Necromancers Guide to Magic

Chapter 76: Inferi 076 Meet Bojinbok Magic Shop


The Malfoy family's manor was raided nine times in one night, and was searched every hour. Arthur Weasley, the officer of the Illegal Use of Muggle Supplies Department who was responsible for the search, said that many dark magic items were found. As for whether If there is any danger, a detailed inspection will be carried out. If there is no problem, it will of course be returned to Mr. Malfoy.

This incident made the front page of the Daily Prophet, and Mr. Arthur Weasley showed his face in a big way.

In the middle of the night when Regulus Black visited the Weasley family, the Weasley twins and Ron secretly drove Arthur Weasley's flying car and found Harry Potter's home, or Germany. The address of Sili's home.

Harry Potter escaped successfully with their help, and Uncle Vernon almost fell to death.

"Master, Harry Potter has successfully escaped from the Dursley's house."

Kreacher had been monitoring the Dursleys, confirmed Harry Potter's escape, and piled some plants where Uncle Vernon had fallen.

By daybreak, the Flying Car had returned to the Burrow with the four boys and Hathaway.

Harry Potter was visiting other wizarding families for the first time, and it was new to see everything powered by magic.

"Where did you guys die? Harry! I'm so happy to see you. There was no one on the bed, no note was left, and you stole your father's car. You might have died on the way. You There's a chance of being discovered by Muggles. Of course, I'm not talking about you, Harry. Don't be so stubborn, and you'd better pray that I don't seal your windows too. Come on, Harry, it's time for you to have breakfast. "

The Weasley boys could not escape Molly's round of scolding, but they were able to escape punishment because of Harry Potter's presence.

"Good morning kids! It was really tiring last night, nine surprise inspections, ah ha!"

Arthur Weasley had been busy all night. Although he didn't gain much, he was very happy to see Malfoy's stinky face.

So when he came back in the morning, he was still in high spirits, but soon he noticed that there were guests.

"Who are you?"

Arthur Weasley looked at Harry Potter eating at the dining table and asked curiously, but he had roughly guessed who he was.

"Sorry sir! I forgot to introduce myself, I am Harry Potter."

Arthur looked at Harry Potter in surprise. Yesterday he mentioned that the savior has the most unsafe enemies around him!

"Ron told us about you, when did you come?"

Arthur lowered his head and began to enjoy his breakfast while avoiding eye contact with Harry Potter.

"Your sons brought him here this morning when they were out in your charming car in the middle of the night."

Molly put her hands on her hips, as if to see how Arthur would react.

"It's amazing. Does the car perform well?"

Arthur instinctively changed the subject, with a look of pride on his sons.


Several sons said in unison.

Molly slapped Arthur with her backhand. It was time to criticize these naughty kids. Why did you ask about the performance of the car

"I mean... what you did is so wrong, it's simply unforgivable."

Arthur pretended to express serious criticism, and the boys lowered their heads and laughed secretly.

Arthur then began to ask Harry Potter various Muggle-related topics, such as what was the rubber duck used for? What are window screens used for? What is the carpet at the door used for? Arthur seemed curious about many common sense questions.

This left Harry Potter struggling to cope, and finally the awkward questioning ended with the arrival of a messenger owl.

"It must be Ai Luo who sent the letter."

Mrs. Weasley said with certainty, because the owl crashed directly into the half-closed window with a look like no one else's.

"Percy! Go get the letter!"

Percy came to the window with a speechless expression. The owl Iroh himself had jumped on the window sill and handed the letter to Percy.

"It's the letter from Hogwarts, the notice notifying Ginny of enrolling, and our book list, and they also sent Harry Potter's letter."

The pile of letters in Percy's hand. There are many children in the Weasley family, so there is naturally a lot of expenses in this area. Not to mention new students like Ginny, the books for each child alone are a big expense, so it can Use the old stuff as much as possible.

"Dumbledore must know Harry Potter is here."

Arthur has a full understanding of Dumbledore's magical powers.

"These things are not cheap at all. The spell books alone are very expensive."

As soon as the twins looked at the book list, they immediately calculated the value of the whole set. It seemed that they would have to buy second-hand books again.

"We need to buy everything. There is only one place where we can buy everything. It seems we have to go to Diagon Alley."

The Weasley family were all preparing to head to Diagon Alley, and after getting ready, they lined up in front of the fireplace.

"Harry Potter, you come first."

Mrs. Weasley beckoned Harry Potter into the fireplace, holding a jar of Floo powder.

Looking at the fireplace that was taller than a person and filled with soot, Harry Potter was in a daze! How does this work

"Mum! Harry Potter never used floo powder."

Ron saw Harry Potter's reaction and immediately explained.

The reason why Harry Potter was allowed to use the fireplace first was because the more the floo network in the fireplace was used, the more soot would be produced. In addition, the floo powder used by the Weasley family was of the lowest quality, but since Harry Potter If you have never used a fireplace, you can only let Ron demonstrate it first.

"Then you go first! Let Harry Potter see how this is used."

Ron grabbed a handful of Floo powder, shouted "Diagon Alley!" and sprinkled it down.

With a burst of green flames, Ron disappeared into the fireplace.

"See? It's very simple, don't be afraid, come on. Grab a handful of Floo powder, and remember to say it very, very clearly."

Harry Potter did everything as he was told, but when he gave his address at the end, he made a slight mispronunciation.

"Blood Corner Alley!"

A burst of green flames engulfed Harry Potter and rolled out of the fireplace of Borgin Burke's Wizarding Shop on the other side of Bloodhorn Lane.

It was Harry's first time to use Floo powder to fly, and he ended up getting lost and accidentally ended up in a dangerous and dark place.

This bloody corner alley is full of dark magic shops, the largest of which is Borkin Burke's Magic Shop. The shop has a disappearing cabinet leading to the Hogwarts Room of Requirement, and also sells shrunken heads for witchcraft. Giant black spiders, withered human hands, poisonous candles and more.

When Harry Potter looked around curiously, someone he didn't expect appeared.

Although Regulus Black did not catch up with the start of Harry Potter's first school year, he did catch up with this second school year.

"Harry Potter! Why are you here?"

Regulus Black pretended to have met by chance. In fact, after having breakfast in advance, Regulus Black came to the outside of Borgin Burke's Magic Shop. After calculating the time, he entered the shop. Waiting for Harry Potter to show up.

Sure enough, after a while, an embarrassed figure slipped out of the fireplace, covered in ashes. Harry Potter finally arrived.

"Mr. Black! I... Floo fan... that!"

Harry Potter obviously hadn't recovered from the trip, and he was a bit garbled and didn't know what to say.

"You used Floo powder for the first time and reported the wrong name."

Regulus Black helped Harry Potter summarize the current situation.

"Yes, Mr. Black, I'm supposed to be with the Weasleys, and now I don't know how to find them."

Harry Potter was a little nervous. He himself was a mess of soot, and opposite him was the well-dressed teaching assistant. The gothic-style clothing brought out his unique aristocratic temperament. Harry Potter felt that he could not compare with the other person and felt a little ashamed of himself.

"Clean up!"

With a sweep of Regulus Black's wand, all the soot on Harry Potter's body disappeared, even the soot on his face disappeared, as if he had just washed his face.

"Restored to the original condition!"

Waving the wand again, a trace of magic repaired Harry Potter's damaged glasses.

"Harry Potter, you should remember that you are a wizard, and you should be proficient in magic in this way of life."