Necromancers Guide to Magic

Chapter 97: Inferi 097 Expelliarmus and Oolong


Gilderoy Lockhart walked onto the stage coquettishly, resplendent in a fuchsia robe. The person next to him was none other than Snape, still wearing his usual black clothes, which looked very inconspicuous in comparison.

At this time, the auditorium completely changed its appearance. The long dining table disappeared, and a stage for duels appeared in the middle. It was covered with a carpet of the waxing and waning moon. There were hundreds of candles floating in the sky as a light source, illuminating the hall, but the ceiling changed again. Black as velvet.

I have to say that Gilderoy Lockhart is very good at creating atmosphere.

The entire auditorium was filled with students of the same grade. Students from the four colleges were all present. From time to time, someone held a wand and excitedly let the top of the wand make a sparkling sound. It was obvious that everyone was looking forward to the duel that was about to begin.

"Harry Potter!" Ron held his wand nervously. Harry Potter saw that his face was covered with sweat. "I don't think Lockhart is good at teaching dueling, and... my wand is broken." Yes, what should I do?”

"In addition to Gilderoy Lockhart, there is also Professor Snape!" Harry Potter said, pretending not to see Ron. "Ron, you should be more careful in Potions class." Just stay focused and you won't be called by Snape at this time."

At this moment, Lockhart waved everyone to be quiet and walked along the stage used for duels.

"Come around, come around! Can everyone see me? Can everyone hear me? Great!"

Lockhart shouted, looking excited.

"It's like this. Professor Dumbledore allowed me to open this dueling club and fully train everyone in case you need to defend yourself one day. Use the methods I have used countless times to protect yourself... Of course, in my own works, Fully detailed description."

"Do you want us to crush the Death Eater monsters with books?" Peeves suddenly appeared and sneered loudly. This statement caused everyone to laugh, especially the Weasley twins. Laughed and clapped.

Everyone looked at Gilderoy Lockhart, he was embarrassed now.

"Um..." Lockhart pretended that nothing happened, looked at the smiling students, and continued, "Let me introduce my assistant, Professor Snape."

Lockhart said, grinning widely, as if to ease the awkward atmosphere, but the Slytherin students all noticed that Snape's face dropped.

"He told me that he himself knew something about dueling, and he generously agreed to help me give a demonstration before class. I said, I don't want to worry you little guys... Wait until I talk to him After the demonstration, I will return your Potions Master intact to you, so don’t be afraid!”

"He's finished." Draco said to the people around him. "The Dean is already angry."

Lockhart and Snape stood at opposite ends of the duel stage, turned to face each other, and bowed. At least Lockhart bowed, while Snape just shook his head impatiently, and then they put their heads together. His wand was held up to his chest like a sword.

"As you can see, we hold our wands in the normal dueling posture," Lockhart said to the silent crowd. "On the count of three, we will cast the first spell, of course! None of us will do it. The other person’s life”

Snape bared his teeth and whispered "One... two... three..." and they both raised their wands sharply over their shoulders.


Just as Snape's voice fell, a dazzling red light suddenly flashed, knocking Lockhart off his feet. He flew backwards off the stage, hit the far wall, and then slowly slid down and curled up. on the floor.

Malfoy and several other Slytherin students immediately clapped and cheered.

"Do you think he's okay?" some girls asked nervously.

"Very well, everyone has seen it!" He climbed onto the dueling platform crookedly and said, "This is a disarming spell... As you can see, I lost my wand... Ah, thank you, Miss Hermione. Yes! Professor Snape, show you this move. This attack is very brilliant. But! Don't mind me saying this. Your intention to do this was obvious. If I want It takes no effort to stop you. But I think that in order to increase their knowledge, we might as well let them see... the effect."

Gilderoy Lockhart saw Snape looking murderous.

"This is the end of the demonstration! Now I will come among you and divide you into groups of two. Professor Snape, if you are willing to help me..."

"Let's start with the best person. Draco is the one on the Slytherin side, and Harry Potter is the Gryffindor side."

Also in the second grade, Draco is the leader of the second grade in Slytherin. Needless to say, Harry Potter, last year's Philosopher's Stone incident was enough to make him famous. He is the youngest Chaser and Big Brother of Hogwarts. The name of the immortal boy and savior is almost universally known.

"Wow!" The whole auditorium became noisy.

Ron Weasley led the crowd to applaud, and the applause resounded. Ron's whole face turned red from behind his ears. He gasped with excitement and looked at Harry as if he was the one on stage. Own.

Snape glanced around for a week. He smiled happily and carefully carved out the outline of each person's face with his eyes. The auditorium seemed to have been thrown into an ice cellar and became silent...

"Malfoy, come up here and let us see you fight against the famous Harry Potter."

Snape was very satisfied with this scene and continued to say with a cold smile. Then, as if he had fallen into madness, he closed his eyes and smelled the scent that filled the air.

"Now, take out your wands and duel!"

"Bow" Snape stood on the stage and said to Harry Potter with a sinister smile, "Bow to your opponent."

"Very well." Snape stepped back and looked at the two people who had already bowed. "Mr. Weasley, don't worry." He smiled. "It will be your turn soon. We all have feelings for Mr. Potter." confidence"

The Slytherins under the stage burst into laughter, "That's true." Malfoy also bent over with laughter, "Weasley always brings surprises to people, and there is no one better than Weasley." A more suitable clown... Mr. Weasley, do you need a reward?"

"Malfoy!" Harry shouted to Draco Malfoy, "It's our turn!"

"Huh?" Draco seemed to have just come to his senses and turned to look at Harry, "What, you can't wait to get off the stage?"

"When I count to three, you can use 'Expelliarmus'. Remember, you can only use 'Expelliarmus' and not other spells. We don't want any accidents to happen here."


As soon as Draco hit the target, Harry Potter landed on the ground with a three-and-a-half-circle back somersault, and landed on a horse.

"Roll sideways!"

However, Harry Potter did not admit defeat. He stood up and fired a spell from a distance. The same shot hit Draco. The dragon rolled sideways and then landed on its butt like a wild goose on the sand.

"Both of them are very creative. Children's ideas are simple, so they can make them move at will and turn them into suitable spells. What do you think? Mr. Principal."

Regulus Black and Dumbledore were watching the first duel lesson from a distance.

After all, before Gilderoy Lockhart proposed dueling lessons, Defense Against the Dark Arts classes at Hogwarts were generally focused on explanations.

In practical combat courses like this kind of duel, accidents are easy to occur, and it is also easy to develop one's strength.

"Hehehe! The children are all good."

Dumbledore smiled happily, but he had no idea what he was thinking.

"I said, it can only be 'Expelliarmus'!"

It seemed that neither of the people present wanted to listen to Gilderoy Lockhart's words, and the atmosphere was very awkward for a time.

Snape was dissatisfied with his godson's performance and grabbed Draco.

Draco also felt that he was very embarrassed. The head of Slytherin lost to Gryffindor, so Slytherin would not be able to think about it this year. The bitches of Gryffindor would talk about it. One year.

"Look at me, 'Oolong!'"

Draco flicked his wand, and a black snake made of magical power landed on the duel stage and swam towards Harry Potter.