Net King's Youth Memoirs

Chapter 45: An unforgettable night in Kanagawa


The breeze on Saturday afternoon was beautiful, and the gentle breeze blew through, which made people feel very comfortable. Two lovely girls were hanging out, but from their expressions, they seemed to have different thoughts.

Along the way, Asaka had noticed that Yuriko was not right, and couldn't help asking with concern: "Yuriko, you seem to be very unhappy lately?"

Yuriko has been depressed for a few days, hiding things in her heart, and then confided her heart in front of her friends, "Asaka, what should I do, I said too much to Xiaoyin, she must be angry with me now."

"Did something happen between you?" Asaka looked at Yuriko suspiciously, how could they have been good since they were young

"..." Yuriko became silent. In fact, she knew that she had been making trouble unreasonably. What was wrong with Xiaoyin, she was just caring for her, thinking about her, and wishing her happiness. She didn't even dare to think about Xiaoyin's words, maybe just her inferiority complex was at work, because Yuriko knew that Xiaoyin is a very good girl, but she herself is a little girl who knows nothing and knows nothing. .

Asaka looked at Yuriko frowning, knowing she was embarrassed, and asked carefully, "Don't you want to say it?"

"Anyway, it's all my fault." Yuriko shook her head, covering her face.

"Don't do this, I'm sure that Yueyin won't be angry with you, don't worry." Asaka patted Yuriko's shoulder comfortingly, hoping she could feel better.

In such a quiet afternoon, more than a dozen locomotives screamed and rushed across the street, rushing like crazy. The people on the street were evading in a hurry, cursing in their mouths, disgusting the bad boys just now.

Asaka said goodbye to Yuriko, walking alone on the way home, a noisy and harsh voice came from a distance. She didn't care too much, and continued to move forward, and found that an old grandmother was about to cross the road in front of her.

"Are you going there? I'll help you there." She politely took the old woman's arm and moved forward slowly, checking whether there were cars coming on the side of the road from time to time.

"What a good boy." The old woman patted Chaoxiang's hand kindly.

"Be careful and go slowly."

Suddenly, before he could react, the locomotive whizzed past them, and brought the old grandma and Chaoxiang down with a violent force.

"Hey, stop, you hit someone, stop now."

Chaoxiang yelled, those people turned a deaf ear to her ears, she could only help the old woman up, "It's okay, don't you?"

A car stopped not far away, and the rider took off his helmet and looked at them coldly, without a trace of expression on his face.

Asaka noticed the piercing eyes and looked at the fierce eyes like wild beasts. She was a bit shocked, but she still recognized the person in front of her. Last week, she ran to Tokyo to see Yueyin. When she saw someone, she was entangled by a few bad students. Fortunately, someone saved her, and that person was Ajutsu in front of her.

"It's you... Thank you for what happened last time." Chaoxiang bent down to thank him, and did not forget to remind him in a low voice: "Well, it's dangerous for you to do this..." New 81 Chinese website update the fastest mobile terminal: https :/

"..." Yajiujin didn't speak, in fact, he just wanted to take a look casually, how could this woman be so weird, saying something incomprehensible.

"Hey, Ajujin, you guys are not quick to keep up, are you afraid of losing to us?"

"Stop talking nonsense." Without looking at Asaka, Ajiuzin stepped on the accelerator.

"Please wait..." Before Chaoxiang could finish, the car had already driven away.

"Chaoxiang, what's wrong, is there anything unhappy? I didn't eat much for dinner just now."

"I'm fine, mother."

Chaoxiang was thinking about the person she met in the evening, she really wanted to thank him, but he was so indifferent. Asaka felt that although Akujin's eyes were cold and without a trace of emotion, there was loneliness and loneliness in it, which made people feel a little distressed. What kind of person would he be? Asaka couldn't help thinking like this.

"Mom, I want to eat ice cream~" a milky voice yelled, sounding very upset.

"Xiuming, okay, mom will give it to you tomorrow?" Mrs. Komatsu patted her son on the head and let him go and play by himself.

Xiuming cried because he couldn't eat ice cream. Chaoxiang has always been very fond of her younger brother, touched his head, and coaxed: "Xiuming won't cry, sister will go out and buy it for you, OK

Mr. Komatsu closed the newspaper, looked at the watch in the living room, and said, "Asaka, you will spoil Xiuming. It's past eight o'clock. Don't go."

"It's okay, Dad, the supermarket is very close. I'll be back in a while." Asaka said and picked up her wallet. In fact, she suddenly wanted to go out and get some air. Since Yueyue left Kanagawa, Asaka sometimes feels lonely, sometimes even imagine Is her life in Tokyo going well

It’s always good to come out and breathe. Her life has always been like this. After Yueyin went to Tokyo, Asaka found that life was really boring. She had always longed for a different life. Just like Yueyin, although she is busy disguising her identity every day, it's very interesting, isn't it? After arriving in Tokyo, Yueyin's personality became much more cheerful, perhaps Li Haida was too dull.

Holding the ice cream Xiu Ming wanted in her hand, enjoying this rare relaxation and freedom, Chao Xiang became happy. Looking up at the sky, there are already a lot of stars, and tomorrow should be a good weather.

"Look, those people actually fight in the street."

"It's over there..."

Asaka was startled by the sudden uproar.

All the people in front were watching. She didn't want to be nosy, but this was the only way back, so she had to squeeze through. However, there were real people fighting. It was horrible. There were a lot of people on both sides of the street. No one came out to stop them. They just gave pointers and talked about what was happening right now.

Motorbikes were parked around the people who were fighting, and one of them fell down not far from them.

"Boy, let you know how good we are, dare to run to Kanagawa alone to challenge, huh?"

"Hmph, don't compare if you can't lose, a group of scumbags actually counted me."

Chaoxiang, who wanted to leave, saw a familiar face, "It's that person..."

The person fighting in the street was Akuzu, and Asaka recognized it, she went to Tokyo to find Yueyin but ran into trouble. It was that person who helped her.

Because of Asaka's kindness, she naturally thinks that Ajiujin is a good person, but the fact is that Ajiujin only taught a few little hooligans that he thinks is an eyesore. As for whether there is a little sympathy, only the person concerned knows.

"You dare to be tough, don't you?"

"Huh!" Yajujin snorted contemptuously, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and smiled evilly.

"Arrogant guy, I'll show you some color right away. Let's go..." Several people rushed to Ajiutsu.

"These young men are really looking for death." Ajujin was very disdainful, but when he wanted to get rid of these people together, there was a pain in his legs. "Despicable guys, it looks like it's going to be a long time today."

Ajiuzin's leg was injured when he fell off the car just now, and these people attacked his car while he was not prepared. Because of a leg injury, Akutsu is obviously at a disadvantage...

How to do how to do? Seeing the scene of the fight in front of her, Asaka was terrified, but she was also very worried about that person, would something happen to him!

When Akutsu was knocked to the ground with a steel pipe by someone, Asaka screamed when she saw this picture.

Why is there no one to care about it, keep going like this, keep going like this...

"Stop, stop, don't fight anymore." Even Chaoxiang herself couldn't believe that the voice was made by herself, but she had indeed walked out of the crowd and came to the scene of violence.

"Hey, there's a little girl here."

"Hey, little girl, you speak louder, we didn't hear what you were talking about, haha~"

"It's just..."

The sound of play abuse and whistling made Asaka shudder all over, and her heart was beating quickly. This fear choked her, and she trembled: "I said, I ask you to stop, don't fight anymore."

"Ajiujin, did you think there was someone else interceding for you?" The man holding the steel pipe kicked Ajiujin, but the latter had no response at all.

"You know him?"

"I... He saved me once in Tokyo."

"Save you? Haha, haha~ She said that Yajujin has saved people, which is so funny."

"Little sister, you must have confessed to the wrong person. Come, you'd better accompany us." After that, a few people were about to come forward to pull Chaoxiang.

"What are you doing?" Chaoxiang said in horror.

At this time, Ajiuzin on one side struggled to stand up. "Asshole, do you think this will get rid of me? A bunch of chores..."

"Can you still stand up?"

Several people walked away from Asaka's side, carrying steel pipes towards Ajiujin.

"Ajiuzin, we will make you completely finished today!"

"Please, don't fight." Asaka stood in front of Ajutsu.

"Hey, you woman, hurry up if you don't want to be unlucky, I don't even know you."

"Yo~ Yajiuzin, you really don't know Lianxiangxiyu, little sister, don't be angry, if you solve him in a while, we will accompany you well."

"Hurry up, don't get in the way here." Ajutsu pushed Asaka away and rushed to the scum...

"How about, Ajiujin, I can't get up now, let me see you off." A hideous man walked to Ajiujin and raised the tube in his hand high. "Ho ho, go to hell!"

"Don't..." Asaka pounced on Ajutsu without even thinking about it.

"Are you crazy?" At the moment the steel pipe fell, Akutsu turned over and blocked Asaka.

One drop, two drops, sticky ** was put on Chaoxiang's face, it was blood...

"You, you..." Ajujin turned and glared at them, his eyes terrifyingly terrifying, like an angry beast.

Ajutsu was hitting desperately, he had lost all the pain, and he waved his fist desperately...

At night, there was a slight chill, and the crowd on the street had faded, as if just after watching a scene, no one cared about the rest of the people.

Ajutsu stood there, panting heavily. Around him lay people who were still clamoring just now. In the quiet street, everything was so weird. However, for an instant, Akutsu fell down, and Asaka fell stupidly to one side and looked at the bloody scene. She was shocked and couldn't believe what she saw was true.

A long string of phone rings broke Chaoxiang's nightmare. She woke up and looked at the phone in her hand dumbly. It was from home. She didn't pick it up, but immediately sent Ajujin who fell on the ground to the hospital.

"Doctor, how is the patient?"

"He has a cracked right leg and received a heavy blow on the head. He must be kept in the hospital for observation. Let the nurse bandage your arm for you."

"Hey, mom."

After dressing the wound, Asaka dialed the phone at home, and Mrs. Komatsu's anxious voice came from the other end of the phone:

"Chaoxiang, you kid, it's so late, why don't you go home?"

"Mom, a friend of mine is in the hospital now, and I want to accompany him in the hospital..."

Mrs. Komatsu asked: "Friend? Is it the moon sound?"

"Huh? Hmm." Asaka replied vaguely.

"Well, then pay attention to your own safety."

"I know mom."

Komatsu House.

Mr. Komatsu took off his glasses and asked, "How about Asaka?"

Mrs. Komatsu: "She said she would accompany the child with the moon sound in the hospital."

"Let me just say, our daughter is so good, she won't run around."

"But husband, didn't the kid Yueyin go to Tokyo?"

"Oh, I must be back on the weekend. What should I worry about? Besides, Chaoxiang also called back."

Early in the morning, the sun shone on Ajujin's face repeatedly, and he woke up.

"Where is this?" Akujin rubbed his sore head and looked at the surrounding environment, "Huh, it turned out to be a hospital. Huh? This person is... the girl yesterday?"

Ajiuzin never understood why the girl in front of him came to take care of her own affairs, "I said something like I saved her. It's inexplicable. How could Ajiuzin do that kind of stupid thing."

Although he said so, he couldn't help but observe the girl who was lying on him sleeping.

"Cut~ Look at her, she should be the kind of very good girl, how can she have anything to do with me."

"Hmm..." Chaoxiang opened her eyes in a daze, and found that someone was looking at her, and immediately woke up.

"Are you awake?" Asaka said happily.

"..." Ajiujin looked away and said nothing.

"Akutsu..." Asaka yelled softly, and Akutsu turned to look at her.

"I found the student ID in your wallet."

"..." There was no answer, and the two continued to stare at each other

"Um... because the hospital has to register, so I..."


"Um... I'm going to buy breakfast." After saying that, Chao Xiang escaped from the ward.

"Oh! It's really depressing, there is nothing to say, but I can't leave him here alone. I will help him contact his family in a while." Chaoxiang muttered to herself as she walked out.

After Asaka went out, Akutsu also felt strange that she was very unhappy. "Women are really difficult to deal with, just like my mother, if you let her know... she should cry again!" Thinking of Yuuki's possible reaction, Akuzu was a little sad. She didn't go back all night, she was sure I will worry about it. New 81 Chinese website update the fastest computer terminal: https:// www.@x81zw

"Are these okay? I don't know what you like to eat, just buy them."

"Thank you." Ajiujin said with a blank expression and not much sincerity.

"No, nothing, you are welcome."

"Your arm..." Ajutsu glanced at the white gauze inside Asaka's sleeve.

"I'm okay. By the way, can you give me your home phone number? I want to help you contact your family."

"Jen!" Akuzu Yuuki rushed into the ward, "Why, how could you hurt like this?" Tears flowed out as he said.

"Auntie." Chaoxiang changed with embarrassment.

Yuuki raised her head with tears in her eyes. She looked at the girl in front of her, "You are, are you the one who called me?"

"Yeah." Chaoxiang nodded.

"Thank you so much, may I ask if you are..."

Only then did Asaka remember that she was a bit rude, and even forgot to introduce herself, "Oh, hello, this is Komatsu Asaka."

With a gentle smile on Yuuki's face, for some reason, she fell in love with the man who saved her son at a glance, "Hello, I am Akuzu Yuuki, Ren's mother."

"Since you are here, I will go back first." Chao wanted to pick up her bag. The ice cream in it had already melted, but she was still happy that she saved a person, a completely different and very special one. people.

This person used to help herself in Tokyo. At that time, she was waiting for Yueyin to meet after school. Some bad guys bullied her. Fortunately, he was beaten away, although he no longer remembers. But Asaka would not forget, and he also remembered his name-Ajiu Jinren.

"Jen, don't fight anymore..." Yuuki cried again.

"Don't cry, I'm fine!"

Looking at the mother and son, Asaka slowly exited the room.

"Although Yajujin's tone is fierce, but the look in his mother's eyes is very gentle." As Xiang walked home, she thought this way. "What a strange person."