Net King's Youth Memoirs

Chapter 38: Tokyo Metropolitan Contest


Not long after Bingdi’s intramural trials passed, the Tokyo Metropolitan Contest kicked off.

In the morning, inside the stadium.

"Ice Emperor, Ice Emperor, Ice Emperor..."

Amid the deafening cheers, I gradually woke up. Looking at the unfamiliar environment and the enthusiastic scene, I tried to remember why I was in this place.

Time went back to last night. A simple conversation.

"Yueyin, are you going to come with me for tomorrow's game?"

"Uncle, what time shall we meet?"

"The trace department will gather at the school at seven in the morning, and we can get to the stadium at eight."

"it's very early!"

"If it's too early, you will have a good rest at home, it's not an important game."

"Yeah! Uncle is so nice!"

As a result, someone was so happy that he stayed online until three o'clock in the morning before going to bed.

Two hours ago.

It's noisy, it's obviously turned off. Hey! It was the phone at home. Someone slowly got up and looked at the alarm clock. It was just after eight o'clock.

"Hello?" He answered the phone in a daze.

"Hey, Yueyin, this is Yongmei, have you got up, the game will start soon, we will pick you up, that's it, goodbye!"

What's the matter, is Yong Mi who called just now? No matter, I'm so sleepy, keep going to sleep.

An hour and a half ago.

"Yueyin, wake up, wake up soon."

"It's Reiko and Yongmei." Someone just about to lie down, suddenly bounced up and asked, "How did you get in?"

Reiko: "As you said, there will be a spare key under the carpet outside the door."

Yongmei: "Alright, Yueyin, get up and get ready to go."

Someone: "No, I want to sleep."

Yongmei: "Get up, we promised that the senior of the trace department will take you there."

Reiko: "This is Bingdi's first game. What if you don't go as a manager... Hurry up, Yongmei, get her clothes.

Yongmei: "Here!"

Reiko: "Oh, this is women's clothing. Take that one. Yes, we bought it together last time."

Then, someone was forced to wear clothes as quickly as possible, brush his teeth and wash his face, and then was stuffed into a taxi.

Ten o'clock in the morning, Tokyo Ueno Tennis Court.

I kept taking deep breaths in order to suppress the rising anger, and the two guys, Yumi and Reiko, left me here and left it alone!

"Wake up?" An abrupt voice, such a special and annoying voice must be the trace.

I sat on the grass and stared at Tracebe and asked, "You asked Yumi and Reiko to bring me?"

Trace Department touched his chin and glanced at me indifferently, as if I had committed a serious crime. "It's my uncle, because you don't have a collective mindset. You're left alone in the entire tennis club."

"Huh!" I don't want to pay attention to him, so I should go to my uncle, and maybe I can file a lawsuit. I stood up suddenly, maybe my legs were a bit numb after lying too long, so I couldn't stand firmly for a while.

"Be careful!" Trace Department grabbed my hand and let me fall into his arms.

We both maintained this appearance for a few seconds, and I hurriedly pushed him away, and this guy's face was also very unnatural. I don't know if the few seconds just now were my illusion, there was a thumping heartbeat coming into my eardrums.

After looking at the traces, he raised his face in embarrassment, "Don't worry about it!"

"Where are you going, the game is over, follow me." Before he could say anything, he was pulled and turned around.

"I can't sleep that long, right?" I said to myself as I walked.

"The opponent was too weak, so the game ended early."

I looked at him and I was speechless.

When I met my uncle and them, I caught the two culprits who brought me here. "You two, come here."

"Haha, I'm sorry, Yueyin." Yongmei immediately leaned towards me in kindness.

"Okay, Yueyin, we are just following the orders of the senior teacher of the trace department." Reiko was good, and said with confidence. Anyway, in front of her master, our friendship is not even rooted.

But Reiko finally didn't have that thick skin, so I looked down and pleaded guilty.

Because I thought there was something for them to help, this code was forgotten.

"Next time, I'm going to watch the Qingxue and Fudongfeng match, and I will wear women's clothing, so I can't come to Bingdi. You have to hide it for me."

Yongmei guilty and said, "But if the two venues are so close, will there be a problem."

"That's why you are required to help. You must always pay attention to the tennis club's movements, and call me as soon as they get closer. What about Reiko? I gave you a chance to look at the club in an upright manner, thank me?"

"I usually watch it the same way. If you come like this, I won't be able to watch the game." Reiko gave me a blank look.

"It's not an important game anyway, and he won't play."

"Okay, we get it."

"Then it's settled."

As a result, that day.

"Brother, I'm here." Seeing his brother and Fuji standing there, I ran over, and Fuji smiled like a spring breeze.

"Yeah." My brother simply replied, he was really not enthusiastic compared to no two.

"Won't Yueyin go to watch the game in his school?"

"Don't worry, no two seniors, they will definitely win, your game will be very exciting."

"The next game is with Mizunokawa." Although Buer said modestly, he knew that the winner was justified by his expression.

"Ah? No." Shouldn't it be a match against Fudomine

"What's the matter?" my brother asked me.

"Is this the last one?" I asked my brother.

"No, there is one more game, but I don't know who the opponent is yet. It depends on the result of the match between Kakinoki and Fudomine."

"That's right." That's great, it didn't come in vain at all, even if I had to wait a little longer, I wouldn't be afraid.

We were chatting happily when a strange voice came in suddenly.

"Tezuka Kazufuji, are you collecting information about your opponents? What did you get?" Who is this person? Seeing his undesirable appearance, he also has a self-righteous expression. "By the way, Tezuka, I heard that you didn't play in the game against Yulin. No, maybe you can't play at all..."

This is obviously a provocation. I look at my brother, he doesn't mean to have a seizure at all.

"Let's go." My brother said.

"Wait!" The pesky guy chased up and grabbed his brother's arm. "Why don't you let me look at your hand? It's because of some reason that you deliberately conceal it." With that, I saw him aggravate his own. strength.

My elder brother ignored this idiot a lot, but I couldn't stand it anymore. Why did he act on my elder brother? After learning karate for many years, I don’t need to use it any time now, just to protect my brother can come in handy!

"I said, you stop me, do you hear it!" I twisted the pesky's hand and broke it again. This time, it doesn't hurt whether he hurts or not.

"Ahhhhhhh, let go!" What a coward, I can't bear this pain.


My brother shook his head. I let go unwillingly. I was angry when I saw someone being rude to my brother.

"I know!" Let me see it next time, but it's not that easy to let him go.

"Let's go." My brother pulled me up.

He laughed unduly, and applauded me, "The sound of the moon is amazing."

"No, no two seniors."

He lowered his head embarrassedly. At this moment, there was a group of Qingxue's comments not far away.

"What? Persimmon wood lost? It's impossible. They were runners-up in our district last year."

"It's true, Senior Taocheng, it's written on the blackboard."

"Yeah." Several first-year students said.

"Then who will we meet in the final?"

"Fudo Peak."

"They are all unseeded players."

"Fudo Peak?" Kawamura said suddenly, "Is that the Fudo Peak who had to be dismissed last year?"

"Huh?" Everyone showed a surprised expression.

As we walked over, I reminded my brother, "Brother, this year's Fudo Peak is very powerful, don't take it lightly."

"Sister Tezuka actually knows."

With a chill behind me, I couldn't help but roll my eyes, "Please, senior, don't you always show up from behind, okay?" My heart, fortunately, it is strong enough.

"You haven't answered me yet."

I pouted and said unhappily, "Yes, the current captain of Fudo Peak is one of the two masters in Kyushu, and Shiraku Middle School's Tachibana is a national player."

"Good data, I want to write it down. It seems we really have to have a good chat, sister Tezuka. When will you give me the data of Lihai Dai and Bingdi?"

"Sorry, senior manager, I don’t understand tennis at all, so I can’t give you the data. Why don’t you lend me your notes for a look, let me refer to and study, maybe I will give you some good data next time. What do you think?" I reached out to grab his notebook. To be honest, I wanted to see what I was doing on it.

"No need." Qian quickly put away his precious notebook, instantly away from my sight.

"Haha, Xiaoyin, you have a way!" Kikumaru said with a grin.

"It's okay." I waved my hand.

"It seems that the final is not easy!" Buer said with emotion.

"But with the Youth Academy, it should be no problem to deal with such non-seeded teams. We can defeat them and win the game." Horio, the kid...

I was trying to refute that someone was already reminding him.

"Hey, Horio-kun."

"It doesn't matter, let me say that Qingxue will not lose to those unnamed players who have no strength."

"Hey, listen to me..."

"What's the matter, you are so annoying! Ah~ Fudongfeng?" I was taken aback by the appearance of Tachibana Jieping. He stood there looking at his brother.

This kind of scene is a bit exciting. I can't compare the arrogance of the two ministers.

"Tezuka from Qingxue, right?"


"I'm Fudo Peak's Captain Tachibana." He stretched out his hand, "Let's have a good match."

"Of course." My brother shook his hand.

"Look at it, it's from Fudo Peak." Several first-year kids nearby shouted.

I looked at Tachibana Yupei, who happened to be looking at me too, he froze for a moment, and then left.

"Moonyin." My brother called me suddenly.

"Huh? Brother~"

"It's about to start the game, just stand outside the court and watch it."

"I see, brother."

The first doubles match really was a lot more exciting because of Ishida's wave ball, but these passionate teenagers didn't care about themselves too much. Seeing Kawamura's wrist was swollen, I was a little frightened to see it next .

"Is Kawamura-senpai okay?" I asked a little worried.

"Haha, I tried too hard, it's okay." After he got off the court, he and the court were completely two people, and he was a bit shy when talking to me. After that, he was taken to the hospital.

The next doubles are Kikumaru and Dashi, and the game should be relatively easy.

"Xiaoyin, you have to watch our game well."

"I see, Kikumaru-senpai." Before going on the field, Kikumaru held the racket and made a victory gesture to me.

It started to rain in the middle of the game, but fortunately I was prepared.

"Brother, come in." I waved to him under the umbrella.

"You can use it yourself."

On the other hand, Bingdi’s game was also suspended due to rain.

"Hasn't Sakura come yet?" The traces looked bad, and she didn't see anyone. Why couldn't she stay honestly with Bingdi's people, remembering that the guy who should be obedient to her words always runs away, his mood a little complicated.

"Um... The senior of the trace department, Yueyin, she is not feeling well, so she is resting at home." After Reiko paused, she said the only reason she could think of.

"Really?" Trace light raised his eyebrows and picked up the phone casually.

"What are you doing?" Reiko's eyes widened.

"Our manager is sick. As a minister, we should greet him."

Trace Department smiled slightly, his eyes were extremely charming, but at the same time dangerous. When Yong Mei saw that the situation was not good, she had to tell the truth. In her opinion, Yueyin was not as scary as the senior of the Department of Traces. "Senior Jibe, Yueyin went to watch the Qingxue match against Fudongfeng."

"She really has leisure." Trace Department squinted his eyes and looked into the distance, with an inexplicable expression.

"Yueyin also has confidence in our Bingdi, so that's why..." Lizi wanted to excuse Yueyin, but the eyes that met the trace department couldn't say anything.

"Go and find her." The voice was not loud, but it was a command that people couldn't resist.

Yongmei frowned and looked at the Jibei, "Senior Jibei, Yueyin is wearing women's clothing today, so I can't come here."

Trace Department did not speak any more and continued to watch the game.

"Reiko, the senior director of the sect will not be angry anymore."

"I think we will be killed by that guy sooner or later. If it hadn't rained, someone from the support club would have seen us talking to the senior sect leader, what would you say about us..."

The rain is still falling, everyone is quietly waiting for the decision of the competition committee, and I also sit quietly next to my brother.

"Hello, can we talk?" A sweet voice was orange and apricot.

I look at my brother and he nods to me.

Orange Apricot pulled me aside, a pair of bright apricot eyes looked straight at me, "Excuse me, do you remember that you saved a person in Tokyo last summer and sent him to the hospital?"

"Ah, yes, I still remember." I clicked, and then pretended not to know, and asked: "You are..." The genius remembers Chinese in one second 8/1/z/o/m/

"I am Tachibana, and the person you saved is my brother, Tachibana Jieping." I didn't expect Tachibana to remember me.

"Hello there."

Ju Xing took my hand and made me a little uncomfortable, "Thank you very much for saving my brother at that time, otherwise my brother would never be able to play tennis anymore."

She told me about his brother, and I knew how difficult it was for these people at Fudo Peak at that time, and the uncomfortableness just disappeared without a trace.

"I didn't expect that those people not only troubled their brother at school, but also did something like that outside of school." I think the situation must be very bad at the time, because now when I mention it, Ju Xing still has some lingering fears.

"Tangerine, things are over, don't be sad anymore."

"Well, that's right, the Fudo Peak is in very good condition now, I don't know what will happen to today's game. By the way, just call me apricot. Can we be friends?"

Seeing her sincere, I can’t refuse, “Of course, Xing. I’m Lu Yueyin in the second grade of Bingdi, so please advise.”

"Hello, Yueyin. Can I meet my brother in the past? Actually, my brother wants to meet you too." ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

I smiled and agreed to her.

As soon as we passed, Xing ran to his brother, "Brother, Yueyin is here."

"Hello, this is Sakura Moon." I politely greeted the senior senior.

"Hello, I’m Ju Jieping." A slight smile appeared on his serious face. "You were walking too hastily in the hospital at the time, and we hadn’t had time to get to know each other."

"At that time, my brother was urging me, but he was too late to go to his house. He was worried. By the way, my brother is Tezuka from Qingxue." I'd better make my position clear. They are now opponents.

"It turns out that you are Tezuka's younger sister. He is a very good player." Tachibana said quite rightly.

"Thank you."

"Captain, she is..." The members of Fudo Peak gathered around.

Xingxian carried me to the house, "She is the girl my brother said to save him, Sakura Yueyin."

"Oh no."

"how can that be."

Several people from Fudomine began to whisper. In fact, in my memory, the people from Fudomine are weird and interesting, especially Kamio and Itake Shinji. Looking at them, I don’t even believe that I am the one who saved their captain. Do I look weak

"Brother, is Yueyin's kung fu really good?" Xing Ye asked curiously.

"I'm not very clear, I just saw her kick Yamamoto and fainted."

Xing opened her mouth, "It's amazing."

I felt that I might be imagined as a beast-level violent woman, and quickly waved: "It's okay, I actually..."

"Thank you!" With a loud thank you, I was stunned on the spot. All the members of the Fudo Peak were thanking me. Each of them bent down and bowed ninety degrees. What can I do, I looked at Xing in panic, and at the same time was shocked by their mutual feelings.

"It's okay, Yueyin."

The rain stopped and the game will continue.

"Everyone, please come on." After speaking, I went back to Qingxue. During the game, stand firm.

There was no suspense for me in the next game. Haitang and Ryoma won Fudomine's Kamio Akira and Itake Shinji respectively. Although Ryoma was injured in the middle of the game, it brought a bit of thrills to the game, but after all, there was no danger. Qingxue ranked first in the regional qualifiers, and Fudo Peak was second.

After the game, I plan to leave with my brother. Anyway, I haven't watched the game of Bingdi, and now the situation doesn't allow me to pass. It is better to leave early. But from just now, I felt that someone was staring at me from behind.

Looking around, no suspicious person was found. I turned my head unwillingly, and unexpectedly met with a hot line of sight, it was the trace, this is over...