Need to Propose to Seven Men What to Do!

Chapter 141


The question Ye Jianhan asked was something Ling Xuan would never forget in his life.

But he didn't know what the relationship was, but his strong intuition gave him a warning, making him clearly realize that there was something behind it that he didn't know, and it was extremely important.

Ye Jianhan guided him and asked: "Let's hear it, is it in a very hidden place, a cave? Has there been anything strange? For example, a strange thing that came up from the ground."

Although he asked with a question, the content of the words was almost the truth.

Not to mention that Ling Xuan was stunned by his question, Chu Muyun was also stunned.

Baby Zero: "My God!! What's wrong!!! Σ( ° △°|||)!"

Chu Muyun: "..."

Zero: "Solve the confusion! The host, please tell me what's going on!"

Chu Muyun didn't say a word. The fact was very simple. Ye Jianhan knew everything when he knew the substitution technique, but the question was how did he know

Ling Xuan didn't need to say anything, but just this expression already represented everything.

Ye Jianhan smiled slightly, and whispered the words from his thin lips: "It's really affectionate and righteous."

Ling Xuan suddenly narrowed his eyes, stared at Ye Jianhan, and asked, "What the hell is going on? Why do you know!"

Ye Jianhan turned to look at Chu Muyun.

Chu Muyun was looking at him without blinking.

The two looked at each other and looked into each other's eyes, but they couldn't see each other completely.

Ye Jianhan made up his mind and said to the end: "If you want to know, I will tell you, why does your Amu like Ling Suyun? His heart is tied to you, and it took thousands of years and countless hard work. , does nothing but one thing: to give you freedom."

Ling Xuan's pupils shrank sharply, his face awe-inspiring: "I have never been bound."

Ye Jianhan looked at him: "I'm afraid you didn't even have consciousness when you were trapped."

One sentence made Ling Xuan speechless.

Old God Ye Jianhan was playing with the Lingyin grass in his palm, and said slowly, "Thousands of years ago, Ling Mu discovered you who was trapped, broke the formation and rescued you. You two have been together for a while. I also became a lover... But it didn't take long. When Ling Mu wanted to take you away, he found that there was a monster under the formation, and it was extremely fierce. If it was released, it might lead to great turmoil. He had no choice but to accompany you. Continue to stay in that cave, how many years have passed?"

He paused slightly, then continued: "It probably won't take too long. After all, your Amu is so knowledgeable and knowledgeable that he even knows the long-lost art of acting."

"Oh." He looked at Ling Xuan with a smile, "I haven't told you what a substitute technique is, right? This thing is full of malice and selfishness. In order to replace you and give you freedom, your Amu can be described as Paying all the price, taking a life, and the half-death of the tomb, and the prestige of suppressing the reverence of the thousands of people above."

Ling Xuan is so smart, he immediately heard what this corresponds to.

And Ye Jianhan even gave him a chance to hesitate: "Ling Suyun is your stand-in, and Ling Mu himself has become a tomb man. As for the prestige revered by thousands of people... Ling Yunzong has hundreds of thousands of monks under his command."

Having said that, it has been fully revealed.

Chu Muyun couldn't bear it any longer: "Nonsense! It's absolutely ridiculous!"

Ye Jianhan shrugged and said to Ling Xuan, "Look, in order not to burden you, in order for you to gain true 'freedom', he is not willing to tell you all of this. Bearing it, a person silently pays..."

"Because this is nothing at all!" Chu Muyun was provoked.

Ye Jianhan didn't look at him, but asked Ling Xuan seriously: "Did what I said happened? Did Ling Mu leave suddenly? Did he abandon you when you were glued together? Then he left for nearly a hundred years. Time, when I come back, I have Ling Suyun by my side, and he has put his heart on him."

These are exactly the same. Many things that Ling Xuan had been thinking about for thousands of years suddenly became clear at this moment, and the truth after the mist dissipated was jaw-dropping.

"Do you know how the corresponding body came from? It took a strand of wandering soul from your body and nourished it with your heart. Not to mention spending a lot of time, there are countless mental efforts until the wandering soul merges with the host body. This corresponds to The body is only effective.”

"Do you know what the tomb man is? He is like a sacrifice on the altar. He is held there alive, never entering reincarnation, just waiting for the suppressed monster to break through the cage and devour it completely, because ah... It was he who took over the hatred that should have been placed on Zhenyuan."

"Oh, the source of formation is you, Ling Xuan..." Ye Jianhan sighed, "How can you be, you have got this man's infatuation."

Everything has been said, completely, exactly!

Zero: "My, my god... How on earth does gluttony know!"

Compared to Baby Zero's complete shock, Chu Muyun calmed down.

From this passage, he captured a key point.

Ye Jianhan said that he had been away for nearly a hundred years, and when he came back, he had Ling Suyun by his side. This means that he spent a hundred years to find the corresponding body.

But it's actually not right, because Chu Muyun hasn't left in the past 100 years, he just kept his name incognito, and remotely controlled the Lingyun Sect behind the scenes, using Ling Shan to promote the unknown Lingyun sect.

From this, it can be seen that Ye Jianhan did not really know the facts, but based on the information under his control, bit by bit, layer by layer, he reversed the results.

He was obsessed with pressing Ling Xuan, which shows that he did not know many questions in his heart, but attacked Ling Xuan through words, and then obtained the answer from his reaction.

But even so, it was already amazing.

Lingyin grass, puppet technique, corresponding body, prestige of ten thousand people, grave man, acting technique, array source... Just a few words, just arranged in order, he has evolved the truth, such a logical thinking ability Simply terrifying!

Although Chu Muyun intentionally used Ye Jianhan to let Ling Xuan know the truth, but at this moment, after seeing this method, his assessment of Ye Jianhan has completely changed.

It is not easy to attack this man.

Ling Xuan's whole body froze, the shock he suffered was beyond anyone's understanding.

Ye Jianhan finally looked at Chu Muyun: "Do you know why I told him this?"

Chu Muyun stared at him stubbornly.

Ye Jianhan smiled maliciously: "Because, I don't want to give Ling Xuan freedom."

After finally realizing the deep meaning of those words, Chu Muyun's pupils shrank sharply, and a cool feeling rose from his back.

Ye Jianhan easily swallowed his strength, making him watch helplessly—the emerald green grass turned into ashes.

He actually destroyed Lingyin Grass!