Need to Propose to Seven Men What to Do!

Chapter 102


The body of natural disaster really lived up to its reputation. President Chu still didn't touch the lovely blue child, and this disaster fell from the sky.

And so abrupt, so indifferent, so deliberate!

The moment Chu Muyun stepped out of the threshold, the door beam collapsed.

Xie Qianlan's magnificent palace with exquisite workmanship collapsed just like that.

Although it is not the main hall, although it is only a small side courtyard, the door beam that collapsed so easily still proves... This palace is probably a tofu slag project.

Such a trivial matter, of course, wouldn't hurt Chu Muyun. He didn't even lift his fingers, and the shield of the ice spirit beast was enough to bounce everything off.

Smoke billows, and above the ruins, when he looks back, the picture is still beautiful.

It's a pity that Jun Mo was not surprised. He looked at him blankly, his silver eyes narrow, like clouds on the horizon without a foothold.

Chu Muyun raised his finger and performed a technique, and the fallen door beam instantly returned to its original state, the dust disappeared, and it was rebuilt with beauty. The man standing there was handsome and handsome, as if everything just now had never existed.

Jun Mo was still watching very calmly.

Chu Muyun just smiled at him, then turned and left again.

After walking far, Chu Muyun stretched out his hand and looked at the back of his hand, there was a scratch, very shallow, very light, there was no bleeding, but even if it didn't hurt, it still meant he was injured .

The fall of the door beam may be considered a matter for ordinary people, but to Chu Muyun, it is really not worth mentioning, let alone a shield, even if there is no shield, those dead things without strength will definitely hurt not to him.

But now... he's hurt.

Just now, a piece of wood debris flew through the shield and rubbed the back of his hand, leaving a red mark.

It can actually penetrate the body shield of the ice spirit beast. It seems that this body of disaster is really not a joke.

If you want to conquer Jun Mo, you must break through this barrier. As for how to do it... Someone can help.

It's just... It's not easy to move that 'Big Buddha'.

Chu Muyun put away his thoughts and went to the bedroom to find some medicine. After applying it, the back of his hand returned to normal.

It happened that Xie Qianlan came back, and he greeted him with a smile: "I came back early today, what do you want to eat at night?"

Xie Qianlan blinked at him: "I brought something good, do you want to try it?"

Chu Muyun asked, "Huh?"

Xie Qianlan juggled two pieces of fruit out of his hands.

Chu Muyun really didn't know what it was.

Xie Qianlan's thin lips raised slightly, and her smile was more seductive than a goblin: "Hexiguo."

Shen Yun had never lived in the demon world, so naturally he didn't know what it was. He continued to ask, "What is it for?"

However, Xie Qianlan sold Guanzi: "You only said if you would like to eat them with me."

Chu Muyun stared at him and said suspiciously, "It can't be something bad, right?"

"It's very bad." Xie Qianlan leaned closer to him, with a little playfulness in her delicate eyebrows, "As bad as I am to you."

Chu Muyun understood a little, and scolded him inwardly as a little goblin, but his cheeks were flushed, and he scolded softly, "What nonsense!"

Xie Qianlan grabbed his earlobe, and acted like a rogue: "Eat it or not."

Chu Muyun's body was softened by him, but he said, "Where do you still need this thing, on weekdays... I don't let you..."

"It's not the same." Xie Qianlan said in a low voice, which made her whole body feel numb. "I want to see Ayun even more sao and more rambunctious, making me look like I'm not enough."

Chu Muyun only felt a rush of heat from his lower abdomen, he glared at him: "You are implying me, I have never..."

"Ayun." Xie Qianlan rubbed at him softly, "Promise me, I want to see a different you."

Compared with the days when he was controlled by the beast, Shen Yun is really unable to let go now, and he has seen such ecstasy, how could Xie Qianlan, a little bastard, not want it

But he didn't dare to let Wumei beast out, so he thought of this trick with all his might.

Chu Muyun didn't care too much, he didn't hate this kind of little things to add to the fun, and Xie Qianlan's avatar was almost full at this time, and he would definitely not use bad things to trick him, so there was no need to worry.

Anyway, the two of them have done what they can and can't do, what they should do and what they shouldn't do, and they've done all the messy things, and it's not bad at all.

Chu Muyun looked at him and began to compromise: "The bigger you are, the worse you are."

Xie Qianlan hugged him from behind, and a fiery kiss fell on his neck: "Don't you like Ayun?"

Chu Muyun was so tickled by him that he turned around and kissed him.

The two of them lingered on their lips for a while, and some heat surged up. Xie Qianlan looked at him with a rare seriousness in his amorous eyes, and he asked persistently: "Ayun, would you like to eat it with me? ?"

Chu Muyun was so cautious, he vaguely sensed something a little different from those words, and the lighthearted words that came to his lips were not easy to say.

Xie Qianlan stared straight at him.

Chu Muyun returned to his senses, he curled his lips and smiled warmly: "Yes."

Xie Qianlan also laughed, not the usual kind of deliberately seductive smile. The corners of his mouth are no longer tempting, no sultry, the arc is very pure, but it is unexpectedly good to see the extreme.

Chu Muyun knew that each of the seven statues had a world-beating appearance, and his resistance to beauty was already very high, but at this time, he was surprised by Xie Qianlan.

It turned out to be erotic lust.

It will be so beautiful.

The two of them ate the fruit, as Chu Muyun thought, it did have a powerful aphrodisiac effect.

After a while, he began to feel the fire burning, and all the shame and vigilance were put down. All that was surging in his mind was making love, making love constantly...

Occasionally, it seems good to have a taste of being completely dominated by desire.

It was a perfect night, but at the end, Chu Muyun finally realized the difference between this combination.

Although he realized from Xie Qianlan's behavior and words that this fruit must have other uses, he never expected it to be like this.

When he reached the peak, the fiery liquid swept along with the majestic energy beyond imagination and the powerful vitality that was so rich that it seemed to fill the entire world.

Combined fruit.

Together with wine.

This is a cup of wine between husband and wife, and it is the most beautiful symbol in the bridal chamber night.

There is also a cup of wine in the demon world, but the fruit can be met but not sought after.

It is not just a simple meaning like a cup of wine, but the fruit has a real effect.

The two take a pair of twins at the same time, and then have sex. When they finally climax at the same time, the combination will exert a powerful force that is almost against the sky.

It allows two people to share their cultivation base and life force, and it allows them to achieve a real 'two into one' in a sense. Although they will eventually be separated, after the complete end, the relatively weaker party But it will gain unimaginable power.

Just like the current Chu Muyun.

He got half of Xie Qianlan's huge vitality.