Never Thought You’d Be This Kind of Hero!

Chapter 116: Randall


The two families in Baihe Town held the wedding at the same time. This was also because Anna's sister-in-law brought a piece of news from Neil City five or six days ago, saying that the only son of the city lord of Neil City had reached the age of a beauty pageant to find a wife, not only the girls from Neil City They are among the candidates, and unmarried young girls from surrounding towns are also expected to participate. The lord of Neil City has been acting absurdly in recent years. He comes from the first-class Norbi family in the empire, and he also has high attainments in business.

He managed the city of Neil very rich, and the city reserve was extremely rich, but at the same time, the gap between the rich and the poor was also large, at least among the large cities in the center of the Golden Banner Empire.

Of course, compared with the small cities in the outlying areas, Neal City is quite suitable.

Baihe Town is even richer than the Golden Orchard Village where Xu Jun once visited, so although the people here have some complaints, they are not very dissatisfied with the status quo.

Most people think it's enough to survive.

For example, this time, the son of the city lord is only going to get married, and he will have a "beauty pageant" with great fanfare... Let's not talk about the authenticity of this matter, because the world on the surface respects monogamy, and it is impossible for the superior to have a bunch of concubines. , at most, they have frequent cheating after a political association with a family that can help. To say that the city lord of Neil City, who came from the Norbi family, wanted to choose a wife from a commoner for his son, it would be a disease of his mind.

Therefore, in Xu Jun's view, the people of Neil City can unite to hold a parade or petition to publicize this matter. A city lord who is not an emperor, to actually do this kind of thing in the country, his ambition is obvious. After the people above know it, they will definitely investigate the city lord of Nier City and even the Norbi family. No matter what it is, it will be easy to handle. .

As long as the IQs of the Norbi family are still online, they will not want to take the blame for themselves. It is estimated that they are looking for someone to live and some organization to bear the crime. What city owner does not know about this? The city owner is innocent. His name does bad things, everyone is happy.

But that's what he thinks, these commoners... don't think so _(:зゝ∠)_

Now this world Xu Jun was originally in a different world. There is very little education for civilians, and there is no such thing as nine-year compulsory education, five-year college entrance examination and three-year simulation. Most civilians have a very simple understanding of the world, and those who have a little knowledge are businessmen, low- and intermediate-level warriors, and so on. Yes, but they also have their own class, not the same as the common people.

In short, warriors have their own associations, war castles, mage towers, mercenary guilds, adventurers guilds, and even killer guilds can all have a certain unity effect. Merchants also have their own associations, and civilians... they have nothing.

They have a power that they cannot control, and it is difficult for them to have a hero who leads everyone. Therefore, it is really difficult for the commoners in this world to stand out.

It is said that there is a city in the north. Three hundred years ago, there was a particularly bloody and violent city owner. The city owner had a paranoid and perverted pursuit of art. He asked the guards to kill virgins and paint with blood, which caused a lot of resentment, and finally a young adventurer whose fiancée was murdered assassinated the city lord and brought light to their city.

What about the rest? What about other parents and siblings whose daughters were brutally murdered

Like a flock of lambs, they know that the world is not fair and that there are wicked people who are bullying them, but they can't do anything except scream twice.

There are only two unmarried girls who have turned 16 in Baihe Town, Anna and Jeunesse. They have been engaged before, but they have not decided on the date of their official marriage. This incident happened in Neil City... Instead, it promoted their respective marriages_ (:зゝ∠)_

Xu Jun felt very tired, especially when he entered the town and was surrounded by many big girls, little daughters-in-law, young men, and old men, he even felt that it was easy to touch the mother's eggs alone.

"Geer, are you married?" He bought a low-quality straw-wrapped cigarette from a small town department store. Xu Jun lit it but didn't smoke it, but put it between his fingers to pretend. The knight commanders sat together on the ridge, and the two of them couldn't help feeling melancholy when they looked at the beaming masses of Baihe Town.

… What's even more melancholy is that the other young knights have no professional ethics at all, and there is no awareness that "the Light God Cult advocates abstinence and we as believers must respond to the call", these little bastards actually go to the tavern to rub shoulders Wine went.

The wedding is going to be held tomorrow, but the people here are more forthright, and they have to drink wine for several days before and after the wedding. Xu Jun thinks this is just because the uncles and aunts are bored and want to find an excuse to drink.

The uncles and aunts did invite them at the beginning, but they did not dare to invite the holy knights who looked serious and serious, but in the end, Xu Jun, as a single dog, had a very complicated mood and did not go, but the knights all ran away. .

… Not only that, it seems that even the silver knights under the seventh elder couldn’t hold back, so Pidianpidian joined in.

It is estimated that the seventh elder, Lekin Zucker, is the person with the most broken heart.

Knight Commander Gore was greatly influenced by the environment, and he couldn't help thinking that before he became a Knight Commander, he once had a wife from a second-rate family. Later, because he had not been promoted for a long time, his wife couldn't see him and divorced. "Marriage and love are completely different," Knight Commander Gal's expression at this moment was similar to that of any male with low emotional intelligence in the world: "We met in the church, she is also a believer, and once thought about it When I became a nun, at that time I was a silver knight, and I wasn’t very smart and didn’t know how to find a way, so she didn’t dislike me at that time.”

There was only a wry smile left.

Xu Jun also sympathizes with him. Although he has been single since he was a child, he has never had a girlfriend, but sometimes... it is better to be single all the time than to have a partner but eventually separated for various reasons.

At least the former has been around for a long time, and I am used to QAQ

Knight Commander Gal's chatterbox is not ready to be closed when it is opened: "But when the God of Light closes a door, he will open a window. Three years later, I was wounded on the Orc battlefield in the northern battlefield, and I met a local A female medical officer, she was mainly responsible for taking care of me, and we developed a deep relationship after that..."

"I proposed to her two years ago, and now she is studying at the medical school in the Holy City, and she should graduate next year."

Xu Jun: "..."

He looked at Knight Commander Gale's happy expression, and suddenly felt that he was a big idiot who was sympathetic to him just now!

-Do people need your sympathy? People have had two relationships! They are old drivers! ! !

The heart-stuck brave man said "tsk", put out the cigarette butt, turned around and left. Knight Commander Geer was not sure why, so he waved behind him: "Don't go! Let's go get a bottle of wine and continue talking!"

Xu Jun didn't turn his head back: "Stop chatting! Deceiving my feelings!"

He walked to the secluded place in the village, and then raised his head and glanced in the direction of the bone bird, thinking in his heart that the person in this world who is harder than him is probably Prince Ryan. He's only been single for more than 20 years. What is it? Handsome, handsome, romantic, suave, Prince Ryan, who should be a winner in life when he was born, has been single for 40 or 50 years! In the first 20 years, I didn't have time to fall in love because of the light of the gods will like him.

After that, let's re-enter the throne of the demon king, and it is also a tight hesitation between revenge and cleaning up the army's disorganized subordinates, so there is still time to talk about the object

Just this kind of consciousness and this quality, I don't know how much higher than the Xueba of the high school where Xu Jun banned puppy love in his previous life.

But on second thought... I haven't talked about it since I was reborn. Maybe my emotional experience was actually very rich in that long time tens of thousands of years ago

Immediately it became more frustrating.

At the same time, Luo Xienke saw Xu Jun's bitter expression through the crystal ball. At first, he felt Coke in his heart, thinking that none of the girls in Baihe Town that you talked about before, like you now. Then he frowned: Is Xu Jun so sad because the two girls from Baihe Town got married? So how deep will their previous relationship be

Fortunately, things are irreversible...

If it wasn't for being too far away, his identity would be wrong, and Luo Xienke would have asked the lord of the abyss to give gifts to the two girls in Baihe Town.

Thank you so much!

The wedding was greeted with laughter and laughter, and the next day, the two newlyweds put on their gowns and walked through the door made of garlands. The villagers, the knights of the Light God Sect and the members of Xu Jun's team were also very happy. Lance was also arranged to be a flower girl because of his good looks. Although he was a little older, he was handsome after all. It's a good idea to show up on this occasion.

There are also young villagers crying. Anna and Jeunesse were goddess-level girls in Baihe Town, so they were married by other men.

The wailing of the bachelors was earth-shattering.

Xu Jun didn't bother going to the pub with these guys for a single drink. He just asked for another cigarette, and instead of smoking, he lit it between his fingers, thinking that maybe this is the end, maybe he I can't find anything in my life.

- Demon Lord Rosienke sneezed suddenly.

The little holy knight who went to Neil City to inquire about the news came back the next night. Against the background of the horrified expressions that the seventh elder and his guardian knight could not hide, they shared the news and what they saw. Wen told Knight Commander Geer: "There is a rumor in the city of Neil about the beauty pageant of the city lord's son. If you follow the rumor, you can find that this rumor has something to do with a dark religious den in the city."

Knight Commander Geer: "What is the attitude of the city lord of Neil?"

Little Knight: "The Lord of the City is also getting older, and his control over Neil City is not as strict as in previous years. Maybe he doesn't know it."

Although the words are euphemistic, but the point is also out. To say that the city lord of Neil City is too old to even hold a cult den, that is fart, even the most evil demon will blush when he tells such a lie. The city lord of Neil City is only forty-five years old this year, and the evaluation he received at the Imperial Debriefing Conference last year was still "strict self-discipline, diligent and capable".

"That cult just preached the teachings of the Dark God? Do they have any other activities?" asked Knight Commander Gore.

The little knight showed admiration and thought that he was the boss: "It is said that the trafficking of people in the city and the opening of casinos... are also related to them, but I have not found any direct evidence."

No evidence was found, but there was "supposedly". Knight Commander Geer still knows a lot about his soldiers. He brought these children out one by one. There is no problem with morality, and they will never talk nonsense for the sake of greed. Since there is this rumor, then the authenticity will be 60%.

The cult does not concentrate on cult propaganda, but instead engages in dirty business, which generates profits. If the cult leader was a little smarter, he would know that he needed a backer. In Neil City, who is more suitable to be a backstage supporter than the Lord of the City

In particular, human trafficking, combined with the rumors of the city owner's son's beauty pageant, makes it impossible not to think about it.

"Sir Seventh Elder, on your way from the Holy City to Montama City, did you pass through Neal City? Did you notice anything unusual at that time?"

The seventh elder's tongue was dry, and he... murmured speechless.

As far as acting and psychological quality are concerned, why don't you do bad things and be a salted fish? - Xu Jun watched the whole process, and there were too many slots.

As a result, I only attended the wedding in Baihe Town, and left for the Holy City on the morning of the third day.

Neil City is also only five days away from the Holy City. Knight Commander Geer led people into the city of Neal in a very low-key manner, and then very low-keyly took care of the cult den one night. The "high-level" inside was escorted to the Holy City by him. The other small fish and shrimp did not move. It's because they can't turn the water, and the second is that they can catch big fish with small people.

The Light God Cult is about to usher in a big blood change.

These have nothing to do with Xu Jun. After entering the holy city of Randall, he learned that his deeds in Mondama City had been publicized for some reason. Awarded a "Honor Golden Knight" medal, and the Golden Banner Empire will reward him with a small villa, in the city center of Randall.

So Xu Jun was inexplicably unable to settle down after working hard for three years... Got a house within the second ring road of the capital

What the fuck? !

On the same day, he met Dannister. Lord Saint Son was the same as before. In the public, he was dignified, steady and generous. When he was alone with Xu Jun, he was like a child.

"QAQ Xu Jun, don't worry, I won't let you be tied to Randall like this..." Danister was crying with snot and tears.

Xu Jun was surprised: "Wait... why are you crying? I'm not wronged? This is a house on the second ring road of the Holy City! Do you want me to speculate in the future, hahahahaha!"

After a while of chicken and duck talking, Danister was even more sad. Ah, in order not to make him sad, Xu Jun even said corrupt words like "Is it better for me to simply fry my house or go directly into the real estate industry"! This is why! This is a strong smile! Xu Jun, such an upright brave man, was forced to say this! Our light gods are sorry for him!

Xu Jun thought of some economic knowledge he had learned in high school politics class in his previous life, how many people saw opportunities but few seized them. He knew that in his original world, there was a real estate speculation fever a long time ago! As far as the broken place in their orphanage was, there was a high price of ten thousand yuan per square meter!

Baby's current house is within the second ring road of Randall, the holy city! Within the second ring! It is only three kilometers away from the Imperial Palace, and only two kilometers away from the Cathedral of the God of Light!

Baby this life! It's worth it! ! !