Necromancers Guide to Magic

Chapter 74: Inferi 074 Lend Ginny ten gold galleons


"Do the Black family's assets include illegal black magic items?"

Arthur asked rudely and was slapped on the back by Molly.

"Who knows! I just want to get the Black family's property back. As for what's inside, I won't know until I get it. And even if there are any dark magic items inside, I believe they were left behind by members of the previous family. Of course, those of value should be retained, and those of little value will be disposed of or sealed."

Regulus Black paused and continued.

"Because there are some dark magic items with unknown functions, it is irresponsible to dispose of them casually before finding the relevant records. Because no one knows the value and function of these items, improper disposal may lead to disaster."

Arthur heard it, and this was a warning to himself.

Just like Regulus Black said, if some dark magic items are just left in place, they are less likely to undergo unexpected changes, but if they are touched at will, they may trigger unknown spells, curses or traps, etc. etc.

"Oh! It's so scary."

The Weasley twins exclaimed. For these two people who like to make fun of things, it is impossible not to touch something with an unknown function in front of them. If they are really curious, If you encounter such a black magic item, you will definitely win the bid.

"For example, you two, who is Fred... George? Forget it! If it is you two, you are very curious. If a dark magic item of unknown origin falls into your hands, then something will happen. The odds will increase significantly.”

Regulus Black turned to the Weasley twins and warned.

"In fact, pure-blood wizard families with ancient inheritance have some dark magic items. Some of them are not even known to the family descendants. They have the source and effect. They are kept at home as a habit rather than used."

Obviously, it is said that the Weasley family, as a pure-blood wizard family with an ancient heritage, does not have the existence of dark magic items, which is really rare. Maybe it is because too many children are prone to danger, or maybe their family is all Gryffindor attributes.

"Mr. Black, what should I do if I want to become a prefect?"

Percy Weasley is the most successful and ambitious person in this family. At this time, he is not a prefect, but when the new school year begins, he will soon become a prefect, and then the chief of the student union. Afterwards, he entered the Ministry of Magic to gain qualifications and eventually became a senior official in the Ministry of Magic.

"You have asked the right person. There is a book "How to Become a Prefect" that is very suitable for you. This is also something I have read before."

Regulus Black had already prepared this book and it was an old one.

After receiving "How to Become a Prefect", Percy Weasley became very fond of Regulus Black. Even his family members said that he was a fan of officials, but it was his teaching assistant who was the one who understood and supported him.

Will this book be cursed? can you? Of course! All gifts from Regulus Black are slightly enchanted to increase the favorability of both parties.

Regulus Black would naturally be careful not to bend someone accidentally.

Therefore, the magic spell to increase the favorability of both parties is differentiated between men and women, and the distinction is strict.

"We want to open a store and do business in the future. Do you have any good suggestions?"

The Weasley twins also got involved, wanting some advice.

Regulus Black has a good impression of these twins. After all, for wizard families, there are definitely only a few people who are willing to do business. Just like those old-school nobles, many pure-blood wizard families regard doing business in person as a matter of course. It's a shameful thing, so they would rather find someone to act as an agent or invest directly.

"It depends on how many products you have. If you have one product, then you should go to other people's stores to sell it, and let other people's stores sell it for you. If you have ten products, then you can set up a street stall or sell door-to-door to customers directly. If If you have a hundred products, then you can open a store, but it is just a small store. The number and type of products determine the size of the store required. This is based on the fact that all your products are attractive and can be sold. Yes, only if someone is willing to pay."

Regulus Black's words made the twins think clearly. They used to sell some bits and pieces on a small scale, which was a waste of their own talents.

"One more thing, if you can come up with 100 good products, I will invest 1,000 gold galleons in you to open a physical store."

Regulus Black turned to look at Arthur Weasley.

"Your parents can testify that I do what I say. I remember that the Black family originally had a shop in Diagon Alley. Although it was a bit small, it was just right for selling some props. However, to fill the entire shop, it must not be less than 100 items.”

Regulus Black's words made Arthur Weasley roll his eyes. He was preparing to drag him into the water!

Combined with Regulus Black's complaint that the legal process was too slow, this meant he wanted Arthur's help in campaigning at the Ministry of Magic.

The Weasley twins almost jumped up with joy. They both turned their eyes to their father. The meaning in their eyes was, 'Hurry up and help Mr. Black get the store back so that we can open the store as soon as possible! '.

"How about me, Mr. Black? I really want to be a Quidditch player, and I'm pretty good at wizard chess."

Ron watched his brothers being criticized by Regulus Black one by one, and he was also eager to let himself be criticized.

"Quidditch requires talent, a lot of practice, and a good broom, while wizard chess all depends on talent. In fact, if you play wizard chess well, you can also play well in the Muggle world. Chess, the two rules are the same, except that chess does not break the opponent's pieces. You know, in the Muggle world, chess is an elegant sport, very popular and admired."

Regulus Black had thought about the situation in the Weasley family before he came. If he just helped a few other children and gave up on Ron, it would definitely be an unflattering behavior. On the contrary, it would be criticized by their whole family, even if No matter how good you were to them before this, it would be useless, so Regulus Black already had a plan on how to deal with Ron.

Just start with Ron's Wizarding Chess. If you don't stand out in the wizarding world, then go to the Muggle world and become famous.

"If you are ready, we can start your road to fame during the winter vacation, and I will arrange everything for you."

Regulus Black gave Ron a great reassurance, which made Ron full of expectations for his future life.

"Mr. Black! What about me?"

Ginny stood in front of Regulus Black a little shyly. Apparently she could see that Mr. Black, the assistant teacher, was helping the Weasley family. Especially her brothers seemed very happy, so it was always inappropriate to ask. It would be wrong.

"Ginny! I'm not very familiar with you yet, so we'll see what direction you develop best after you enroll in school. As the only girl in the Weasley family, you should be given preferential treatment. "

Regulus Black said as he placed a small money bag in Ginny's hand.

The little Loli opened it and saw that there were ten gold galleons inside, which was enough to buy a new set of clothes for the start of school this time.

"Mr. Black, you can't do this."

Molly said as she prepared to take the purse from Ginny and return it to Regulus Black. Ginny almost cried.

"Come on Mrs. Weasley, a new wand costs 7 gold galleons, a full set of books and school supplies, and new clothes. These are all necessary. You can't let Ginny be like Ron, using an unsuitable one." Take your old wand! Just treat it like I lent it to Ginny herself, and return it to me when she comes of age, without charging interest! How about that?"

Seeing Molly's refusal, Regulus Black made a very unreasonable excuse.

"I still have some things I want to talk to Arthur about alone, all about asset disputes."

Regulus Black took Arthur upstairs to have a secret conversation.

That night, Arthur conducted nine raids on the Malfoy home in the name of the Illegal Use of Muggle Articles Department.

This also became Malfoy's motivation to get rid of Voldemort's diary.