Necromancers Guide to Magic

Chapter 73: Inferi 073 Illegal Use of Muggle Supplies Department


When Regulus Black came to visit relatives, he naturally brought gifts for the children.

Candies from Hogsmeade were very popular with the children and everyone got a piece.

"Percy, this is your share. This is for Bill and Charlie, but I think they are already adults and are not at home yet, so you can decide how to distribute it among you children."

Regulus Black handed the last three candy gift boxes to Percy Weasley, the eldest child of the Weasley family.

Percy Weasley did not disappoint Regulus Black. He gave one box to the youngest Ginny, and the other to the other three brothers, letting them divide it among themselves, keeping only one box for himself. .

"Oh! You came all the way to give the children gifts, and you haven't had breakfast yet! Do you mind eating with us?"

Molly was very enthusiastic to entertain Regulus Black for a meal. Potato stew was burning in a large barrel. The family was full of growing children, and the nutrition could only be satisfied by these affordable dishes.

"Kreacher! Help Mrs. Weasley."

Regulus Black signaled to Kreacher that there is a reason for this. As long as the food is handled by house elves, it will show the best results. The same production method will produce different finished products in everyone's hands. However, the food made by house elves is basically the same in taste and color, or it can be said that they have reached their peak and cannot go any further.

"Yes Master!"

Kreacher snapped his fingers several times before Molly could dissuade him, and the entire kitchen began to move on its own.

"Mrs. Weasley, did you know that you have taken care of cows? I think maybe I can give you two cows so that you can harvest milk during the week and eat beef during the holidays."

Regulus Black now has only a lot of cows. The dairy industry on the farm is very well managed. When the outbreak of mad cow disease began in the UK a few years ago in 1985, the entire British beef industry was transformed. This had to be It is said that the evil consequences of capitalism have exploded.

Because the unsellable parts of beef are crushed and fed to cattle as supplements, the virus is passed on among the cattle. People who eat the beef or use any products from sick cows will be invaded by the mad cow disease virus. , and eventually the brain becomes a sponge. It is estimated that even zombies will not eat such a brain.

This is also the easiest property for Regulus Black to obtain when he appeals to the Ministry of Magic to recover his family's property, because the dairy farm has gone from being a highly profitable industry to a negative asset, although it still cost him some money. time, but it was still easy to get back to his family's dairy farm through the Ministry of Magic.

After Regulus Black got the dairy farm, he carried out a thorough reorganization and cleared out all the cows that failed the test and used them all as sacrifices to summon the 12 constellations of demons.

Believe that the devil's chance of getting mad cow disease is '0'.

Now I plan to give the cows to the Weasley family. Naturally, they have been selected. Sick cows will not be given away.

Today, Regulus Black has his own brand of cows, his own milk, and his own beef brand. Although the quantity is not large, the quality is absolutely guaranteed, and he has become a supplier to high-end restaurants.

The Weasley children were delighted when Kreacher brought the cow out the other side of the carriage.

Although it takes a process for a cow to produce milk, in the hands of a wizard, it is just a magic to induce lactation. As long as there are female cows, there will be no shortage of milk.

Enough gifts were given, and the relationship between the two parties became closer. Mr. Weasley got up a little late, but he was very formally dressed when he went downstairs.

"Hi! Regulus counts us as distant relatives!"

Arthur Weasley made himself look as imposing as possible. After all, he was also an official of the Ministry of Magic, even though he was in the least popular department, and he was the only one in the entire [Department of Illegal Use of Muggle Articles]. and another old wizard.

"Indeed, the grandparents of the Black family are brothers to the Weasley family."

There is no need to explain what is behind Regulus Black. Although the two generations above are brothers, Regulus Black's generation is only his grandson, while Arthur Weasley's generation is his great-grandson's generation. Well, that is to say, to be more serious, Arthur Weasley would have to call Regulus Black uncle or uncle.

But consider that Arthur Weasley's wife Molly Weasley is his cousin. Such a relationship...

Everyone in the wizarding world is related, so there is no need to elaborate!

Everyone sat down together and started breakfast. Kreacher arranged the tableware as if it were his own home.

"Regulus! What's going on with this visit?"

Arthur Weasley was eating food prepared by house elves. Although it was more delicious than Molly's, it could not hide his random thoughts.

What on earth did this relative of the Black family come to do? I don’t have anything good at home!

"Arthur! You are an official from the Ministry of Magic. I have some property ownership lawsuits in the Ministry of Magic, and some of them have not made any progress. If you can, please help to put in a good word and make the process smoother."

The purpose of Regulus Black's trip was not what he said, and the lawsuit regarding the Ministry of Magic's property was only incidental.

"Is there any lawsuit that I can help with?"

Arthur knew very well that Regulus Black's family was black from head to toe. As a pure dark wizard family, even their assets sometimes carried too much darkness. When the first asset was handed over, then It was a dairy farm on an isolated island. There were many reasons why it was successfully handed over to Regulus Black. One of them was that the dairy farm was the cleanest, with no traces of black magic. In addition, it had always been In the midst of negative equity losses, the handover was smooth.

The second mine at Scarlet Peak had its Gothic-style architecture and special geographical environment. The Ministry of Magic had repeatedly searched it before handing it over. However, except for the Muggle Exorcism Curse, no traces of black magic were found.

"Molly, these beans are really good."

Regulus Black first praised the bean soup for breakfast and then wiped his mouth.

"I found some seized scattered items from the records of the Ministry of Magic. I remember it was a box of six razors and a portrait."

The six razors are the tools of the famous murderer Sweeney Todd in history, and the portrait is from "The Portrait of Dorian Gray".

Given the origins of these two items and the egregious nature of the related events, it is not surprising that they were collected by the Black Magic Family.

Although Arthur Weasley is unreliable, he still has good intentions in his position, so he has some impressions of the items mentioned by Regulus Black. Although these items are likely to be made into dark magic items, They themselves are not considered black magic items, so the smooth process of the other party's request can be considered.

"Speaking of which, how many assets of the Black family are still unresolved in the lawsuit?"

Arthur asked as if he didn't know anything, but in fact he suspected in his heart that if there was something that the other party wanted to avoid, it must be the problematic part. Then, as an official of the Illegal Use of Muggle Supplies Department, it will be normal for them to check these dark magic items, and they will be able to issue fines one by one.

"Many, the larger properties, have a small marina, a chocolate factory, and a church."

Regulus Black directly reported three main assets, and it was possible for him to obtain the assets. In fact, the Black family also has other industries, but those industries that can still be profitable are not so easy to obtain. The people or forces that come back and possess these assets will not easily give up the piece of meat that they swallowed in their mouths.

However, as Regulus Black turns bad assets into profitable assets, the possessors of those assets will come up with various methods to request cooperation and return the assets in a cooperative way. This is also Regulus Black's idea. idea.

Eventually, these forces will be tied to the Black family's base and become a boost to themselves.