Need to Propose to Seven Men What to Do!

Chapter 133


It is really quite feasible. Although Ling Xuan's current cultivation base is incomparable to that of four thousand years later, his innate fighting consciousness is extremely strong. Taking him there is not only a hindrance but also a great help.

The most important thing is that since he can't get rid of him in a short time, it's better not to waste time.

After all, the luck pill is not so easy to condense, especially the lazy nature of the little fox who is not keen on cultivation.

After making up his mind, Chu Muyun looked at him: "I'm going somewhere, together?"

Ling Xuan was obviously startled.

Chu Muyun said, "It's a little dangerous, if you go, just follow me, don't come here."

Ling Xuan said: "What are you going to do?"

Chu Muyun: "Take something."

Ling Xuan squinted his eyes, but didn't stop talking: "Okay."

With such a decision, Chu Muyun didn't need to say more, got up and went to the Vientiane Palace.

It only took about an hour to find the destination, but it would be more troublesome how to enter this maze without disturbing Xie Qianlan.

Ling Xuan had been wandering outside for nearly a thousand years, so he naturally knew Xie Qianlan's name, but he didn't know that the palace hidden behind the mist was his residence.

But he doesn't need to know who the master of the palace is, he only needs to know that the master is strong, powerful enough to set up such a mind-bending maze.

But... Chu Muyun is stronger because he is breaking through this seemingly clueless formation little by little.

Without Chu Muyun's entrustment, Ling Xuan followed behind him, stepping on every step with extreme accuracy, and he would never make this breakout more difficult because of one more person.

As Chu Muyun had predicted, it took a whole day to walk into the maze, and it was only when the illusion disappeared that the eyes suddenly became clear.

Suddenly seeing this gorgeous and exquisite palace, Chu Muyun was in a trance.

Thousands of years are like one day, and the time here seems to be frozen, stopped when he left.

The dusty memories are just hidden in a sealed box. Although they are dusted and locked, they actually exist. When the lost key is found, they will crowd out with gorgeous colors. The light, not a bit outdated, as new as ever.

Chu Muyun lowered his eyes and said softly, "Let's go."

Although he knew Xie Qianlan very well, it was hard to guess where he would put things.

If you really want to hide something, deceiving yourself is the most reliable method.

Xie Qianlan had such a personality, so even if Chu Muyun knew him, he couldn't analyze where Lingyincao was.

That being the case, he could only find it slowly. Chu Muyun screened out a few more likely places and said to Ling Xuan, "We will act separately."

Ling Xuan already knew what Chu Muyun wanted. Although he had never seen Lingyincao, Chu Muyun showed him the picture, and it was very easy to tell the difference.

Chu Muyun was not worried about him, and since the time was urgent, he went to look for it first.

Walking in this palace, Chu Muyun looked around and felt absurd inexplicably, because the memory was too clear, because the scene was too familiar, and because nothing had changed, it made him feel that he had never left. illusion.

The time to live here is not long, but it is very comfortable, and every minute and second is enough to make people taste.

Chu Muyun smiled, collected his thoughts, and searched seriously.

However, Ling Xuan, who was separated from him, just walked into the first room, and his whole body froze in place.

This is not so much a room as it is a person's obsession: spanning time and space, falling on the tip of a pen, what is depicted is no longer a picture scroll, but a deep-rooted yearning. emotion.

It makes people unable to walk in, as if stepping forward, it is the very hidden heart that is trampled.

Ling Xuan stood still, until a ray of light rose from the corner and spread to the whole room, and he could see the blurry picture clearly.

In an instant, Ling Xuan's pupils shrank sharply.

It was a man with a slender figure and handsome facial features. His ink-like hair was like silky satin, scattered on his smooth back, creating a charming and charming color that evoked reverie.

There are countless paintings, and there is a person in it. He smiles, or looks down, or sits, or fights... There are countless expressions and endless gestures. One by one, he draws a lifelike person.

Ling Xuan finally got closer, and as he got closer, he became more and more certain...

This is Ling Mu, even if there are some differences in the facial features, the perfectly outlined eyes still reveal the truth.

Ling Xuan frowned slightly, and looked at these scrolls seriously... Time kept moving forward, one hundred years, two hundred years, three hundred years...

For a thousand years, Ling Mu lived here a thousand years ago.

Ling Xuan froze in place...

The maze of this palace is very powerful, and there are probably few people in the world who can break through, but Chu Muyun quietly walked in in just one day.

It's not that he really broke the mystery with his own strength, but because he is so familiar that he has imprinted everything in his mind.

Why is it so familiar, because this is where he once lived.

-Ling Mu, who are you? What exactly are you going to do

Ling Xuan stayed in this room for a long time until Chu Muyun used his divine sense to contact him.


Ling Xuan suddenly returned to his senses: "I found something?"

"Well." Chu Muyun's voice seemed a little anxious, "I'm at the main entrance, you come directly."

Ling Xuan replied, "Okay."

Is it in such a hurry because the master of this palace is back

Don't want to meet your old lover, so you want to leave soon

Ling Xuan's eyes narrowed, and the tight thin lips almost formed a line.

In fact, Chu Muyun didn't feel Xie Qianlan's aura, but he was very thoughtful and did some tricks in the maze. As long as the maze had the strength to turn around, he would immediately notice it.

Xie Qianlan can remotely control this mysterious array, relying on nothing more than vigor, as long as the flow of inherent vigor is locked, it can be discovered in advance.

Chu Muyun had already obtained Lingyin Grass, and after realizing that Xie Qianlan was suspicious, he naturally wouldn't stop there any longer.

After all, no matter where Xie Qianlan is now, he wants to come back in an instant.

If you don't want to meet, you should leave now!

Chu Muyun's preliminary preparations were indeed abundant, and with the addition of the Qi Yun Dan, he successfully escaped from the Vientiane Palace, and the moment he walked out, he caught Xie Qianlan's breath.

It's far away, but it's approaching fast.

Chu Muyun didn't even think about it, performed the technique, and walked away.

By the time the man in red stood firmly in the Vientiane Palace, the building was already empty.

Xie Qianlan's consciousness was released, and instantly enveloped the entire Vientiane Palace.

He caught the breath of two strangers and found what was missing.

A Lingyin grass, a portrait of Ayun.

Lingyin grass is not worth mentioning, but the portrait...

Xie Qianlan turned around and went to the room. The moment the door was opened, he knew that someone had come and stayed for a long time.

who is it? Who can break through the maze set up by him.

Suddenly, a thought roared up from the depths of his heart.

For thousands of years, he still has not been able to find Shen Yun's soul. Is it because of the characteristics of the ice spirit beast, or... Is he not dead at all