Necromancers Guide to Magic

Chapter 96: Inferi 096 Conception Curse Details and Classification


Rodolphus Lestrange knew that this was the bottom line of the other party, but it was beyond his expectation. He originally thought that being able to see the child was already a luxury, but he never expected that he would be able to get one for the child. middle name.

Handing the child back to Regulus Black, this move made the four Aurors present relax a lot, and also made Rodolphus Lestrange himself relax a lot. After all, no one knew what he was doing. It will cause them to misunderstand, and then the rare meeting will be messed up.

"There is only one person in the Lestrange family now, my aunt Rita Lestrange. When she gets married, Lestrange will be completely over."

Rodolphus Lestrange was a very strong young man back then, but after more than ten years in Azkaban, he has become extremely thin. This is the price, and this price is so heavy.

"What! Do you regret following Voldemort?"

Regulus Black asked Rodolphus, not paying attention to the faces of the Aurors around him. The Auror, who had relaxed a little, turned blue, obviously frightened. Remember that Regulus Black had just been freed from the charge of being a Death Eater a year ago. Why, looking at their conversation now, I feel like two Death Eaters are planning something.

"Hehehehe! There's no regrets at all. There are certainly enough reasons for my choices back then, but there are also reasons for being punished after everything is destroyed."

Rodolphus Lestrange has been imprisoned for more than ten years. The thoughts of loyalty to Voldemort and long live the Dark Lord have long been forgotten. What is left is endless waiting for him to be rescued by his family. That day, or some other day, I couldn't think about it anymore and I bumped into a prison cell and died.

I believe the dementors will come and give me a farewell kiss in the end!

"Do you want to keep your child?"

Regulus Black said this casually.

"What did you say?"

Rodolphus Lestrange felt that he must have heard wrongly, and knocked his head in confusion.

"I mean, do you want a child of your own? A child of your direct blood."

Regulus Black looked at the other party seriously, as if a tempting devil was offering a contract.

"You are joking, you must be joking. I am a wizard, not a witch. How can I get a child with direct blood?"

Rodolphus Lestrange felt insulted and burst into tears while smiling foolishly.

"To do this, you need a woman who is willing to help you give birth to a child. You can find a Muggle. If you care about blood, you can find a squib, because I think no witch will agree to such a thing, so a squib will be A better choice.”

Regulus Black said it very seriously, as if it was something he did every day, very simple.

"I believe you are not joking. If you are serious, what price will I have to pay?"

Rodolphus Lestrange felt like he was going crazy. Although he said he believed the other party was not joking, there was a devil roaring in his heart.

This is not true, it cannot be true, he is lying to you and wants to get some benefit from you! Wake up, you fool!

"Similar to a witch's pregnancy, you need to pay the price with your life. The moment the child is born, you will die."

Hello! Is it really okay to talk about this here

An Auror wanted to step forward to stop him, but was stopped by his companion's eyes.

"Want a child of your own? All it takes is a surrogate woman, some of your blood, and both of your consent."

Regulus Black didn't care at all that the conversation here would be leaked. In fact, leaking was what he wanted most, no matter whether the conversation here was known to Dumbledore, Fudge, or other wizarding families. , no problem.

"Why blood? Pregnancy does not require a male... you know! Also, if I die before the child is born, can the child still be born?"

Rodolphus Lestrange hasn't even started yet! I started to worry about these problems.

"For the former question, Bellatrix Lestrange did not use any male help when she was pregnant. For the latter question, you can't see the child when it is born, and it will not affect when the child dies. The birth of a child, on the contrary, the birth of a child will affect the moment of your death. The rest is your own decision and the affairs of your Lestrange family."

Regulus Black stood up and motioned for Jodie Fox to take the child and leave first.

"Another advantage of operating this matter based on men is that the gender of the child is not fixed. The probability of men and women is the same. Only female wizards who get pregnant will be fixed on the female gender. If you think about it slowly, no Reply to me urgently.”

Regulus Black left Azkaban, but news about Azkaban spread like wildfire.

It turns out that impregnating witches is only part of the story. You can also use the blood of wizards to impregnate women. The two together are complete.

The truth about the witch's pregnancy was beyond everyone's expectations. The result was so shocking.

But later everyone discovered that Regulus Black still hadn't revealed how he did it.

But for those ancient families, it is the right choice for the Black family to keep it secret. Although it makes them hate it, as a monopolized technology, the Black family's secrecy means that no one can take away this wealth. Walk.

Some families already know from Dumbledore that the real name of this method is the 'Conception Curse'.

Let's break down the details and classification of this 'conception curse'.

First, by impregnating a female wizard, since it is the female's own pregnancy, she only inherits the advantages of the female wizard, including magical talents, gender, and perhaps appearance.

Secondly, after the witch gives birth to a child, she will pay a corresponding price and exchange her life for the birth of the child.

From the above two points, we can know that this is a complete equal type of curse contract. One party, the mother, gives everything, and the other party, the child, gets everything.

Let’s look at the finer details regarding male wizards.

First, allowing men to pass on offspring requires voluntary sacrifice of blood and the loss of the child's life after birth.

Second, a woman is required to voluntarily serve as the mother of the child, and there is no need to pay any price after the child is born.

From the above two points, we can know that the male curse contract is somewhat deformed and not so balanced.

If the man dies before the child is born, the birth of the child will not be affected. However, conversely, when a woman is pregnant, the child will become a life-saving talisman, hanging the woman's life until the child is born. die.

The other thing is that male blood can make several women pregnant. This is a question, and Regulus Black did not reveal it.

If it is plural, then for the declining population of the wizarding world, there may be a group of old men willing to sacrifice their blood.

Using one's own death in exchange for a few children is a good deal no matter how you calculate it.

Moreover, after a man donates his blood, the gender of the child is random. Compared with a female wizard who can only conceive alone and only give birth to a daughter, she has many more choices.

"Regulus! If you do this, the entire wizarding world will undergo big changes. Meeting, getting married, and having children will all become meaningless. All you need to have a child is a few drops of blood."

Judy Fox was thinking about this issue. The ethics and morals involved were too deep and she was confused.

"Then you can also understand the other way around. When a wizard gets his blood, he leaves a child somewhere else without his knowledge. When the child is born, he will die. What could be worse than this? A good way to kill someone?”

Regulus Black looked at his girlfriend's pale face, smiled and continued.

"After all, this is a curse, used to kill people. However, the effect of this curse will have a good side, but! What I want to say is that it is a very tragic thing not to see the birth of your own child."