Need to Propose to Seven Men What to Do!

Chapter 91


Ice spirit beast.

In Shen Shiyan's limited knowledge, he has never heard of it, but he has seen...

I have seen Ayun's animal state, and the ice blue ears and tail.

He even threatened him with this.

But he had seen it before, but he never thought to understand it from the beginning to the end, never wanted to know why Ayun was like this, just like he never wanted to ask why Ayun needed Xie Qianlan.

He clearly cares about Ayun so much, and obviously keeps repeating his love for him, but why... He ignores so many things...

Shen Shisha's thoughts were confused, he lowered his head and closed his eyes without saying a word.

Mo Jiushao said again: "I didn't think about it, because I didn't know Mr. Shen's identity, so I advised you to talk to him about the sequelae later, but the estrus period of the ice beast generally does not exceed seven days, Mr. Shen endured this. Long, last night was probably… "

Mo Jiushao sighed, and asked worriedly, "Young Master Shen, you... nothing happened, right?"

With one sentence, Shen Shiyan suddenly opened his eyes.

He finally looked at the bed again.

With just one glance, Shen Shisha felt the pain of being bitten by the heart.

The mighty Ayun, the handsome Ayun, the uncrowned king of the human world, the venerable man admired by all people... The god in his heart...


became like this.

This backlash was far more terrifying than he imagined. Ayun's cultivation base that stood at the peak was completely gone. Yuanyuan almost saw with his own eyes that his meridians were cut off and his gas field burst. Endless despair.

He could see his body decaying rapidly in the backlash, like a flower that lost its luster, like a green leaf ushering in an autumn day, like a land swept away by a gust of wind and tsunami.

All vitality has been lost, leaving only a barren and messy area, brewing the death qi that breeds from hell.

His Ayun was going to die... by him.

The sinking hookah tasted great pain and a sense of hopeless absence.

He was half-kneeling in front of the bed, his eyes were full of helplessness, he carefully picked up Chu Muyun's hand, his movements were very light, but his heart was still numb from the fragility of the hand.

At this moment, lying on the soft mattress, the weak man who was almost integrated with the white piece moved very lightly.

The movement was as light as a cicada's wings floating, and it seemed that a strong breath could make it fall.

Chu Muyun opened his eyes, and his voice was extremely weak: "Xiaoyan."

Hearing his voice, Shi Yan suddenly raised his head. His expression was extremely complicated. There was endless regret and uneasiness in those delicate eyes, and even he himself could not forgive his despair. .

"Ayun, I'm sorry, Ayun... I didn't tell you," he said with tears in his voice, "there will be sequelae of stripping off the beast, and this sequela is that you won't be able to love from now on.

There is no need to say more, Chu Muyun has already deeply realized 'what will happen if you do it. '

Shen Shiyan felt that he would never get A Yun's forgiveness this time, and it would never be possible for this person to look at him, think about him, and love him again.

He really lost, did so many wrong things, he was really going to lose him completely.

The last time Ayun had committed suicide in front of him, this time...

He ruined him, completely ruined him, his Ayun became like this, his Ayun lost everything, he did it all, it was him...

Shen Shisha was almost overwhelmed by the remorse in his chest, and he truly realized that if he couldn't get it, he would never get this person who was so desperate that he didn't know what to do.

Huge loss, despair, and unspeakable pain surrounded him, water vapor in his eyes, and his lips trembled: "Ayun, Ayun, Ayun..." He didn't even dare to say sorry, because what he said was I'm begging for forgiveness, but... How can I forgive, how can I be forgiven.

Big drops of tears rolled down the ground. Shisha has never been so embarrassed, helpless, or overwhelmed...

Chu Muyun turned his head, lost his brilliance and looked at him, he said to him, "Don't cry."

Shen Shisha looked up at him, but did not dare to speak.

Chu Muyun reluctantly smiled at him: "You are for my own good."

His words made Shisha stunned, and he hardly knew what he heard.

Chu Muyun stretched out his hand, and his pale and feeble fingers landed on his cheek. It was so light that it had no strength but it was extremely gentle. He breathed a little and said, "I'm very happy."

With tears lingering in Shen Shisha's eyes, he opened his eyes wide and looked at him with some gaffe: "Why... why?"

Chu Muyun laughed weakly and seemed to want to continue talking, but he was completely out of strength. He opened his mouth, and his voice became lower and lower: "I thought you disliked me..."

"How come?" Shen Shiyan said anxiously.

Chu Muyun looked at him: "So I'm very happy."

Shen Shisha couldn't understand, his voice trembled uncharacteristically: "But, I... I put you... "

Chu Muyun interrupted him: "It has nothing to do with you, you don't know my physical condition, you..." He couldn't finish his words and began to gasp violently.

Shen Shisha only felt so distressed that it was about to split, he held his hand, he didn't dare to let go, he was so anxious like a child who did something wrong, he didn't know what to do at all, he could only helplessly. Calling him softly: "Ayun..."

Chu Muyun took a breath and asked, "Xiaoyan, do you love me?"

This was not the first time he had asked this question, but it was not the first time that Shisha was so vibrating.

Countless times before, he gave him the answer without hesitation. He said that he liked him, loved him, wanted him, and he could easily say any kind of love, but now, when he opened his mouth, he couldn't do anything about it. Say the simplest word.

Love... Love, what exactly is love

Didn't hear his response, Chu Muyun didn't feel lost, he always had a smile on his mouth: "Xiaoyan, I love you..."

Shen Shisha was stunned.

Chu Muyun's scattered eyes seemed to carry a complete sinking hookah, completely filled with his figure, covering even the heaven and the earth, there was only one person left, and he said, "I hope you can be happy, Happy, even if I never see you, hear you, or feel you, I will be with you, always by your side."

He was going to die, but gave him an eternal promise.

At this moment, Shisha Shen experienced a feeling that he had never felt before.

It is very vague, very empty, very erratic, it can never be caught, seen, let alone heard, but... The place where he settled is the heart.

In the deepest, softest and most fragile place, branches and leaves have grown into a giant tree in the sky that occupies all the sensory worlds.

Chu Muyun closed his eyes, but Shen Shisha completely calmed down.

He approached him and kissed him gently on his pale lips: "Ayun, you won't die."