Need to Propose to Seven Men What to Do!

Chapter 152


Chu Muyun was stunned: "It was me who took the liberty."

Jun Mo said softly, "It's okay."

The topic came to an abrupt end here, Chu Muyun bowed his head slightly, and invited him again: "Follow me?"

Jun Mo stretched out his hand, and put his fair and thin palm on Chu Muyun's palm.

When the two touched each other, they were both slightly startled.

Jun Mo touched the palm that was warmer and drier than he had imagined. The soft temperature was full of indescribable power. It seemed to penetrate the skin and into the blood. The gentle flowing gesture was like a spring breeze blowing across the winter lake. After a ripple, let the crushed ice melt and be reborn.

Chu Muyun was simply amazed at the unimaginable touch.

Cool and delicate, it is hard to imagine that this is the palm of a tormented person. I'm afraid that no matter how pampered people are, they won't have such smooth skin, and the word "breakable" seems absurd to him.

Chu Muyun couldn't help but slightly raised the corner of his mouth. He pulled him up with a little force, and at the same time he felt the amazing feeling of being sucked into his skin.

One hand is so beautiful... No wonder so many people covet him.

- It's very tempting indeed.

Chu Muyun took him out of here. Because of the natural disaster, he didn't take him to a crowded place. He just searched for a secret place, found a naturally formed cave, and used magic to decorate it before settling down. down.

Chu Muyun had prepared a lot of supplies in his Qiankun bag, not to mention food and drink, and a lot of clothes.

Considering that he would meet Jun Mo sooner or later, Chu Muyun also put a lot of teenagers' clothes in the dark egg clothes of various styles.

Take it out at this moment, just for Jun Mo.

There is a natural hot spring in this cave, and as soon as Jun Mo came over, he was instructed by Chu Muyun to take a dip.

At this moment, Chu Muyun picked out the clothes for him and brought them in.

The natural hot spring is living water. There are three springs in the middle. The warm groundwater is constantly pouring out. The sound of gurgling in the empty cave has an extra meditative charm.

The water temperature is not low, and the young man in the center of the pool is extra conspicuous in the warm air.

He didn't have an inch of hair, his silver hair was extremely long, and it didn't sink when it fell into the water. Instead, it spread out and spread out into a beautiful semicircle behind his thin back. Can not bear to be disturbed.

Hearing the footsteps, Jun Mo turned his head slightly, most of his body was exposed, his complexion was as white as suet, and the delicate luster reflected the water droplets on it.

Chu Muyun raised his eyebrows slightly, his Adam's apple twitched.

The impact of this scene is great, especially for him who likes men, it doubles directly.

Jun Mo didn't have the slightest bit of coy, his expression was flat: wearing clothes or not wearing clothes; being looked at or not being looked at, there was no difference at all.

"Amu?" he called softly.

Chu Muyun originally planned to put down his clothes and leave, but now he changed his mind.

He did put down his clothes, but he also took off his clothes.

The lean and strong male body was exposed, forming a sharp contrast with the boy in the pool.

Jun Mo watched calmly, looking from top to bottom, there was no envy, no appreciation and no desire in the silver pupils.

Chu Muyun walked into the pool and approached him step by step.

The heights of the two were quite different. After getting close, Jun Mo needed to raise his head to look at him.

Chu Muyun smiled gently, and reached out to hook his long smooth hair: "I'll help you."

Jun Mo turned around calmly: "Okay."

Chu Muyun didn't plan to do anything, he really just helped out literally, and this kind of help really made people feel at ease.

The silver hair was as smooth as a ribbon, and it was as light as thin smoke in the palm of the hand, soft like a cloud, and it seemed to flow directly from the fingers.

Chu Muyun helped him to tie up his long hair to reveal his slender neck. His neck line to his shoulders was excellent, but he was not rigid, but not too soft, and the luster like a pearl made people want to touch and taste...

With astonishing willpower, Chu Muyun did not kiss him.

After washing, the two went out of the hot spring together, changed their clothes, and Chu Muyun waved to him, "Come here."

Jun Mo was very obedient. He didn't ask much, let alone talk. He wore a wide robe and walked towards him barefoot.

Chu Muyun leaned on the imperial concubine's couch by the pool and patted his side.

Jun Mo walked over and sat down. Chu Muyun took a dry towel and gently wiped his wet long hair.

The two didn't say a word, but the atmosphere was extra quiet and warm.

After all, Jun Mo is the body of an ordinary person. After tossing on Wangui Mountain for several days, he was almost sleepless day and night. Now he has soaked in a comfortable hot spring, and his long hair has been gently caressed, and it didn't take long for him to feel sleepy.

Chu Muyun gave in slightly, and whispered to him, "Just lean on when you're tired."

Jun Mo enjoys this comfortable environment very much. The breath of the man behind him is refreshing and clean, and there is an extra reassuring atmosphere. His fingers were nimble, and he fiddled with his hair a little bit. When the hair was dry, he pressed the acupoints for him lightly and not too hard. It was so comfortable and comfortable that Jun Mo fell into a deep sleep after a while.

Chu Muyun didn't get up until he was completely asleep, hugged the boy in his arms, and was about to walk back to the bedroom when a loud rumbling sound suddenly hit him.

This body of calamity really hasn't stopped at all. Chu Muyun didn't care either, he directly opened a barrier to protect the entire cave, even though the landslide and tsunami outside didn't disturb the good night's sleep.

The next day, when Jun Mo woke up, he felt the warm breath of the people around him.

He opened his eyes and looked, there was some confusion in his silver eyes.

Chu Muyun tilted his arms to look at him: "There's only one bed here. It's good for one night, don't you mind?"

Jun Mo shook his head, and after a while, he remembered what happened.

"That's good," he said softly. When he woke up, it felt good to have someone sleeping beside him.

Chu Muyun didn't say any more. He got up and got out of bed. After getting dressed, he said, "I'll wait for you outside, come out for breakfast."

Jun Mo nodded, but he still couldn't react. Sleeping and eating, these are extremely common things for anyone, but they have become extravagant expectations for him.

With a life span of several thousand years, the only two years were short-lived like a shooting star passing by the sky, leaving behind a splendid brilliance, but it was only an afterimage in the memory.

Jun Mo got dressed and went out, and saw Chu Muyun smiling at the dining table.

Human memory is very wonderful. When similar scenes overlap, the inexplicable sense of familiarity will instantly seize the heart, giving rise to an illusion of going back in time and reappearing.

The dead cannot be resurrected.

Jun Mo's expression darkened, and he walked to the table silently.

Jun Mo didn't know how long he could enjoy these quiet days.

One day, two days, three days, every day seems to be stolen, and the extra cherished is extra greedy.

After five full days in such a peaceful manner, Jun Mo was a little surprised.

Why... nothing happened

What he didn't know at all was that it was quiet in this cave, but it was already earth-shaking outside.