Necromancers Guide to Magic

Chapter 81: Inferi 081 Please give Ginny to me


When he thought about the exam, Ron's expression became less bold than before.

This kind of performance naturally involves teasing and teasing from the Weasley twins.

"What are you all doing here?"

Molly came out of the signing area with a lot of books. There were books for six children, including Harry Potter.

"Sorry! Mrs. Weasley, it's better if I keep my own book."

Harry Potter immediately went to take over his own set, and Weasley's sons also took over their books.

"Mummy will hold Ginny's book for you."

Molly Weasley could finally relax. She was holding a large stack of books and queuing up among a group of well-dressed witches. What a torment it was, if it weren't for Gilderoy Lockhart's autograph. She didn't want to join in the fun!

"I will go to work at the Ministry of Magic today and will be waiting for you at any time."

Lucius Malfoy bowed his head slightly and said goodbye to Regulus Black. It was obvious that the two of them had already negotiated a rough deal.

Then he greeted Draco and left Flourish and Blotts Bookstore.

"Sorry! I'm leaving you here. Hermione, have you bought all your books? Ginny, have you bought all your books? The boys don't need my concern. Why are they all so disgraced? It's hard to wave a wand. ? Arthur! Clean it up!"

Regulus Black took out his wand and waved it, and everyone in the Weasley family was swept away by the spell, and they were immediately as clean as Harry Potter was now. I really don’t understand the way the Weasley family does things. Do they have to behave differently from other pure-blood wizarding families to prove that they are leaning toward Muggles

"Oh! Thank you! Regulus, actually I just forgot."

Arthur Weasley explained awkwardly.

"Have you not bought Ginny's wand yet?"

Regulus Black couldn't see Ginny's wand, not even the box, so he obviously didn't buy it.

"My mother spent all her money on textbooks, and this year's textbooks are particularly expensive."

The ten galleons given to Ginny by Regulus Black were all used by Mrs. Weasley to buy textbooks, and only Harry Potter received a set as a gift.

"That's it! Then Arthur, Molly, I'll take Ginny to buy a wand. Girls need special treatment. Hermione, does your wand need maintenance? Come along too!"

After saying hello, Regulus Black was about to take Ginny and Hermione away.

"This is no good, how can I let you buy it like this!"

Arthur refused without even thinking about it. Others bought everything for his children. Wasn't this a slap in the face

"Please feel free to leave Ginny to me."

Regulus Black insisted, and then left Flourish and Blotts Bookstore with Ginny and Hermione and walked towards the wand shop.

"This guy said it like a wedding vow."

In order to resolve the embarrassment, Arthur Weasley laughed cheerfully. Who said he had no money

In fact, as an official official of the Ministry of Magic, Arthur Weasley's income is still very generous, but the Weasley family has too many children and is not very good at running industries to make profits. The most important thing is that Arthur Weasley Len's hobby is too expensive.

In order to make a car that could fly, he first exchanged gold galleons for pounds and bought an old car [antique car]. During the transformation process, he needed a lot of materials that only the wizarding world had. He exchanged pounds for gold. Galleons, just a few times of back and forth, plus the cost of modifications, the Weasley family did not starve the children to death. It can only be said that it is all thanks to Molly.

Later, the Weasley twins passed these words to Ginny, making the little loli blush furiously.

Ollivander's Wand Shop is still so crowded, narrow, and dilapidated, but every time a young customer comes, he will find his own wand among thousands of wands, although in the process he will be betrayed by the shop owner, Mr. Ollivander. Make fun of it.

"You are Regulus Black. I remember you came here not long ago... that is, at the beginning of last year's school year to do maintenance on your wand."

Ollivander's memory about selling Regulus Black four wands had long been altered. He only remembered that Regulus Black came to maintain the wands and was subsequently arrested by the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic.

As for the four wands, I couldn't remember who they sold them to, but the accounts were not wrong. After guessing that his memory might have been modified, Ollivander put the matter behind him and continued to be himself. Our business is important, and those who want to keep it secret should just let them be! Just pay a lot.

"This is Ginny Weasley, the new student at Hogwarts this year. I took her to buy a new wand. Hermione, you should remember it too! Last year's new student, give her wand some maintenance and give it another one. A care package.”

Regulus Black pushed the two little girls forward, and Ollivander put on his glasses and took Hermione's wand first.

"Fourteen inches long, with a grapevine wood body and a core made of dragon's heart cord. This wand is used very carefully and there is no damage. However, regular maintenance is still needed."

Mr. Ollivander stroked the wand in his unique way to remove some minor damage, and then took out a maintenance kit from the counter. The materials used for maintenance are also different for wands made of different materials.

"Shenghui! 13 silver coins."

Olivier looked at Hermione and Regulus Black with questioning eyes.

"I pay all the bills and we'll figure it out later."

How could Regulus Black let the little girl pay for herself! What's more, he brought them here himself.

"Thank you! Regulus."

Hermione pulled Regulus Black down, then stood on tiptoes and kissed the other man's cheek.

"Of course! Your gentlemanly manners are most popular among the ladies."

Mr. Ollivander was paid to do things, and he was never stingy with his kind words, especially after seeing a scene like this.

"So Miss Ginny, are you more left-handed or right-handed?"

"Anything is fine! Or the left hand!"

"Don't worry, we will find the perfect wand for you."

Then comes the usual disaster demonstration at Ollivander's Wand Shop, but everything will be restored to its original state.

And the effect is definitely more exciting than watching a movie. All kinds of storms, ice, snow and lightning are coming out, birds and insects are flying around. After trying more than 30 wands, Ginny finally found her natal wand.

Thirteen and a quarter inches (about 31 centimeters), yew wood, vampire bat nerve, extremely powerful.

Yew trees are often associated with magic and death due to their poisonous sap. After the outer layer of the old yew tree dies, new trees will continue to grow from the center, so it is also regarded as the "immortal tree" and also symbolizes the reincarnation of the soul. Celtic priests regarded the yew as a symbol of immortality and immortality.

When Ginny waved the purple wand, the entire Ollivander's Wand Shop seemed to have entered the dark night, and the figures of bats were overwhelmingly wandering nearby. This was an illusion made of magic. These bats had no entity. The presence.

The magic power is steadily flowing into the wand, and then flowing out from the wand in a certain form, depending on the individual's specific circumstances, whether it is flowers, light, fire, or... any 'phenomenon'.

Regulus Black watched from behind, and couldn't help but think, no wonder Ginny later became an expert in the bat-spirit curse! Although I don't know what type of wand she originally had, the current one is obviously the most suitable for her.

Think about what Regulus Black himself was back then! What appeared the moment the wand was in hand was black spring water! The overwhelming black fountain almost submerged Ollivander's wand shop.

I remember that Sirius also came at that time, and then he became like a drowned dog, and left Ollivander's Wand Shop angrily, without paying any attention to the screams of his mother behind him, while both he and his mother were saying "cleaned up," "energetic," etc. He left the wand shop after casting the spell.

What a stupid brother!

Regulus Black, a third-generation man, got 4 wands from Ollivander's Wand Shop. Each one corresponds to its own system skill. This is an effect that only he can feel, so there is no external manifestation. If anything unusual happened, I remember that Mr. Ollivander was a little disappointed at the time.