Necromancers Guide to Magic

Chapter 87: Inferi 087 Mandrake is a premature child


The magic genie 'Cornwall' releases a green fairy transformed from a slug.

The slugs that were originally green with spots have now turned into sea slugs known as 'Blue Dragons', beautiful blue and white in color, with tentacles that stretch out like wings, and because it is transformed into a magical life form The green fairy has got rid of the problem of living in the sea and is now flying in the air with its wings spread out.

"Defensive aura! Offensive aura! Curse skills!"

Following Regulus Black's instructions, a circle of defensive aura appeared on the green fairy for a while, and was passed to Regulus Black and the magic lamp spirit 'Cornwall'. It turned into an aggressive aura, pricking outwards like a hedgehog, and finally was given the attribute of a curse in a miserable green light.

Regulus Black did not consider active offensive skills when he first set them up, because the transformed Green Fairy was too small and could withstand limited magic power, so it was better to use it as a consumable.

Although the setting involves two kinds of auras and three job skills, each Green Fairy can only withstand one skill at a time, and using roar skills and trap skills directly uses the Green Fairy as a sacrifice. Consumable skills.

In this way, in addition to the wizard's magic and the necromancer skills of the own system, other professional skills can also be used, as long as there is a suitable carrier.

You must know that although the [Dragon Egg Secret Realm of Golden Memory] was created by Regulus Black and contains all the professions and skills in the Diablo game, he himself cannot enter it to learn skills. It has to be said that it is a pity to be able to send unicorns to study but not be able to enter. However, after successfully making the [Cornwall Fairy Lamp], this regret can be offset, although it is not used directly. The skills of the seven major job agencies, but it is also a good choice to adapt them like this.

Mandrake is a very commonly used potion. In the Hogwarts castle, there is a large area where potions are grown in the sunroom. It is under the responsibility of Headmaster Sprout of Hufflepuff. This fat man A fat and kind witch who is also a professor of herbal medicine.

Compared with the Potions class, the popularity of the two subjects with such similar content is completely different.

It is said that Neville of Gryffindor heard the beautiful song of mandrake in herbal medicine class and is now admitted to the medical ward.

Peeves began to spread rumors in the academy that "Neville was fascinated by the attractive figure of Mandrake".

This made Neville, who had just woken up in the medical room, feel that it would be better to take off his earmuffs and die listening to the screams of Mandrake.

"Professor Sprout! You really planted a lot of these mandrakes! This is a lot more than you need for teaching!"

Regulus Black visited Professor Sprout after breakfast. Just to inquire about the cultivation of herbal medicine. After all, it is an absolute waste that the red land on Scarlet Villa has been vacant.

Professor Sprout had taught the lower grade students to repot the mandrake a few days ago, so he is now sorting it out and dealing with some parts that the students did not do well.

"You ask this! You must know that herbal medicines have always been marketable. In addition to direct sales, Snape can also make potions for sale. By operating in this way, the herbal medicine class can be self-sufficient and grow these herbs. , it is more used to make magic potions to save people, which is a good thing, and doing good things can make people feel happy physically and mentally."

Professor Sprout obviously enjoys it. He likes to grow herbs because he likes herbalism.

In fact, Regulus Black already knew about this situation. After all, he had been an assistant teacher for a year, and the school did not have many secrets about him in terms of management.

Dumbledore made a lot of profit from herbal medicine, which was far more than what Professor Sprout said was self-sufficient in the herbal medicine class.

But just like other school board scams from various projects, all the money was used to run the Order of the Phoenix.

After all, in order to deal with Voldemort, it is not enough to have enthusiasm, you must have a lot, and 'a lot' can be bought with money.

However, the purpose of this trip was not to inquire about Dumbledore's source of funds, but to ask for advice on growing potion plants on red soil.

"You said planting on red soil! If my devil's net is still there, maybe new mutant varieties will appear if it is planted. You have to know that the large devil's net is a mutant variety that I carefully cultivated. I’ve softened its shortcomings.”

Professor Sprout mentioned the devil's net that was looted by Regulus Black, with an expression as if a child had been kidnapped.

"What a pity! It was destroyed, Dumbledore said it was destroyed when the man left."

It seems that Dumbledore announced to the four deans who had arranged the gates that those arrangements were destroyed when the Dark Lord left. Although it was a pity that nothing was left behind, the four deans obviously believed it. Dumbledore's.

But it would be very embarrassing to say this in front of Regulus Black, because the devil's net was in his hand and was put into the [Dragon Egg Secret Realm of Golden Memory] to be used as material. .

If Professor Sprout was a beautiful woman, Regulus Black wouldn't mind opening his arms to hug him.

But let’s forget it considering the other party’s chubby figure!

"Can mandrake continue to be planted after it matures? After all, as a plant in the wild, no one will harvest it when it matures, and it will continue to grow. I mean, can mandrake continue to grow? Finally grew to be the same size as a human?”

Regulus Black just made a small assumption, but Professor Sprout turned his head in confusion.

"I don't know what you are talking about. Generally, mandrakes are harvested directly after they mature. I have never heard of whether mandrakes in the wild will grow to adult size. Unless You can solve the premature aging problem of mandrake.”

Professor Sprout seems to have led the topic to a strange place. Mandrake also has premature aging problems

"Professor Sprout, I don't quite understand what you mean. Progeria seems to only happen in humans."

Regulus Black was a little surprised. After all, this was the first time he heard such a statement.

"I know that there is such a disease in the Muggle world. Those children age at several times the speed as soon as they are born. This is not growth. Their bodies still remain in the state of young children, but their physiques have already aged. They will eventually die in their teens. Mandrakes have the same problem. I have never seen an adult-sized mandrake. Each mandrake is only the size of a baby, but look at them. Do any of them look like young children? They all have aging faces and skin. What we call mature mandrake is the moment when it ages to death."

Professor Sprout had great sympathy for children with premature aging, even if they were all Muggles.

"Then if the mandrake can be prevented from aging, can it grow to adult size?"

Regulus Black continued to ask, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind.

"I'm not very clear on this question, but you can try it yourself. After all, herbalism is a course that emphasizes practice to get the truth."

Professor Sprout piled up the used flower pots, put the mandrakes transplanted by the students away, and brought over a pot of young mandrakes, which he handed to Regulus Black without any explanation.

"I think you must have some ideas, don't you? Then give it a try! Maybe it can really be done!"

As a student who has graduated from Hogwarts and taught at Hogwarts for another year, Regulus Black feels like he has returned to his student days. You must know that Professor Sprout is the head of the Herbology course. As long as Professor McGonagall, of course he taught Regulus Black, as well as Snape and Harry Potter's father.

Although Regulus Black didn't like this class very much at that time, he still got straight A's.