Need to Propose to Seven Men What to Do!

Chapter 90


There are only him and Shen Shisha in the entire Tianlin Palace, so... it must be Shen Shisha.

Chu Muyun didn't think much about it, and hurried up to it. He was about to speak, but the man turned his head under the moonlight.

The sky is full of stars, and the moon is like frost, but at this moment, they are all overshadowed.

He has an amazing temperament, the black hair flows down like a stream of water, and his tall figure looks like a fairy under the silver-white clothes.

How can a life be so extraordinary and refined...

Chu Muyun's thought hadn't flashed yet, but by the moonlight, he could see his face.

… Thanks Qianlan!

He took a deep breath, an unconcealed panic flashed in his eyes.

Why is Xie Qianlan here? Why is he here? Does Shen Shisha know? How could he let Xie Qianlan appear in Tianlin Palace!

Chu Muyun's head was buzzing, and too many complicated thoughts rushed into his head, making him completely unclear, and he couldn't understand it at all.

At this moment, Mo Jiushao smiled slightly at him.

Chu Muyun was staring at him. Because of this extremely familiar smile, he almost instantly felt the heat in his bloodline rise rapidly. , like waves, surging and rolling, gradually occupying his entire heart.

In the mind of Chu Muyun, those countless lingering nights appeared, recalling the intense happiness that Xie Qianlan gave him, those overwhelming pleasures, those frenzied joys, that great satisfaction and thinking about it, the scalp was numb. Pleasure…

Knowing that this man has ruined himself, knowing that he is the culprit of all disasters, knowing that he should kill him.

But at this moment, Chu Muyun seemed to be bewitched, his desire overwhelmed his reason and completely dominated this body.

He approached him slowly, raised his head slightly, and kissed his lips impatiently.

Mo Jiushao froze for a moment, but Chu Muyun wrapped his arms around his neck. The tip of his tongue stuck out and hooked him in his mouth...

It's really good to be trained... Mo Jiushao lowered his eyes slightly, and then pushed him away: "Shen..."

Before he could finish speaking, Chu Muyun said, "Xie Qianlan..." He called his name gently, his fingers moved slightly, his already wide coat slipped, and his fair skin was almost glowing under the moonlight.

Mo Jiushao's eyes were full of surprise.

Chu Muyun approached him, his hot skin pressed against his cool and slippery clothes, he seemed uncomfortable, but his voice was extremely seductive: "Give me... can you please?"

Mo Jiushao's eyes darkened slightly, but his demeanor was full of astonishment. He was at a loss because of this state. His voice was distant and polite: "Mr. Shen, you have mistaken someone, I'm not..."

Chu Muyun kissed him again, his lips were hot, and the tip of his tongue was hot. Because of the estrus period, he was obviously a little confused, but this state was extra attractive, making people want to press him Underneath, let this shameless body tremble, excite, and indulge endlessly.

Mo Jiushao was about to kiss him back, but fortunately he finally felt another person's breath.

He pushed him away again, and even performed surgery to make the clothes that fell to the ground return to Chu Muyun again.

But Chu Muyun seemed to be completely annoyed. He easily threw off the baggy clothes and approached him again...

And just in this matter, a bone-seeking chill suddenly rose, and the pressure mixed with anger came overwhelmingly, crushing all the surrounding trees, and the palace began to shake.

The tight space that made people unable to breathe made Chu Muyun regain his senses a little. He turned his head and saw a man in Chinese clothes standing not far away.

There was frost on his face, and his jet-black eyes seemed to be able to swallow this extremely deep night. Obviously, his reason has been burned by anger, but there is still a smile on the corner of his mouth. The arc is excellent and very charming, but it is like a flower soaked in rotten water, which is shocking.

Chu Muyun was stunned.

Shen Shisha said, "You really miss him."

Chu Muyun finally regained his senses. His brain turned extremely slowly. Because of the excessive heat in his body, he had almost lost his mind just now, and had no idea what he had done.

But now... he saw it, saw what he had done.

In the courtyard, outside the house, he undressed and brazenly seduced a... a... man.

Chu Muyun's face was pale, he opened his mouth, trying to explain: "Xiaoyan...I..."

Shen Shisha pulled him over, and he used so much force that Chu Muyun fell into his arms uncontrollably. After that, Shen Shisha clasped his waist with one hand, so strong that he seemed to want to Cut him off directly.

Chu Muyun didn't dare to move at all.

Shen Shisha said to Mo Jiushao, "Mr. Mo laughed."

Mo Jiushao frowned slightly.

Shen Shisha didn't say a word, he took Chu Muyun and turned to leave.

Back in the bedroom, without waiting for Chu Muyun to speak, Shen Shisha kissed him fiercely, his eyes lost the slightest tenderness, only a large haze and a blood-stained hostility left: "Want it? Well, I'll give it to you, I'll fuck you to death!"

Chu Muyun's body trembled, and he said, "Xiaoyan, you heard about me, I... I just..."

"Say what? Saying that you never forget Xie Qianlan, and you can't help it when you look at someone who looks alike? He pushed you away twice, what did you do? So... so... down Jian!" Shen Shisha bit his collarbone bitterly.

The severe pain caused Chu Muyun to frown, but he no longer had the strength to refute.

Shen Shisha is quite right... not wrong at all...

He is just like this, he can't live without a man, he... he doesn't even know what he's doing, can a person who can't even control his own body still be considered a human

Oh yes, he wasn't human at all.

Ice spirit beast... why... why is ice spirit beast doing this

Chu Muyun's eyes widened suddenly because of Shen Shisha's brutality.

A huge pleasure hit his mind, and at that moment he almost heard the screaming of all his nerves.

A night of despair and ruin.

The next day, Shisha Shen suddenly opened his eyes, he was a little flustered, turned his head to look around, and then it seemed that even his heart stopped beating.

Ayun... Ayun...

Shen Shisha was stunned, his body froze like an ice sculpture that didn't move.

Just then, there was a knock on the door outside.

The sinking hookah seemed to be unheard of.

Mo Jiushao's voice sounded through the door: "Mr. Shen, your knowledge is superficial. Although I tried Mr. Shen's pulse before, I didn't think much about it. What happened last night was too strange, so I went to check it overnight. After reading a lot of ancient books, it was discovered that Mr. Shen is a rare ice spirit beast. This kind of spirit beast has a period of estrus after adulthood. At this stage, they will be driven by the desire of the body to lose their minds... "