washing up. After seeing the carriage, he looked up and asked upstairs.

When Molly Weasley heard her son's cry, she immediately came down from upstairs, and the carriage slowly stopped at the entrance to the courtyard of the Burrow.

Regulus Black stepped off the carriage, followed cautiously by Kreacher.

There are some commonly used potion plants planted in the yard, which can be used as spices in cooking. Three or five hens are wandering around the corner of the yard. Freshly laid eggs can be seen in the chicken coop. There is also a chicken outside the yard. There are two piglets in the pigsty, and two teal ducks are bathing in the small pond next to it.

The entire burrow was like a dilapidated house, built crookedly with the chimney of the fireplace as the center and upwards.

If there were any problems, just reinforce them with magic and the result was a modern art style house.

Who says the Weasley family has no money? This house is money! Just a little hype can sell it for the price of an old castle.

"Good morning Mrs. Weasley, I'm very sorry for your intrusive visit."

Regulus Black stood outside the door and said hello to Molly Weasley. Regulus Black was very handsome, but he was not as sunny as Gilderoy Lockhart, but for appearance Molly Weasley is still very attractive.

"May I ask you are… ?"

Molly Weasley was at a loss as she wanted to fix her clothes and hair, but was worried about appearing rude.

"I am Regulus Black, Sirius Blackstar is my brother, and I am also an assistant at Hogwarts. The four Mr. Weasleys in your family should all know me."

To be honest, Regulus Black was quickly recognized by Molly Weasley and invited into the Burrow.

The entire living room is also a dining room, which seems a bit messy, but you can also see traces of magic in many things.

In the sink, he was washing pots and brushes. A sweater was being knitted automatically. The most special one was a clock. The hands were spoons with photos on them. The entire Weasley family members were marked on it. , what is marked on the clock dial is not time, but various places or some things.

"Oh! You are looking at this clock! This can let me know where the little ghosts in the house are or what they are doing."

Molly Weasley was happy that her work could be appreciated by others, and only her children would complain that they were being watched, so they would not understand her concern for them.

"A very good piece of magic, especially suitable for a family with so many Weasley children."

Regulus Black was telling the truth. A family with many children like the Weasleys was very rare in the wizarding world.

The more noble a pure-blood family is, the more difficult it is to give birth to a child. This can already be included in the research direction.

Just like the reproductive difficulties of dragons and elves, it can open up a new topic 'the disappearance of the fertility of pure-blood wizard families'.