Net King's Youth Memoirs

Chapter 13: Growth begins


The person in the mirror has long black shoulder-length hair, big eyes, and a delicate face. This is me. The 13-year-old Sakurayin, who has practiced martial arts since I was young, makes me look less delicate than other girls, and I am also tall. A bit taller than a girl of the same age, and about the same height as an average boy, but I think this might make me look taller. From today I will start my life in the middle of the country. I wonder what will happen in the future

Yuriko and I were both admitted to the middle school affiliated to Lihai University, and we can study with Xianichiro and the others again. I am very happy. But in fact, mom and dad are somewhat worried. In their opinion, a private school with good traditions still cannot make people feel at ease, and there may be many strange problems. To say what aristocratic school that can match my family is not without curiosity, but honestly speaking, I do not have enough courage and goodwill for any unfamiliar environment, so it seems that my friends will not go, I Why do you have to go to aristocratic school

I have a little hope for the High School Affiliated to Lihai University. I can spend it peacefully and meet people I know well. It would be great if I were happy every day. It's just... As the focus of the tennis club, Genichiro should be very popular with girls. I hope there won't be any problems. I don't want to be targeted as soon as I enroll. I really envy Yuriko. She is the minister's sister and has privileges. She can do anything.

Forget it, today is the first day of school. Early in the morning, I thought that these nerve-wracking problems would kill a lot of brain cells. It should be faster but not late. I have made an appointment with Yuriko to meet at the school gate.

Having said that, it’s not so easy to go out. The first day of school today is a big event for my parents. The whole family is busy for me again. The schoolbag textbooks are checked and checked, and lunches are also prepared. It was quite rich. In the end, in order to be able to go to school independently, I fought hard with my parents and won the first battle of self-defense.

"Yuriko, I'm here." I waved to Yuriko who was standing at the school gate. Obviously, I was already very anxious when she kicked her. Seeing me when I came, I hurried a few steps toward this side.

"You are so slow, Xiaoyin, I have been waiting for a while, and my brother is also waiting for you." Yuriko complained.

"I'm sorry, you know my parents, so you don't worry about me. If I didn't stop them, they would still want to send me over together." I said helplessly. I don’t know if it’s because of my growing up. I no longer accept the extreme love of my parents like I did when I was a little boy. I was extremely happy at that time, but now I have a little indigestion. People are really greedy creatures!

"They are so precious to you, go in, brother is waiting for us inside, don't know if we are in the same class?" While talking, Yuriko pulled me in.

On the first day of school, it was really not a joke. The campus was crowded with new students who came to report. Three or five were chatting and laughing together, all seemed to have a longing for a new life.

I looked at the unfamiliar environment, feeling a little depressed. From before to now, my circle of life is very small. I like to stay with familiar people. Now, I don't know how long it will take me to get acquainted with the new environment. Walking on an unfamiliar campus, the intensification of anxiety makes people gossip.

Walking along with Yuriko, I finally met someone I knew, and I suppressed the anxiety in my heart.

"Brother Yukimura, let you wait a long time, and Genichiro and Hiroshi are here." I greeted stiffly, but noticed that there are so many people here, and the people in the tennis club are not generally popular!

"You and Yuriko are starting school on the first day. Of course we have to come and have a look. How do you feel?" Hiyoshi asked very gentlely.

"Fortunately, I don't know if I can be in the same class with Yuriko. I am not good at talking to strangers. It might be better to have her." I said embarrassedly.

"You brought everything together, you are in class one, and she is in class five." Kendichiro's deep voice made me a little frustrated. It turned out that I really didn't share the same class with Yuriko. What should I do

"It's really not together." Yuriko was also a little disappointed, but soon recovered, "Don't worry, Xiaoyin, I will go to you often, and we can eat together at noon. Besides, you are very nice, you must I'll make new friends." As she said, she patted me firmly on the shoulder.

"Well, I hope so."

They sent us to the first-grade class and were ready to go back. Before leaving, he was a step slower than Lu Shi, and turned around and said to me and Yuriko, "If you have something to do, I am very willing to help." After that, he left. .

"Xiaoyin, Brother Liu Sheng is so nice! Oh, you go in quickly, I also want to go to my classroom, I will come to you at noon, goodbye!"

"OK, bye."

Having been with Yuriko for so long, it was the first time that I felt that I was very dependent on her. Although she always asked me to take care of her when she encountered things, in fact, Yuriko had a great influence on me invisibly and made me depend on it. She believes her, life would be lonely without her by your side!

I reluctantly entered the classroom, found my seat, and sat there quietly looking at the blackboard, which might seem a bit dazed. This strange environment really made me a little uncomfortable.

"Um... Hello, I, I am Asaka Komatsu, we will get along well in the future." I was surprised to find that the girl who was talking to me spit out these words as if she had gathered courage. She was so scared to have to talk to me. Say hello? Seeing the girl blushing from shyness in front of me, there is an indescribable sense of intimacy in my heart.

I looked at her for a long time, and then said to her: "Hello, I am Sakura Yueyin, and I am glad to meet you." After that, we looked at each other and smiled.

We got acquainted with each other in the conversation, and it seems that she also has a good impression of me. The teacher came in, we went back to our seats, and we started our day.

Asaka sits in front of me. She is quiet and introverted and not very talkative, but when we get along, I will take the initiative to get close to her because I think she is a good girl. Suddenly, I felt very lucky. The people I met were so kind to me. Now with Asaoka as a company, there should be nothing to worry about.

Perhaps because of the similarities in personalities, there is a tacit understanding between Chaoxiang and I, and it is this tacit understanding that allows us to become good friends. It's just that I didn't know at that time, that the weak and timid she would stand up for me one day.

"Are you going to eat? I brought my lunch." Asaka raised her head and asked gently.

I nodded and took Asaka's hand, "I took it too, but I made an appointment with my good friend. Asaka, can I be with me? I want to introduce you to her."

"Yeah." She also nodded.

At this time, a little head sighed outside the door, "Small sound, can you eat?" It turned out to be Yuriko, she had come to me.

"Come on, let's go, Chaoxiang." I took Chaoxiang and walked towards the door.

We came to the garden together. There is a green grass under the lush trees, which is suitable for eating here.

"Xiaoyin, do you want to find my brother and brother Sanada to eat together?"

I shook my head disapprovingly, "Forget it, you should know how popular they are. I don't want to cause trouble. Besides, there are other members, which is inconvenient. And I want to introduce someone to you. You see, She is my new friend, Asaka Komatsu."

Asaka is very introverted, she kept listening to us without speaking, and she raised her head to look at Yuriko when she heard me introduce her to Yuriko.

"Asaka, this is my good friend since childhood, Yuriko."

"Hello Asaka, I am Yuriko Yuriko Yuriko. It's nice to meet you." Yuriko said hello, then raised her face and smiled at me, "Look, you will make new friends so soon~"

"Hello, this is Komatsu Asaka." Asaka stretched out her hand shyly.

After dinner, we chatted together. On the green grass, the three girls were talking and laughing.

"I want to see the tennis club, maybe I will be the manager of the tennis club. Are Xiaoyin and Asaka want to see it?" Yuriko asked suddenly.

"Is the elder brother Yuriko just talking about Komura Seiichi, the head of the tennis club?" Asaka asked curiously.

"Does Asaka even know my brother when he first came to school? He seems to be really famous." Yuriko jumped up with excitement, she rolled her eyes and didn't know what he was thinking about.

Seeing that Yuriko was still thinking, as if she didn't plan to care about me and Asaka, I patted her, "It should be no problem for Yuriko to become a manager. I won't go over and watch it. Where's Asaka?"

"I'm not going either. I don't know anything about tennis anyway."

"Then let's go home together after school." Asaoka and I discussed about the end of school, Yuriko was still excited.

It’s almost time for the lunch break. After finishing the cleaning and Yuriko’s arrival, Asaka and I went back to the classroom...

Early the next morning, the classroom was surprisingly lively, and everyone was talking about filling in the club. When I got to my seat, Chaoxiang asked me which club I wanted to report to.

"I haven't figured it out yet, how about you?"

"Me too, there is a club recruiting new clubs this morning, so let's take a look and talk about it."


No wonder it's so lively. It seems that everyone is looking forward to this recruiting club. By the way, the tennis club will also recruit new players. The scene must be very grand. I wonder what will happen to Brother Yukimura, Kendichiro, and Hiroshi? There must be a lot of girls competing with Yuriko for the position of manager, so you have to check it out later.

"I heard other students in the class say that the tennis club, swimming club, drama club, and kendo club in our school are very strong and are at the national level." Asaka looked forward to it.

"Really? I'm going to see the Kendo Club in a while."

Maybe I can join the Kendo Club to improve my own strength. Now my level is only half of the level of Hyun Ichiro and the others, which is far worse than Yu brother. When I think of it, I get angry. Every time I go, as long as Brother Yu is there, he will laugh at me and say something like "You are not working hard enough", "It's still a long way away." Hmph, although he is the head of the high school kendo club, what's so great, he has the ability to compare karate to me, and definitely beat him to the ground with one punch!

There are many clubs in Lihai University. Some clubs are divided into men's and women's clubs, such as tennis clubs, but such as drama clubs are mixed men and women. I don't know what the kendo society is like. A genius remembers Chinese in one second 8/1/z/o/m/

There are so many people, almost all the new students have come. Chaoxiang and I have a look here and there. Each club guarantees that there is no outside commitment in the sky. I doubt the authenticity of it. There are no such powerful clubs as swimming clubs and drama clubs. So exaggerated.

"Yueyin, I want to go to the music club. Will you go with me?" Asaka looked at me requestingly, so I couldn't refuse.

"Does Chaoxiang have musical instruments?" I asked curiously.

"Well, I have practiced piano before."

"You are amazing, then let's go over now." I took her and started to crowd in the crowd.

There are not many people who come to the music club to sign up. The equipment inside is very complete. We asked about the situation. As long as we demonstrate our strengths, we will be admitted after passing the exam. Asaka is a little nervous, she doesn't seem to be used to performing in front of others.

"What to do with Yueyin, I am very scared, will it be messed up later?"

"Don't be nervous, it's just that the seniors want to see which instruments you can play, and it's not a real show. Come on, Chaoxiang! You must do it." I encouraged.

Chao Xiang sat nervously at the piano and played a short piece of tune. The tune was so sweet that even someone who didn't understand music thought it was very good, so she was admitted as a matter of course.

"How? It's easy, I said you must be fine. Okay, let's go to the Kendo club now~"

Chaoxiang widened her eyes and asked excitedly, "Has Yueyin ever practiced kendo?"

"I have practiced all the time, but the level of the people who practiced with me is much higher than me. I am not convinced, so I want to participate in the Kendo Club to improve my strength." I was embarrassed to say that I participated. The motivation of the community.

"Then let's go over quickly. Maybe you can surpass them soon after you join the club." Asaka nodded vigorously, and took me to the Kendo Club. But I want to say that it is just a good wish to surpass Genichiro and the others. I am very content and I have no plan to win them. As long as it is not too far away to let Brother Yu laugh at me again.

"Hey, isn't that Yuriko?" Asaka grabbed me and pointed to a familiar figure who was arguing with someone over there.

It's Yuriko, the situation on her side is not so good. The people who signed up are still in the second place, and there are a lot of onlookers. It can be said that it is crowded and it is difficult to squeeze in. Seeing her look so excited, brother Yukimura must disagree. I didn't want to be more concerned, but the road was blocked, and Chaoxiang and I had to go through the crowd.

It’s not easy for us to squeeze into it! I finally got in, but I didn't expect that so many people were still being seen by Yuriko. When I saw it, I saw it, so why call me!

"Moontone, you come soon!" I wanted to pretend not to hear, but Yuriko's loud voice was too loud.

I reluctantly moved over, Chaoxiang stayed in the crowd and did not follow me. "Everyone is here, what's the matter? Yuriko." I gritted my teeth and said to Yuriko.

"Hurry up and tell me about it. My brother doesn't agree with me to be a manager. Brother Sanada said the same. It's so irritating!" Yuriko pouted, shaking my arm and complaining.

Do I have a say in this matter? Why didn't I know that I still had this right, but seeing Yuriko's disappointed expression, I couldn't bear to express my psychological thoughts, so I could only see what Brother Yukimura said.

"As I said, there is no need for a manager in the department, and Yuriko, don't make trouble." Yukimura was a little helpless, and he was so temperamental that he had never been able to do anything with this sister.

"Don't be like this, Yukimura brother, Yuriko was very happy to tell me yesterday that she is coming to the tennis club to help you, you have to be considerate of her!" After that, he looked at Genichiro again, he ignored me, this guy doesn't want to Is it okay to put on such a face anytime

"That's right, they are kind..."

"You should be considerate of me. I'm the Minister, everyone is watching."

It seemed that there was no discussion, but Yuriko pouted sadly and looked at me pitifully, really unable to do anything with her. "Brother Yukimura, don't be angry. At least Yuriko can do some small things like preparing towels and water. Sometimes these small things are very troublesome. You can let Yuriko give it a try. If it doesn't work, it won't be too late to fire her. Yuriko is you. It’s natural for my sister to help you. Others won’t say anything. Besides, the tennis club is all boys. A girl will adjust the atmosphere appropriately, right?” I smiled and said, not forgetting to wink at Bilyshi. Hope he can help. New Bayi Chinese Website is first published at https://(www). https://m/.x81zw./com/

"Okay, Seiichi and Genichiro, please promise Yuriko, it's rare for her to be so enthusiastic." It's better than Lu Shiren, and I didn't waste my words.

"Well, let her do it for a while." Yukimura finally compromised.

"Wow, great, thank you, Brother Liu Sheng! Haha, Xiaoyin has a way, if something happens next time, I'll rely on you." Yuriko leaped at me, jumping again and again. Miss, pay attention to the influence, this is the school!

"Has Yueyin selected a club?" Bilyshi smiled gently, his elegance always made me at a loss, and I found it very comfortable to talk to Bilyshi.

"Huh? I want to go to the Kendo Club to take a look." I scratched my face, a little embarrassed. So far, I have come into contact with Xianichiro a lot. He is always expressionless. In contrast, he is more attractive to girls than Lu Shi.

"Aren't you practicing all the time?" Brother Yukimura asked strangely.

"I always feel that I am too far behind Xian Ichiro and Lu Shi. If I practice in school, I might be able to reduce the gap."

"Yueyin is working very hard. It won't take long for you to catch up with us, right, Xuanichiro?" Bilyshi encouraged me and smiled.

Suddenly, he turned his head and looked at me, and then he said'um'. I couldn't help but smile at his affirmation.

"Yiu Sheng, don't you know such a beautiful and lovely lady, don't you introduce me to it?" The person who appeared suddenly interrupted our conversation. Hearing this voice, it should be Niou Masaharu, Bryoshi's partner.

"Nio, can't you say that you are coming?" Bilyshi asked while looking at his partner.

"I came here anyway. It was a worthwhile trip. I saw two lovely ladies." Nioh Masaharu, this guy, just listen to him and know that he is a big carrot. "Hello, two ladies, I'm Nioh Masaharu."

"Ah, hello, I am Yuriko Yukimura, and I will be the manager of the tennis club from now on. She is Sakura." Maybe because she just became a manager, Yuriko introduced herself very happily, and of course she didn't forget me.

"Are you the minister's sister, then, is this the manager too?" Nioh's eyes fell on me and asked me.

"No, I'm not, I just..."

"You should go now, Nioh, since you are okay, go and help recruit new people." Xianichiro immediately arranged a task for Nioh, which was really timely.

"Ah, I still have friends waiting for me, I'm leaving, goodbye everyone. Yuriko, see you at noon!" I quickly put oil on the soles of my feet.