Need to Propose to Seven Men What to Do!

Chapter 4


The novels written by myself are the best.

Of course, Chu Muyun knew that "The Demon Realm" was normal. If it wasn't normal, how would anyone spend so much money to make a movie

But in fact, this novel doesn't have too many emotional dramas. After all, the author is a GAY. If he really thought about it from the emotional line, his brain was definitely not the protagonist accepting the girl to open the harem, but the protagonist pushing the younger brother, pushing the younger brother's younger brother, pushing Little brother's little brother's little brother... In short, it doesn't matter whether it's a flat-chested woman who is a wife or a strong woman, whoever suits your taste can have a shot.

Fortunately, Chu Muyun resigned from his job as a senior executive, so he didn't want to write a splendid novel, so he described the magnificent world of "Devil World" with integrity and with a pure plot flow. Emotional scenes are just green leaves.

Although "Devil World" became popular after the popularity of fan products, various CPs quarreled endlessly, and the author himself has admired many classic works, but Chu Muyun still felt that the hot-blooded man of the protagonist really couldn't bear being slapped with seven madness. Simultaneously pressed into bed. Of course, Chu Muyun was also dissatisfied with the fact that the protagonist had fucked seven nerds in one go. He had replaced the nerds himself, so how could he tolerate himself being fucked? Therefore, he also seriously sent a long review, and carefully analyzed the unreasonableness of this fan from the perspective of character design...

Finally... Of course I was sprayed all over my face.

[Look at the meat article to discuss the character design, child, you have a cat cake!]

[What my colleagues want is OOC, I just want to see my arrogant Mo Jiushao turn into a pool of spring water... ]

[Emma, I always feel that I, Ling Xuan, have a lot of sassy energy! Although the combat power is beyond the table, it is definitely very ecstasy when it is waved, isn't it?]

[Hehe, you are actually making a show at Wuli Hongfeng! Who can have the red maple that represents the desire to color? Nosebleeds... nosebleeds, be sensible!]

[I don't like Xie Zhiwei, so what's the matter with how beautiful it is? It's a little bitch who plays with people's hearts! He still likes others and hates him so much, and the more he hates, the more excited he becomes, and he wants to abuse him when he sees it!]

[Here are the seven deadly sins of true love. If you go upstairs and go out and turn left, you won't be able to send them off. It's the truth that you love all of them.]

Looking at the pile of messages, Chu Muyun, who is a true GAY, also feels that he is blind, and sure enough... a creature like a woman, he will never try to understand it in his life.

To this day, Chu Muyun, who had been in "Devil World", thought of this again, and felt a little regretful.

How good would it be if he was dressed in this girl's fangirls? It is much less difficult to clean up seven small waves than to bend seven straight men.

However, Chu Muyun was still not convinced.

The characters are written by him, and the characters are created by him. Although he did not consider the issue of sexual orientation when creating the characters, they were created by people who like men.

So... He doesn't believe that Mo Jiushao is a straight man!

The corner of Chu Muyun's mouth lifted slightly, thinking about it.

However, he said that he had passed this pile of things in his head, but in reality it only took a few seconds.

Although Qingxue was arranged to serve Chu Muyun, she was actually inexperienced at all. Even though she had been taught for a long time, she was really nervous when she was about to go there.

After all, the young palace master is handsome and handsome. Although he is only fifteen years old, his body is straight, as handsome as a cold bamboo and green pine, and his exposed forearm is also strong and tight... I heard that the young palace master is talented, so difficult Shao Yue swordsmanship is in In just three years, he has practiced the sixth form. If such a cultivation base is in Qianluan Mountain, he can single out a city, which is really very powerful!

Qingxue did not expect that she would be lucky enough to serve him. After all, what kind of girl would not yearn for such a handsome young man

Her mind was swaying, she stepped forward shyly and timidly, thinking about the things her mother taught, and sticking it up softly.

But what she didn't expect was that before she approached, Chu Muyun suddenly stood up and shouted: "Who allowed you to come in!"

Qingxue was stunned for a while, a little stunned: "Young Palace Master..."

"Speak!" Chu Muyun stared at her, and in the dark night, his eyes were as cold as frost.

Qingxue was frightened, and all the charms dissipated in an instant. She took a few steps back and said respectfully, "It was your majesty's order, and it was your maid who asked the servants to serve the young palace master."

Chu Muyun's aura remained unabated, but his voice was still cold: "Father did ask you to serve me, but who allowed you to break into my bedroom in the middle of the night?"

Qingxue panicked, and she hurriedly explained: "Young Palace Master, it was your honor that asked Qingxue... let Qingxue... serve you in the affairs of the house."

Hearing these words suddenly, Chu Muyun was stunned, then his face turned pale and his voice trembled: "You mean... Father asked you to come..."

"That's right." Seeing that he wasn't so scary anymore, Qingxue couldn't help but want to post it again, and said warmly, "Young Palace Master, don't worry, at your age, you should really understand these things, so is your honor..."

Before she could finish her sentence, Chu Muyun suddenly shouted in a low voice, "Get out!"

Qingxue was so frightened that she knelt on the ground tremblingly: "Young Palace Master, calm down, Young Palace Master..."

"Get out!" Chu Muyun seemed to be unable to bear it any longer, clenching his fists in his palms, the sword that was close to him actually let out a low whine.

Qingxue knew that he was really angry, and didn't dare to stay for half a minute.

There was no one in the room, Chu Muyun seemed unable to suppress the resentment in his heart, raised his hand to hold the sword, and swept away in an unruly manner, turning the gorgeous palace into a mess.

The sound of the sword hummed, and there was the sound of small footsteps outside, but Chu Muyun suddenly sat down, and the whole person was lost.

The steward in charge of the side hall saw the appearance of the hall, and quickly sent someone to notify the main hall, walked in carefully, and looked at the always obedient little master: "If there is anything unsatisfactory in the young palace master, you can tell the old slave. , the old slave will definitely take care of those servants, so as not to let them disturb your rest."

Chu Muyun is not someone who makes trouble without reason. He said a little tiredly: "It's okay, I'm in a bad mood, don't blame them."

The steward bowed his head and sent someone to clean up the mess in the hall.

Chu Muyun suddenly stood up and asked, "Is father in the main hall?"

The steward replied, "Your Majesty, it's time to rest."

Chu Muyun hesitated to speak, but in the end he didn't say anything.

But the steward received a voice transmission, and he quickly said: "Young Palace Master may wish to rest in the main hall tonight, and it will take a while to clean up here."

Upon hearing this, Chu Muyun frowned slightly, hesitated for a while, but finally got up and said slowly, "Okay."

He walked slowly all the way, his palms clenched into fists from start to finish, obviously trying to suppress the emotions surging in his chest.

In his mind, Zero's electronic sound resounded dismal: "I give you full marks for your acting skills."

Chu Muyun: "Ninety-nine is enough, you keep the rest."

Zero is a monophonic: "Why?"

Chu Muyun: "Just in case I'm proud."

zero:"… "

After a few steps to the main hall, no one would stop Chu Muyun's identity, and the people who served all saluted him. Chu Muyun nodded in response, but the whole person was always absent-minded. He went to the side room of the main hall, but He couldn't fall asleep and sat upright under the light, obviously greatly stimulated.

After a while, the door was pushed open, and through the cool moonlight, a man in loose white clothes walked in.

Chu Muyun raised his head, glanced at it, and quickly lowered his eyes.

The person who came was Mo Jiushao, he had indeed rested, and after hearing about the side hall, he came to take a look.

Because of his arrival, Chu Muyun's back was tense, and his waist that was straight at the moment was like a green bamboo in the cold winter.

Mo Jiushao's eyes were dark, but his face was full of worry. He sighed softly, "If you don't like that girl, you can change it. Why should you lose your temper like this? What if you hurt yourself?"

His gentle voice was like the wind in the night, and the people who flirted were flustered.

Chu Muyun raised his head abruptly, his tender face was frost-white, and even the color of his lips was pale and transparent. There was some moisture in his clear eyes, but he stubbornly refused to let them come out: "I don't want it!"

He has been too good for the past three years, but Mo Jiushao was a little surprised by his sudden temper tantrum.

"What? What?" he asked patiently.

Chu Muyun turned his head and grasped his fist, his voice trembling: "I don't need those people!"

Mo Jiushao was stunned, and then said: "This is something that must be experienced, it's nothing, don't be afraid, just need..."

Chu Muyun interrupted him for the first time in his life, he raised his head and looked at Mo Jiushao, the emotions in his eyes might not even be able to distinguish himself, but the unwillingness and tingling in his heart made him unbearable: "I don't want it. I don't want to do that kind of thing with...with other people."

Mo Jiushao was slightly startled, his eyes flickered slightly, but his voice was still warm: "That's it, it's up to my father."

Chu Muyun's shoulders trembled slightly, looking at him with unspeakable longing in his eyes, but the countless words that poured into his mouth were unable to say the slightest due to his chaotic mood.

Mo Jiushao got up and patted him on the shoulder to reassure him: "Don't think about it, rest early."

Said he was about to get up and leave.

Chu Yingdi, who has an acting skill of ninety-nine, was a little stunned: "I've been invited for this and I haven't responded yet. Is Mo Jiushao really a straight man?"

zero:"… "