Necromancers Guide to Magic

Chapter 91: Inferi 091 The embarrassment between the Ministry of Magic and Fudge


Regulus Black returned to his old house at No. 12 Grimmauld Place with his child and coffin.

"Master! We are willing to be loyal to the master and the Black family forever and ever."

As soon as he entered the door, the two fallen people he had collected before appeared at the door. They were dressed in servant clothes and expressed their loyalty with a respectful attitude.

They were imprisoned in the 'Bone Cage' before, and they could not be released unless they recognized Regulus Black from their hearts as their master. Only after they surrendered on a spiritual level, the 'Bone Cage' will open automatically, and Kreacher will teach them how to become a good servant, or slave wizard.

"Katie Raven!"

Regulus Black held the child and looked askance at the witch servant.

"Yes, Master, I will obey your instructions."

Katie was very nervous and didn't know what she had done wrong when her master just came back.

"You will be responsible for taking care of the children from now on. There is enough milk at home. If you need anything else, you can tell Kreacher. I left ten thousand pounds for living expenses. You can buy whatever the children need. If you don't know how to take care of children, just go to the bookstore and buy related Come back and read the books, Kreacher will help you, remember the child's name is Jupiter Black, and he is an official member of the Black family."

Regulus Black handed the Jupiter in his hand to the other party to hold. After all, he still had many things to deal with, and the child could only be raised by others.

"Yes master, I will be careful. This is the child of the Black family and my little master."

Katie carefully took over the child. Although she had never given birth, her natural maternal instinct made her very fond of children.

The little baby hasn't fully opened its eyes yet, and is rubbing its face with its little hands in a daze, breathing from time to time.

Katie couldn't help but wonder, was this child the family head's biological child? But since this child's surname is Black, it doesn't matter whether she is her biological child or not, I just need to take good care of her.

"Jacob! Put this coffin in the basement and keep it until I come back."

Regulus Black arranged for Jacob Jones to do this because he had seen an owl flying in and believed he was about to leave again.

The Ministry of Magic's owl brought a letter from Minister Fudge, greeting him in a very polite tone.

"Mr. Regulus Black! There is a very embarrassing matter in the Ministry of Magic now. I believe it can be solved if you come forward. The details need to be discussed in person. Please come to the Ministry of Magic as soon as possible if it is convenient. Minister of Magic Fudge superior!"

Holding a letter written by the Minister of Magic Fudge, Regulus Black was thinking about what would happen during this meeting.

Although Minister Fudge said it very politely, as if he was waiting for you at any time, it was just a polite word, and his original intention was to meet as soon as possible. If he really let the minister go and wait a few days, then it would really be It is to offend the other party to death, and there is absolutely no need to do so.

Returning to the Ministry of Magic, Regulus Black met Minister Fudge easily this time, instead of the previous time when he went through the normal procedures and took a long time, and the secretary let him in directly.

"Mr. Minister, I rushed here as soon as I received your letter. Is there anything embarrassing that I need to deal with?"

Regulus Black came to Fudge's desk and looked at Fudge condescendingly. sit down? Of course, but if you want to sit down, it's better to sit in the reception area next to him. Sitting on the chair in front of Fudge's desk... I'm not his subordinate.

Being looked at by Regulus Black so condescendingly, Fudge himself felt very bad. He stood up awkwardly, and then the two of them sat down on the sofa in the reception area.

"That's right, I'll just tell the truth. Regarding Bellatrix Lestrange's pregnancy, our Ministry of Magic has been under tremendous pressure from public opinion. The Daily Prophet has been paying close attention to this matter. Ao Law's guards in Azkaban have been directly regarded as suspects for more than half a year. If their suspicions cannot be cleared, not only the reputation of Aurors, but also the reputation of the Ministry of Magic will be affected."

Fudge's attitude at this time was simply crying for help! Regulus Black said it had nothing to do with me.

"Stop! Promise me a few things first, and I can take care of them."

Regulus Black really didn't want to see Fudge like this, after all, he still had the identity of the Minister of Magic.

"You mean you really did this?"

Fudge wiped away the non-existent tears on his face and asked Regulus Black excitedly, as if he was watching a criminal confess.

Fudge's attitude is that he is preparing to find fault with himself! Regulus Black frowned.

"I think you have made a mistake. The Ministry of Magic is incapable of handling this matter, so you asked me to help solve it! If the Ministry of Magic just wants to find someone to take the blame, then just find one of the guards of Azkaban. Just come out voluntarily."

When Regulus Black said this, Fudge's face suddenly turned ugly. Because of this matter, the Aurors had been at odds with his minister for a long time. If the Aurors were forced to stay in the custody of Azkaban again, If the suspect is handed over, then he, the Minister of Magic, will be done.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just driven crazy by this matter, so I'm a little bit arrogant about what I say."

Fudge smiled awkwardly, his lowered eyebrows reminded him of a eunuch, huh! It does look like a eunuch.

How can a Minister of Magic who has been castrated from all power by various forces not be like a eunuch

"Because the Ministry of Magic cannot solve the problem of the witch's pregnancy while being imprisoned in Azkaban, it is up to me to come forward and explain this matter in the most reasonable way possible. The following is a prerequisite."

Regulus Black raised his hand and began counting on his fingers.

"First, don't let the Ministry of Magic take the blame for this matter, but I don't include me. Second, don't let anyone take the blame for this. This is just a special incident, an independent incident that happened by chance. Third, Make reasonable explanations for similar things that happen in the future. After all, no one can guarantee that the same thing will not happen again. Just get used to it."

Putting down his hand, Regulus Black thought for a moment and said.

"What I explain publicly is the real result. I hope those who are curious will not disturb my life."

Minister Fudge, who was sitting across from him, was surprised. He originally thought that Regulus Black would put the blame entirely on the Ministry of Magic, which would put the Ministry in a very passive situation. He did not expect that he would be so kind as to give three premises. condition.

What a great man! Fudge almost wanted to kiss the other person to express his gratitude, but the other person's cold eyes stopped him from doing so.

"Well, before I explain this witch pregnancy to the Ministry of Magic, let's talk about the terms!"

Regulus Black picked up the black tea on the coffee table and poured a cup for himself and Fudge.

It has to be said that the treatment given to officials from the Ministry of Magic is really top-notch, and even the black tea served to entertain guests is top-notch with a fragrant taste.

"If you have any conditions, just ask. As long as the Ministry of Magic can do it, I will give instructions."

Minister Fudge has calmed down, and he must not neglect the part of negotiating the conditions later. If he agrees to something that cannot be achieved, it will be equivalent to throwing away a blame, but carrying another iron blame.

"Bellatrix Lestrange's child will be a member of the Black family in the future, so I hope the Ministry of Magic can downplay the information about her birth. I don't want the child to grow up in the judgment of others."

"Okay, okay, of course we can do this. It's all for the sake of the children!"

"My brother Sirius Black, I need to take my child to see him, and I hope that the Wizengamot court can retry the case that year. I believe he is innocent, just because of his stupidity, for some inexplicable reasons. For this reason, he took the blame for betraying the Potters and killing Muggles."

"Of course you can meet, you can go at any time, and you can meet as many times as you want. As for the retrial of the case from that year, I will immediately arrange just one procedure and the retrial will start within a week, but I cannot guarantee the result."

"Since the result cannot be guaranteed, let's retry it secretly! If we can't prove his innocence, then keep that stupid dog locked up."