Necromancers Guide to Magic

Chapter 98: Inferi098 You stupid mudblood


The black snake kept advancing towards Harry Potter in an elegant manner. As an entity made of magic, its action patterns came from the consciousness of the creator. When Draco wanted to attack Harry Potter, then this The snake's only enemy is Harry Potter.

"Stand still! Mr. Potter, I'll take care of it."

Snape naturally would not let Harry Potter be harmed by such a curse. Although his godson Draco could use the black magic spell of "making an own mistake" at this age, it was good in Snape's opinion. performance, but this spell is not suitable for dueling.

'Oolong comes out of the hole' is a spell of black magic. The purpose is to summon a poisonous snake made of magic power, and then the poisonous snake attacks the target, or it is prepared for other uses. However, due to the slow movement of snakes, it is not a surprise skill for duels, but it is excellent as a means of assassination.

"I'll do it! I'm very good at dealing with problems like this."

Gilderoy Lockhart stopped Snape, then with a wave of his wand cast a spell no one had ever heard of.

The poisonous snake that was crawling was hit by this spell, and it did not disappear. It was just hit and flew into the air, and then fell to the ground.

However, the effect was still there. The poisonous snake that landed on the duel stage had mistaken its target and regarded a student next to it as an enemy.

Obviously, the 'Memory Confusion Charm' that Gilderoy Lockhart is good at has worked. This 'Memory Confusion Charm' is his natal magic. Even if he does not use it intentionally, it will have corresponding effects.

Harry Potter looked at the snake for a long time, and an indescribable instinct came over him.

"Leave! Leave! Leave him!"

Parseltongue blurted out, and Harry Potter himself made a hissing snake sound, turning his will into the language of the snakes through these hissing sounds.

The black viper was confused. It wanted to attack the target, but was asked to leave by Harry Potter. The snake's head swayed back and forth as he watched.

"The curse stops immediately!"

Although Snape was also surprised that Harry Potter could speak Parseltongue, he did not forget to eliminate this 'unexpected hole'.

A flash of light focused on the black poisonous snake, and the magic power it formed was decomposed and dissipated.

"What on earth are you doing?"

The boy who was almost attacked by a poisonous snake just now was Justin Finch-Fletchley, who was supposed to be petrified together with the almost headless Nick.

Everyone thought that it was Harry Potter who commanded the venomous snakes to attack Justin. Even Harry Potter himself could see this from everyone's faces. He felt that he had been misunderstood. He was clearly just calling When the viper walked away, how could it be misunderstood that he was going to attack Justin

Lockhart and Snape in front and behind him both had serious expressions on their faces, as if they had seen the most incredible scene.

Harry Potter couldn't stand everyone looking at him like this. That kind of inexplicable hostility was very hurtful.

As a result, the child didn't even attend class and ran all the way back to the Gryffindor common room. Ron followed him back because he was worried about Harry.

Snape surprisingly didn't want to deduct points from Gryffindor, but his face really didn't look good.

"What are you still doing? Everyone is divided into two teams, and each one has to duel once."

The two people on the duel stage were asked by Snape to stand in two rows, and then, regardless of whether they were from the same house or not, they were all asked to come on stage to duel.

"That's very fair. Attention children, only 'Expelliarmus' can be used!"

Lockhart reminded again that there were almost no students who dared to disobey this time. Everyone had seen the results of using magic spells indiscriminately.

"It seems like there's nothing to see anymore. The Duel Club is doing well."

Regulus Black said to Dumbledore, and was about to turn around and leave.

"Hermione is about to play, aren't you going to stay and see!"

Dumbledore said with a slight smile, obviously not knowing that his assistant teacher had been flirting with little girls at Hogwarts.

"Oh! The opponent is Draco, what a coincidence."

Regulus Black did not expect that Xiao Long would face a member of the Iron Triangle again. Could it be that just like in the original book and movie, Draco Malfoy's destiny is to oppose the Iron Triangle

"Isn't this the lioness who escaped from Gryffindor?"

Draco looked at Hermione contemptuously, obviously not taking her seriously.

"You can also transfer to the house! I left the Gryffindor position to you. I believe the original girls' dormitory is still vacant."

Under the training of Regulus Black, Hermione also began to become eloquent. This sentence directly made Draco angry, and she was embarrassed to face Slytherin House.

Not only did he ask Draco to transfer to the academy, but he also asked him to live in the girls' dormitory. Xiaolong was immediately furious.

"Shut up! You stupid Mudblood."

Draco waved his wand, almost wanting to pull the other person to Avatar.

"Your grades are not as good as mine! Could it be said that you are not even as good as a Mudblood!"

Hermione was very clear about the meaning of Mudblood. She would have been so angry that she shed tears for such an insult, but now Hermione is very strong and slaps her in the face in the most effective way. My grades are better than yours. Then you are worse than a Mudblood.

I believe that Draco will never call Hermione a Mudblood again, at least not until her grades are better than Hermione's.

But at this time, Draco felt insulted again, so he stopped arguing and waved his wand.


"There are many obstacles!"

Draco's spell was blocked by a thick transparent wall and was slowly consumed.


"Armor protection!"

This time, the spell hit Hermione directly, but it was offset by the spell on the little Loli, and most of the magic was deflected away.


"Call the gods to protect you!"

For the last time, Hermione directly summoned her "God Guard". A huge griffon appeared on the duel stage. Draco's spell was useless. The griffin made of silver threads shook its head and tail, and all In the eyes of the students, a noble and majestic aura filled the air.

"How can this be?"

Draco was so frightened that he sat on the duel stage because he was directly facing the gryphon. He knew that this curse was 'Calling God's Guard', but Hermione, who was only in her second year, was able to release it. This was something he absolutely Unexpectedly, Draco knew from his family background that this curse would not be taught until the fourth or fifth grade. For example, in the original book, Harry Potter could cast it in the third grade, which was considered very talented.

The gryphon appeared and disappeared just as quickly. After a few moments, the silver gryphon completely disintegrated and turned into a thread and returned to Hermione's wand.

This scene once again moved the onlookers professors and Dumbledore. It was already amazing that Harry Potter spoke Parseltongue before. Now Hermione uses the beyond-standard 'Calling Guardian', and finally the magic power can Backflow, this is even more amazing.

"That's not how you use Expelliarmus. Let me teach you the correct way to use it! Expelliarmus!"

Hermione lectured Draco, who fell to the ground, and then waved her wand.

Draco closed his eyes. He didn't dare to imagine what the result would be. He just used powerful magic to use 'Expelliarmus' and he didn't have good intentions. Now that things are changing, he couldn't imagine how much magic the other party would use. .

There was a flash of magic, and the wand in Draco's hand was seized by Hermione without any harm to his body.

Hermione used the most suitable amount of magic power, just to disarm the opponent's wand. Disarming spells like those that knocked down the enemy increased unnecessary magic power.

For example: The disarming spell Snape cast on Lockhart just now was definitely intended to knock the opponent down.

"You use your magic wantonly and can't even control it accurately. Are you really a Slytherin?"

Hermione had no intention of beating Draco, she was just venting her dissatisfaction and looking very rude.

After following Regulus Black's advice, defeating the opponent in this way will not only make you look more elegant, but also more aristocratic than the opponent. This is the best way to slap the opponent in the face, once and for all. Resolve the other party's provocation towards you.