Net King's Youth Memoirs

Chapter 78: Declaration of love


"Hello? Yueyin, won't you come to my house today?" As soon as I picked up the phone, I heard Reiko asked urgently on the other end.


"But today we have to dress up at the ball. My sister has agreed to be our stylist. Come here. She is very good at this." The full text of the article is the fastest んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ .còм/

"I'm sorry, Reiko, my uncle has already asked someone to come and help me. I wanted to call you over."

"Well, that's okay, we can only see you at school."

"Well, you and Yongmei must dress beautifully."

"No problem, so are you, Bye!"

Today is a special day for the entire Bingdi Junior High School, but I think it's just too much praise from everyone, but a gorgeous performance, a display of their respective wealth. The protagonist is just a third-year student who is about to move to the nearby high school. What is the meaning of this dance party, I am afraid even they don't know.

If in an ordinary school, the day when third-year students leave school should be very meaningful. I suddenly thought that when my brother graduated, what would they do for a traditional school like Qingxue

Lying in ** thinking wildly, waiting for time to run away.

Am I wasting my time? I will graduate next year, and I will graduate from high school in the future. There will be a university later. What is my goal in life and what should I do? So many questions flooded into my mind at once, making me upset. Things like sending off the old comrades still have an impact on me. I feel a little unstable. I have to adjust.

I thought about some other things that I didn't. After a while, my eyelids were heavy, and I fell asleep.

"Moon sound, moon sound..."

Rubbing my eyes, I got up, "Uncle, is the time coming?"

"Well, go wash and prepare your face."

"Okay." He walked into the bathroom in a daze.

When I was pushed onto the chair to receive the full package, I felt that I was suffering alive, and the thought of running away was very strong. I was helpless. Since my uncle paid the money, I had no choice but to bear it.

"Yueyin, what time will the trace department come to pick you up?"

"Why did my uncle mention him? The dance partner of the senior director of the sect should be a third-year senior sister, right?"

"Really, I thought it would be him." Uncle showed a surprised look, and then returned to normal. "Who is Yueyin's dancing partner?"

"It's Huadi, we've made an appointment to see you at school." In the end, we didn't decide the time anymore, Huadi shouldn't forget it, "Uncle, what's the matter with you?"

"No, nothing, that uncle will send you to school."

"No, I finally have a holiday. Uncle has a good rest at home. You will come to pick me up. I will take her car. Don't worry." She threatened to pick me up in her father's best car. , In her own words, "No need for nothing," I didn't believe it at first, but she said she had a way. Who knows what she will sit to pick up, it's just a little ball at the school, she doesn't want to do it like she meets the president.

When I stood in front of the mirror and saw myself again, I was in a trance for a while. Is the person inside me? The off-white silk dress, the skirt is knee-length, the shoulders and the bottom of the skirt are lined with white veil, and the waist is a white crystal belt that matches the jewelry. My hair was wrapped around my head and bound with a hairpin with a large white crystal. It contrasted with the other hair accessories around me, and I felt a kind of hazy beauty. Whether it is drop-shaped earrings, collars, or heavy bracelets on the wrists, the main material is white crystal. Although I don't know jewelry, I think it is of high quality and crystal clear.

Looking at myself like this, I don't know what words to use to describe it. It is completely different from me wearing a kimono, like being in another world.

"Miss, your shoes."

"Thank you." Looking down, it is a pair of crystal shoes. Although it is not made of crystal, it looks like'Cinderella's crystal shoes'. I should be like a princess tonight, thinking sweetly in my heart. .

"Yueyin, it's time to go, your friend has already arrived."

"Yeah." I turned to look at my uncle.

"It's so beautiful. Tonight, Yueyin must be the most beautiful princess." I smiled happily, dressing up for myself today. In any case, as a girl, I also have a little vanity. It is indeed a pleasure to be praised.

"I am leaving."

"Wait, forget this." Uncle wrapped a piece of white yarn around my waist and between my arms.

Everything was in order, I went out cautiously, because I still couldn't fully adapt to high heels, I walked very slowly.

The cold wind at night made me shudder. Only then did I realize that it was late autumn and my confused mind suddenly became sober. I looked up again, and the pure white elongated Lincoln in front of me surprised me.

"Come up soon, it's cold."

The driver opened the door, and I hurriedly hid inside. It was really warm inside, "You are too exaggerated!" Wouldn't it be too conspicuous to drive into the school like this


"What's the matter?" I found her looking at me intently.

"you are pretty!"

"Thank you, so are you~" Tonight Yu is wearing a silver-blue dress with sapphire jewelry, her hair is on the right, and a strand of blue silk hangs casually on her left shoulder. Cinderella with magic."

"I'm talking nonsense again, you... you are the real princess!" You looked at me sincerely, with such a certain tone.

"So are you." You smiled, faintly, like a watery lily, innocent and kind.

Then, a sly flicker flashed in her eyes, "I told him to go to the prom with you, and he was so happy that he used the car for me without saying a word." I know Yu said that'he' is her father." Look, let the woman give me this."

"What a beautiful sapphire ring!"

"Do you like it? Here you are!" she said, about to take it off.

"What are you doing, take it quickly, it's very beautiful, and it fits you well, it should be regarded as the fruit of your victory, take it well."

"Huh! I don't care about this!"

"Well, don't be upset, school is coming..."

When the car drove into the campus, there were already a lot of various luxury cars parked there, and the extended Lincoln was not special.

The weather outside was very cold. You and I ran up the long stairs quickly to the entrance of the banquet hall. The tall figure standing at the door is particularly obvious.

"Hua Di, have you waited a long time?"

Shook his head.

"Quickly go in, it's too cold outside." It feels warm when you enter it, and you don't feel cold at all. "By the way, Huadi, this is my good friend You. You, this is Huadi."

The two people looked at each other, and they knew each other.

"Yongmi and Reiko should be waiting for us, they didn't even see them."

"Who knows those two crazy girls!"

I smiled helplessly, "Did Huadi see them just now?"

Still shook his head, Huadi is even less talkative tonight. It suddenly occurred to me that Huadi actually went there on the night of the family banquet, but he didn’t come to say hello to us, he just followed his family closely, and the beautiful person closest to him should be his sister. At that time, Huadi's eyes on that beautiful shadow were full of dependence. His sister should be married, she couldn't help feeling a little bit sentimental for him.

"Don't worry, those two guys will be here in a while."

I nod to the advantages.

There is still some time before the official start, we stood not far from the entrance and waited for them to appear.

Inadvertently found out, "Hey, Huadi, your bow tie is crooked." I stepped forward, stood on my toes, and helped him straighten it.

Obviously felt the stiffness of Huadi, I looked at him, two blushes floated on his dark face. Was Huadi shy? He is actually quite cute and innocent.

"They are here."

Hearing Yu's voice, I turned around, the figure not far away, all handsome men and beautiful women!

It's just... Why is the person next to Yumi isn't Hiyoshi but Shiobe

I stepped on high-heeled shoes that were not suitable for me, and accompanied by a crisp sound, I stepped forward but unexpectedly they passed in front of me. Only Reiko glanced inadvertently, and suddenly stunned.

"Moon sound? Is it the moon sound?"

"Of course it's me!"

"It's Yueyin, I almost can't recognize it, haha~" Yongmei smiled and looked at me from head to toe.

"By the way, Yongmi, what about your brother, didn't you mean..."

"Ah? Uh, he, he found someone else..." Then, with a guilty conscience, I lowered my head, and I looked at Shioto who was standing by, they two...

"Cough~" Shiro turned his face and coughed pretentiously. I couldn't help but wonder, eyes wandering over these two people, things seemed a little strange.

Yongmei quickly looked up at me and muttered quietly, "Don't look again, I'm embarrassed."

"I just took a casual look, I didn't expect Yumi and Shido-senpai to be a good match."

"What are you talking about!" The two people blushed, like two tomatoes standing upright.

Compared with Yumi and Shido’s embarrassment, Reiko is much more calm. She stands with the tall and cute Chotaro and is very close, but at this time, one of these two people pretends to be silent, and the other is in a trance. .

"Nagataro, are you okay?" I put my hand in front of his eyes and shook it.

"Huh? I'm fine." Chotaro smiled shyly, and the refreshing smile did not cover the blush on both sides of his cheeks. "Did Sakura come alone?"

"No, they are over there, let's go over."

"Riko, I think Yueyin seems to doubt us, why didn't you just speak?"

"What do you want me to say, if you let her know, we are both miserable, but..."

"What are you two whispering." Why do I feel that Reiko and Yumi are sneaky, "Look, Yuwa is there."

"It's all right, Yueyin, why didn't you see the senior of the Department of Trace?"

"That's right, where's the senior of the trace department?"

"You two are really weird, why do I want to know where he is?" The two of them also asked the trail department. Seeing Yu, I suddenly remembered the last time she questioned Reiko and Yumi, "What the hell are you two doing? ?"

"No!" The two replied at the same time, as if I had wronged them.

"Better not, or I will..."

"Stop it!"

"What are you doing!" I looked at Reiko puzzled.

"Yueyin, please! Please pay attention to the good image, dressed up so beautifully, this is participating in a dance party!"

"Yeah, look at you and dare to threaten us!"

"I, how am I!"

"Alright, let's go." Reiko took Yumi and ran to the other side of Shido and Chotaro.

Am I fierce? What are you running? I won't do anything to them, or just ask.

"Funny finally passed, you still have a way, Reiko."

I don't know what Yongmi and Reiko murmured when they ran to the other side. I only saw the shyness in Yongmi's eyes when they talked to Shito, and there was a hint of understanding in my heart.

"Hey!" With a low voice, we turned our heads back. It was Hiyoshi. His expression in a suit is still so cool. Don't you be afraid to scare away the girls next to you? That was a sweet-looking girl who was looking at us with a smile at this time, with a faint dimple on her right cheek.

"Hello, I'm Tomoko Matsuura." Hiyoshi glanced back at her without introducing us.

"Hello."/"Hello." Only Me and Chotaro responded, but it was only limited to this, and then we will talk about each other.

"Nah? You..." Hiyoshi looked at me blankly.

"Why, you can't recognize me anymore. My usual appearance is really that bad?" I was a little funny, have I changed a lot, and how do they reflect each of them.

"No, it's not..." Hiyoshi was a little clumsy, it's really rare to see him like this, "I came here by myself?"

"I'm with Huadi." Then he looked at Huadi, who was standing alone quietly. Although he was tall and strong, if he didn't make a sound, it was really easy to be ignored.

Turning his head again, Hiyoshi's expression was strange, he was staring at Yumi fiercely, and Yumi returned his big eyeball. These brothers and sisters! I was feeling funny, and suddenly I felt someone cast a sharp look at me and looked around for the girl Hiyoshi had brought. Seeing me looking at her, she immediately retracted her gaze and squeezed out a smile, but she looked very ugly now.

"What are you looking at?" Hiyoshi asked me, and it seemed that he had finished making eye contact with Yumi.

"It's nothing."

The whole hall was like daylight under the illumination of the crystal chandeliers, and the crowd was surging under the dazzling white light, the clothes were neatly dressed, the colorful skirts were dancing, and it was a joyous scene.

There are people passing by from time to time, everyone is rushing in, and the party is about to begin.

"It's almost time. If you don't see Mibu and Yushi, why doesn't even Cilang appear? That guy won't be sleeping somewhere again, right?" Xiangri roared, he seemed to be particularly harsh on Cilang, always eager to catch His shortness is actually because he is bored. If Ci Lang is around, he might be able to argue with him.

I secretly glanced at Xiangri's dancing partner, who still looked like everyone else's lady, looking at Xiangri's eyes full of infatuation, not only her, but also the dancing partners of Fu and Riyy. Although seeing them makes my stomach very uncomfortable, I have to sigh the charm of the handsome guy.

Ok? Why does it seem that someone is tapping my shoulder, and I can't help turning my head back, seeing Cilang's enlarged face. "Ah!" I wanted to push him away, but Huadi had already picked him up a step ahead of me.

With his body hanging in the air, Ci Lang rubbed his eyes, "Are you Xiaoyin?"

"Yes, Cilang." I motioned to Hua to put him down. "Why are you here now?" I noticed his messy hair, probably as if Xiangri said he was hiding somewhere to sleep.

"I just fell asleep in the car."

"Don't grab your hair anymore." I knocked off his hand and helped him tidy up his hair. "Don't you have a partner? Don't leave them aside."

"She's here." Following Cilang's gaze, I saw a girl wearing a pink dress with a baby face that looked like a second grader, "She was the same year as me, calling, calling... I forgot!"

"I, I'm Nomoto!" The girl named Nomoto quickly lowered her head and blushed after she finished speaking.

"Hello, this is Sakura." I think Nomoto and Cirou are of the same type, they are both cute, and I like her very much.

"Ah!" A scream drew other people's eyes, "You are classmate Sakura!"

I nodded inexplicably.

"What's going on?" You came to me.

Yong Mei looked at a small animal and asked Reiko: "Is this girl pretty cute, isn't it?"

"is acceptable."

"It looks like she is in the third grade, which is our senior sister, Cilang's dancing partner." I pointed to Cilang on one side.

"No way." Yong Mei moved over and observed it carefully, "It's not like it!"

Despite being stared at by people around him for a long time, Nomoto seemed to be totally unaware, but smiled very innocently.

Looking at the innocent smile, I couldn't help but blurt out, "Is it very similar to someone?" Everyone looked at the dozinger and laughed. In the laughter, the lights slowly dimmed, and all the lights hit the high platform in the hall, and the audience was silent.

The prom officially began. The spotlight was positioned at the entrance of the hall, and three pairs of beautiful figures appeared.

I was surprised to find that the person who walked in the first place was the trace department. Behind him was Ninzu. The person behind Ninzu did not know him.

"You, who is that?" I asked softly.

"He is the head of the Kendo Department. At the beginning of the dance, the three most influential third-year seniors in the school will be selected to dance with their dancing partners."

The melodious music sounded, they both danced, and the crowd consciously surrounded them. Under the dim light, everyone was impeccable. They were like elves, and they showed their brilliance to their heart's content. I seemed to be fascinated by the sight in front of me, focusing on the dancing figure, unable to move my eyes at all.

After one song, I was still in a trance.

"Yueyin, Yueyin!" You tweeted me in a daze.

"What's wrong with you?" Reiko looked at me and asked.

"Nothing, I was probably fascinated by the beauty just now."

"I didn't expect Yueyin to have such a time." Yong Mei laughed at the side.

"Stop laughing at me there, don't you go dancing?" I looked around and everyone stayed where they were.

But Reiko looked at me with a very angry expression, "You should pay attention to the progress of the prom, and always ask questions that shouldn't be asked."

I don't know, so look at Yu, she should know. "The following is the performance time, and then free activities, which means that you can dance."

"I was just joining in the fun. If I figure out what I'm doing so clearly, just tell me."

"You, don't care about anything."

I stuck out my tongue, "Then I will have a snack when we graduate."

Reiko glanced at me angrily, "Don't say anything else, let's watch the show, it's a program of the Music Department, and their minister is the one who danced with the senior director of the Department of Music."

"Yueyin, look at it, it's the one who plays the piano." Yongmei pointed to me.

Too far away, I can't see her face clearly, but her silver curly hair is very eye-catching, which makes people imagine that her face is also very beautiful behind the hair. The person selected by the trace department should be worthy of him, and she must be a very beautiful and noble person who is sitting on it and immersed in music.

"It should be a very beautiful person."

"Of course, the Amenomiya-senpai above, Kondo-senpai, the head of the dance department that just started dancing, and Chiba-senpai, the head of the gymnastics department. The three of them are the most popular girls in the entire junior high school."

"Huh? They are so amazing, why have I never heard of it?" I really failed. They were about to graduate, and I knew that there were still many great people in the school.

"It's because you don't care about school matters too much, okay!"

"Well, Reiko, Yueyin has always been like this, look at it, it's a dance performance!"

If you read it right, the leader of the dancer will be the tolerant dance partner Kondo, sings and dances, flexibly twisting his waist, slender and beautiful legs, just a little bit underfoot, just like an enchanting fairy. She is totally in line with Ninzu's preferences, which is the type he likes, it is strange not to choose her.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but look around for those two figures, or are they enjoying the gorgeous performance of their dancing partners at this time

The performances arranged tonight are very exciting, and I feel that I have not come in vain. When the last performance was over, with the brisk melody, the hall was lighted up, the crowd dispersed, and the real dance party kicked off.

"Yumi." Shito blushed, and walked towards the dancing crowd holding Yong Mi's hand.

"What are they embarrassing about." I looked at Yu and said, and she shrugged to me. "Reiko, are you going to dance?"

"Since it's here, I'll go and join in the fun. Let's go, Chotaro."

"Okay." Chotaro looked at me and let Reiko take it away.

At the request of the female partner, Xiang Ri and Chang also joined them, although they were reluctant to do so, but they could only make it difficult. Only Hiyoshi was still there, and Matsuura next to him said it several times, but he didn't think he had heard the same.

"Don't go? Don't waste time if you have a partner."

"You are not the same." Hiyoshi said in a low voice.

"Of course it's not the same. Neither Huadi and I can dance. We are going to cheat and eat and drink here. It's very rude to invite someone now."

Hiyoshi looked back at Matsuura and stretched out his hand.

"Why nosy, I don't like that Matsuura Tomoko at all."

I don't like it either, but it's not a comfortable thing to enjoy her eye knife all the time. "Let's go, I don't know if the food is good or not."

The silver hair was pounding on the sides of her shoulders, she looked at the emperor-like person in front, and slowly walked to his side.

"What are you looking at?" Following his gaze, she saw a white and beautiful figure, the girl in the distance was smiling sweetly, and the corners of the people next to her were slightly raised. Smile. A fire of jealousy came to my heart, but she was just a little girl, how could she compare with my beauty. "Is it too much to admire another person's smile in front of me?" She still showed a noble and elegant smile, "Dance with me." As expected, she was not rejected, and it is impossible to be rejected. Reject, even the emperor of Ice Emperor is no exception.

"This strawberry cake looks very good, you think the strawberries are very big."

"Please, you haven't eaten it before."

"But I still like it!" I took a piece of the most beautiful one and put it on the plate, and the shortbread next to it was also good.

"I want too!" You thrown angrily over.

Cut ~ Who said I was here just now, but I don't care about her, at most I take a little bit ugly. "Do you want to eat Huadi?" I pointed to the dessert in front of me with the big clip in my hand.

Huadi shook his head silently, "Then you take what you like, don't be polite." I smiled towards Huadi, how can the food not be in a happy mood at present.

"It's almost there." You looked at me. We looked at each other's plates and decided to sit down and eat first. "Go to the table over there."

Unexpectedly, there came someone who I absolutely didn't want to see.

"Isn't this 榊? It's pretty today, why didn't the shabu be with you? I thought you were..." Asakura laughed, and his blood-red lips were particularly dazzling.

"That is your own misunderstanding."

"Really~ I shouldn't be dumped! Look at your appearance, how is she compared to Tiangong, she is much more beautiful than you, and her family's influence in the political world is beyond yours and ours."

"So what, you ugly woman!" Yu satirized Asakura unceremoniously. Although he is a senior, he lost his due respect long ago.

"What's up with you when I talk to Sakura!"

"Of course it's my business, don't you know that you are annoying?"

"You're really annoying!" It's really uncomfortable to be entangled with Asakura all the time, because she will come out to block you at any time. "let's go."

"Stop! This one next to you is not the follower of the Department of Traces? It looks dull and silly, shouldn't you find him to replace it. That's right, putting such an ugly person around can make you more beautiful, right

"Hurry up and apologize to Huadi!"

"Don't think about it!"

I was really irritated. If it wasn't for the environment, I would give Asakura a shoulder fall. Maybe it would make her feel better at home. But the actual situation...

Inexplicable quarrels can happen easily, but they are not so easy to end. If one party is always biting, or has aggressive behavior, then unpredictable consequences may occur. Who is more embarrassed? I do not know. Every time she confronts Asakura, she always loses, but she still provokes frequently. Maybe she feels that I will be vulnerable if I don’t have a trace tonight by my side

She tried to block the road again when I dodged her, but unfortunately knocked over the tray in my hand. The situation was much worse than last time.

Destined to draw attention again, what should we do now

"What's the situation?" You slapped your tongue, but seeing Asakura's appearance is a misfortune that cannot be hidden.

"Hurry up!"

So, I took Yu He Huadi to turn around and leave.

"Stop!" was discovered.

Turning around, it was a beautiful silver-haired woman with an angry expression on her face.

"You bullied someone, do you want to leave?"

"She seems to be talking to you." You touched me and put on an expression of'you can figure it out'.

Asakura glanced at the person behind him and started crying.

"This is a misunderstanding, I was not careful..." Although in this situation, I think I still need to explain.

"If you are not careful, you should apologize." I suppressed my unhappiness, and saw that the person behind her was actually the trace. Tiangong, the Minister of Music? Why don't they go to dance but to be nosy!

"Please don't make accusations without basis."

"Really? You are in the second grade. It's really impolite. You shouldn't behave like this to the senior. In fact, you did make another third-grade senior like this." Tiangong's manners are very good. Her reprimand seemed to be taken for granted, as if to a naive little girl.

She didn't say too much, I am basically not an irritable person, but I don't know why I am angry.

There are already a lot of people watching the excitement around, and the righteous words of decent ladies may be the most damaging, just like I am an unreasonable person.

"If you think you are offended, I can't help it, stop here." I resisted my anger and turned to leave.

"You should apologize, besides, this is a dance party for third-year graduates. How can you spoil it? If you mess around again, I think you should be invited out!"

I didn't look back, and walked straight forward.

"You..." Just about to give orders, someone seemed to stand in front of her. "Trace Department, are you going to stop me?"

"Your eldest lady's authority shouldn't be used on her." Tracebe is as cold as before.

"Why is it like this?" Tiangong's sad emotions as if being hurt look more moving

"Because my uncle doesn't allow it!"

"She is the vice president of the student union, maybe she can really let you out." Yu was a little worried.

"I can just go home."

There was only a fork in his hand, but the cake was gone, all was ruined by Asakura, and my heart was even more frustrated.

Suddenly, there was a big strawberry cake on the table in front of me. I looked up and found that it was Huadi. When did he get it.

"Thank you, Huadi, and, I'm sorry, just because I let you be told." I'm so sorry Huadi.

"It's okay." It was Huadi's voice, but it was still expressionless.

Looking at the bright strawberries, my mood improved. Forked one of the largest strawberries and put it in my mouth. It was really sweet.

"Let's dance with me." Shinzu stretched out his hand in front of me. How could he, a busy man, come and invite me

"You know I don't know how to dance, so go back to your beautiful partner."

Forbearance did not leave, the posture remained the same, "I came here specially, I will take you to dance and it's okay, don't you want to use this last opportunity to dance with senior me on this beautiful night?"

"It's just..." I looked at Huadi, I was his dancing partner, and it was not interesting to leave him here.

"Can you, Huadi?"

With Huadi's permission, I put my hand in the palm of Shinobu.

Compatible among the crowd, it is indeed a wonderful thing to turn your body with the music.

"Didn't you dance well?"

"You brought it well."

"Yu, you are really beautiful tonight, I regret not inviting you first as a force."

"These words are useless to me. You should keep them for those girls who will appreciate them." Although the sweet words that can not confuse me, I am still very happy to hear his praise.

"It's ruthless!"

The song ended, and when I went back, a table was already full.

"Also dance with me, okay? Take it as a souvenir for graduation." Chang sent me an invitation very sincerely, and I agreed.

Then it was Xiang Ri. His principle was that others should jump as well, so he took me and left. Unexpectedly, he was as lively as he felt sadness of parting. He told me not to prepare food for Ci Lang alone, and I must prepare his food, and I also came to the high school as soon as possible. I agreed one by one.

Next, Hiyoshi also invited me to dance, and then Chotaro, although he was a little shy.

"Nagataro, can you invite Yu to dance for a while? I don't want her to sit there with me all night."

"Okay, but why do you ask me for help?"

"Because no one can refuse the gentle Chota Taro, no one else can do it, so please, okay?"

"Well, I promised you."

After we went back and rested for a while, Chotaro extended an invitation to Yu, Yu looked at me, I encouraged her to dance a dance, and then she accepted.

There were fewer dancing people, and I knew that the prom was coming to an end, but where was the track department throughout the night, I only saw him twice.

"The prom is about to end, right." Yong Mei asked while drinking the juice. Listening to her tone, she was a little bit reluctant, and she must be having a great time tonight.

"If there are no special events, it should be over, and I want to go home." Reiko must be tired, and many people invited her to dance tonight. This guy is very popular. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

"Really? It's just a pity..." Renzu didn't finish speaking, and the lights in the audience went out all at once, except for a beam of light in the field. "Finally acted?"

Someone came slowly in the darkness. When he appeared under the light, there was a scream from the silent hall again. He didn't stop, and walked forward until... In front of me

"Trace Department?" His eyes burned, as if he wanted to see through, I had never seen such an expression.

With a snap of his fingers, the music played again, and his hand stretched out in front of me.

Just staring blankly at the big palm that stretched out towards me, I don't know how to react, is what happened before my eyes real or dream

"Don't reject me anymore." The simple words shook my heart and unconsciously put my hand into his palm. Let him lead and lead me to the spotlight.

The body is beating with the music, but it seems that it is no longer myself, everything is so unconscious.

"I wanted to ask you to be my dance partner, but you chose Huadi."

"… "Have it? When did he invite me

"You are beautiful, really!"

"..." There was an inexplicable excitement in my heart.

"Seeing your smile to other people tonight, I am very angry!"


"So, I decided..." He leaned into my ear, "I have been waiting for you for too long. From now on, this uncle will use his own way. One day you will accept me!"

"..." There was a charming smile on his lips, and his deep eyes seemed to draw me in.

"You say so, my beautiful princess..."

This warm feeling, the feeling of covering my lips, once again in full view, I lost my first kiss!

The sky is spinning, I can’t breathe, nor can I think, only his words are still echoing in my ears...

In the days to come, Rubu did what it said and did it. My life was completely disrupted by him, and the emotional turmoil was approaching, but my heart...

End of junior high school