Need to Propose to Seven Men What to Do!

Chapter 139


This time, Chu Muyun died neatly and neatly, and he didn't know how Ye Jianhan killed him, so he didn't feel any pain.

However, Chu Muyun didn't intend to go into detail about this point. Anyway, Ye Jianhan killed a lot of sins. He always had some experience in doing too much, even if it was murder.

It doesn't hurt much when you die, but it still hurts when you're resurrected.

After all, the destroyed body tissue needs to be restored, and this process of restoration is bound to be accompanied by as much pain as death.

Chu Muyun was mentally prepared, and as expected, after a short period of blankness, he felt a severe pain that made his scalp tingle.

The heart was healing, and the speed that was visible to the naked eye caused double the pain. Chu Muyun endured it, and clasped his fingers so hard that the force was so strong that it almost tore his fingernails...

At this moment, someone held his hand, and the movement was gentle but strong.

Chu Muyun had no time to think about it for a long time, the severe pain reduced his judgment, and there was really nothing to calculate at this juncture.

It was Ye Jianhan who couldn't hold his breath. He didn't win this match, but he didn't lose either.

The bursts of pain were like rising tides of sea water, and the rolling waves were getting higher and higher, getting bigger and bigger, and more and more irresistible.

Chu Muyun was suffering, and when he was mentally prepared to continue to hold on, a warm current suddenly enveloped his body.

Immediately after all the pain disappeared, the abrupt stop was too abrupt to not notice.

Because he had died many times, Chu Muyun knew very well that such wounds would never heal so quickly.

And even if it is healed, it is impossible for the pain to disappear all at once, it will only be a little bit, and it will take a lot of time to slowly fade away.


What did Ye Jianhan do

Chu Muyun understood after a little thought.

He didn't feel the pain when he died, and helped him share the pain when he was resurrected

It is indeed possible to do this with the ability to 'devour'. However, such phagocytosis may have some side effects, such as pain transfer. Chu Muyun couldn't taste it, but it was Ye Jianhan's turn to suffer.

It's a pity that Chu Muyun couldn't open his eyes. He was in a state of immortality during the recovery process. He could sense the outside world, but he was temporarily unable to control this body.

After about half an hour, the resurrection was over, and Chu Muyun woke up.

It was already late at night, and although the temperature in their room was suitable, the light was not bright. Only a bead the size of a fist in the corner exuded a soft light, which was not enough to illuminate the whole room, but had an extra soothing effect. .

Chu Muyun focused his gaze and saw the man beside him.

Ye Jianhan's complexion was extremely white, and under this soft light, the paleness was like frost and snow, so white that it was inorganic.

Chu Muyun frowned slightly, but Ye Jianhan got up and said, "Have a good rest."

His voice was extra hoarse when he said this, and it rubbed in the cochlea, which made people feel a little distressed for some reason.

Ye Jianhan turned to leave, his steps were extremely steady, but Chu Muyun still saw with sharp eyes that the black clothes were clinging to his sturdy back, and the light was reflected unnaturally.

After realizing what was going on, Chu Muyun's pupils shrank.

Immediately afterwards, he quickly lowered his head and saw the little water stains that fell from Ye Jianhan's footprints.

- This is soaked with sweat all over.

He really took out the blood in the heart, so he experienced great pain. Although he put the blood back in the heart, he only saved his life. The pain he experienced was real, and there was no discount at all. beat.

Then he killed Chu Muyun and the tall, thin man. Although he didn't know what he did, Chu Muyun was certain that he didn't feel the pain of his heart being torn apart.

Could it be that this is not a killing technique, but that he used the ability to devour? swallowed his pain

That's not right, when he was resurrected just now, it was obvious that Ye Jianhan used Devour, so he couldn't use it twice at the same time in such a short time.


Chu Muyun asked softly, "Zero, how long did it take me from death to resurrection?"

Zero: "About... two hours."

Chu Muyun was a little surprised: "For so long?"

Zero: "Yes...maybe even longer..." Because the baby was frightened and died for a while.

Chu Muyun's eyes narrowed slightly, and he knew something.

More than two hours was enough for Ye Jianhan to swallow it twice, so although he died once this time, it was actually Ye Jianhan who suffered.

But... why on earth would he do this? Knowing that he will lose his memory, what's the point of doing this

Chu Muyun didn't want to understand, but human hearts are made of flesh, and Ye Jianhan suffered such a big crime, Chu Muyun would still be a little touched after all.

After all, Ye Jianhan would be threatened because Chu Muyun deliberately did it, and a series of things would happen, and Chu Muyun was the one who started it.

And vaguely, a thought arose in Chu Muyun's heart.

If he had committed suicide at that time, Ye Jianhan would still swallow up his pain and let him die without pain.

After two or three days, everything was back to normal. Ye Jianhan patiently repeated what he had said: with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he said to Chu Muyun in a magnetic voice, "You are my lover."

"I love you."

Naturally, Chu Muyun wouldn't take it seriously. He acted step by step and let everything develop naturally.

A month's time, for these people with a life expectancy of thousands of years, is just a blink of an eye.

Chu Muyun calculated the time, and Ling Suyun could no longer delay it.

After observing Ye Jianhan for so many days, he still didn't see anything out of the ordinary.

But these days they get along very well.

Chu Muyun could clearly feel that Ye Jianhan trusted him more and more, and the restraint became looser.

After trying several times, Chu Muyun felt that it was time to visit Lingyun Sect.

The night was hazy, and he made a maze on his bed, creating the illusion that he had been asleep, so he stepped out into the night.

Regarding Ling Suyun's 'corpse', Chu Muyun was not worried that Ling Xuan would definitely take care of it. Because the little wolf dog knew that as long as Ling Suyun was there, Ling Mu would definitely go back.

Chu Muyun went to Lingyun Sect, and as expected, he saw a red-haired man standing with a sword in Ling Suyun's house.

The two looked at each other, and the corners of Ling Xuan's eyes pressed down, restraining the arrogant and arrogant state, and the depths in his eyes were unfathomable.

Chu Muyun didn't waste time and said straight to the point: "I'll talk about it later, I'll save him first."

Ling Xuan's thin lips pursed tightly, but he didn't make a sound.

Chu Muyun passed him, came to the bedside, and put his fingers on Ling Suyun's wrist.

The next moment, Chu Muyun's complexion changed slightly, Lingyincao was not in Ling Suyun's body!

At this moment, a familiar air surged, Chu Muyun and Ling Xuan turned their heads at the same time and looked at the man who slowly appeared.

Ye Jianhan's slender fingertips pinched a small green Miaomiao. He looked at Chu Muyun with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth: "Are you looking for this?"